
DARBYS PROPHÏLACTIC FLUID. A . ,.:.!.! Art Ido for Universal t V. mily Use. '&L$ Por Scarlet an.l Üradicates Tyia i-evers, U UJJ.UIU..J HDiphtherla, Salifí-A? APTA jvation, Ulccrated iBAbaJALb. sorcTliroat,Small iöiiSSRSBBSHS B !- Measle, mul all ContogiOQB Difieases. Persons waiungon the Sick should use it freely. Scarlet Kever has ¦.. ver been known 10 spread where the Fluid was lis. Ycllo-.v Fever has been cured with it af i er black vomit had taken pkice. The worst i ofDiphtheria yield to it. SMAI.L-FOX i;ons rcfreshcd and ' and Bed Sotfe P1TTINU of Small ril by bathing with pox PKKVKNTKO iSSRÏTlr ade ., AmeofmfcaJ harralcss nnd purified. p ,V " i Í", ' For Sore Throat it is a ï?1 Vsc1 thc surecurc. Fluid the patiënt was Contagión festrnyed. "g f' in0"s' "V1"' C'hilblains, Piles, ü house pin lo Ares Kl.eumitism curcd. l!:d " =1 ; P" Soft White . i'.„i'i1..iJi iolïs secured by its use. HÉVBBBfiBBBSBIg Ship Fever prevented. B m L To purify tlie Breath, g BiüntllSÏ'ia the Teetli, B "F' g it can't be surpassed. . „l.J ¦ Oatarrh ivligvcd ar.d H i ieVeiltOl. H Krysipclas curcd. KlSEKsjflBBÍHMÍH9 Burng relie ved inttantiy. The physicians here Scavs prevented. use D:lrbys FUJ very onycd. successfully in the treaT Wouiidshealedrapidly. ; mentof jJiphtheria. Scuvvy curcd A Stollbmwekck, Aa Antidote for Animal ¦ Grtensboro, Abt. er Vegetable PoisODSj Stings, etc. Tetter dried up. I usèd the Fluid durin" Cliolera prevented. cur present affliction with I Cljrs purified and Scarkt Fcver with ! liealed. ililcd advantage. It is ' Iu casesof Death it ü. ispensable to the shoulil be used about room.- Wm. F. 'he cc.rpse - it II k.hd, Eyrie, Ala. prevent any unpleasIScarlet Fever 1 IS'S.13 I York, says: "I am Ü rinVAf 1 i convinced Prof. Darbys WU1VU. m i prüphyiactic Fluid s a Ibbbmh I valuablc disiiifcctant." VanderbUt University, Naslivllle, Toiin. 1 testify to tlie mot excellent qualitics of Prof. ;s Prophylactic Fluid. As a dibinfectant and deterent it is both tlicoretically and practically ¦r to :ay pnparatioa witli wjiich I am acquainted. - N. 'Í'. Lupton, Prof. ChemUtry. Iítrbys Fluid is Keeommemïert hy Hon. Alexandf.ií H. Stephekí, of Georgia; Rcv. Chas. F. Debhs, D.U., Church of thc Str;ugers, N. Y.; Tos. LeConte, Columbia, Pruf, University , S.C. K .-. A. J. Battlk, Prof., Mercer University; Rev. Geo. F., Bishop H. E. Church. IXDI8PENSABLK TO EVEY KO3IK. Perfectly harmlcss, CJsed iiuernaiïy or externally for Man or Reast. The Fluid has b wn thorougbJy testad, and we have abundant eVidence that it has 3 me everjthing li'.r : claimed. Fir fuller ínformaüoti sst iJï youi Druggist a pamphlet or seod to the proprictov, J. H. ZK1JLÏX & CO., Manufacturing Chemiats, PI 1 1 LADELPHIA BUSINESS CARDS. WïLLIAM BIGGS, BUI LD ER. COBMEB CHURCH AMI ÜÜLEAJiSST. Adr Arbor. PRIVATE TÜTORING 1 (Ut - C0H1IE PREi'ïATORY WORK. mUfïBENCBSi-PrM A uil, Pnt Olnoy, Frlez9 tfVoge, l'.iMio aii'l !ij.v. Clias. i'.v.Lourrey A-M. Eoaidonco. 19 OrloanB St. í&r ÏLLÏA.M V. NUj'll O I -S ÈÈ i Eivrrisrr! %(!iS$F Ilp.3 HeiriOTeü To lila NEW DENTAL ROOMS Orer Joe I. Jacob1 5S3tf W. H. JACKSON, iE3irnísrjr, OFFICE: Over Bách & Abel's. Hntrunue by VlTtt National Kzink. 7J2tf WILLIAM HERZ, TIouso, Slgn, Ornamental nnd FRESCO PAINTER. PtiportnR, Ülnzlng, GilíTníf, and C&loimlnUiff and wirk of every dencrlptton dine In tho brt stylo. and warrantcd to ve satisfiict'on. SH0r,N0.4 WB8T WASHINGTON ST. Ann Arbir. .Mlci.lain. f 36t THE AN.H rtUBU Savlngs Bank, .J.v.v dUBOB, Mliiilt: .i.v. Traasacts Giaeral BaokiHg Ilusinoss. CAPITAL, 850,000. OfganlKd undpr the General UankliiK Uw of Ihl ftu'o ih ¦tockboldon nre Indivldually liable ior au addniuii il uiiKiuTit oqual to thc itnck held b? then l ih.-reSycrea-ing n uarauteo Funcl for the ben-.fltof üepositorjuf S1OO,OOO„OO. Three per cent. interest is aiiirwed on all iaTCn Iislta of ono dollnr and upwards, &c corulns to tho rales ot tho iïank and Interest com poimde'l 8e:ni-annvmlly Money to Loan on unIncuuibered rail estáte nnd oiher tjood securlty. Dihf.ctohs CLrlstian Mack, W. W. Wines, U. A. Baal, Wlliimu lleubel. V1 Ham I). Harriman Iaciel Hijcoo.k, ;md Willari li. Smlth, OFFICERS. Mack, Pro W.W. Wines, Vlce-Frt (JBA3 'S HiacoCK, Camier. [916S6(
William W. Nichols Dentistry
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William Biggs Builder
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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
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Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
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