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The following are tlie land sales lor the past two weeks: M. L. Shatts et al to Anna E. George, Ypsilanti, lot ? ü Chas. Graspel to W. V. Roy al, 40 acres, Augusta ]i31u Jas. B. Amus, Jr., to O. D. Lamphier, 30 acres, Webster 2.4' M. Oalty to Fred.W. Hoft, lOacres.Lodl 930 Patk. Maloney to C. Canfleld, 10 acros, L.yndon s" Jas. G. Raymond to M. L. Raymond, 12 aores, Sylvau 300 David O. Rose to Wm. H. Parker et al, 140 acres, Sharon J.000 Ueo. Hpiegelberg et al to E. O. Beek, 120 acres, Dexter o,Jm Jno. Moehu to Frederlck Schiel.SO acres Manchester ;M0O Wm. larvls to D. L. Qulrk, city lot, Ypsllanti "0 Win. Jarvlsto D. H. & S. W. K. R.,clty lot, Ypsllantl ., 650 Rob. H. Hemphler to O. A. Alnsworth, city lot, Ypsllantt 2,500 Henry VanVoorhles to Wm.T. Manley, 132 acres, Salem o.oOO James Hogan to George Mery, 87 acres, Bridgewater 5,500 E. N. Jb J. B. Skinner to Richard C. Dalsou, city lot, Ypsilanti 585 Don. C. Bachelder to Elizabeth A. Lee, city lot, Ypsllantl 1,000 Jno. Schaible, 8r. to John Schaible, Jr., 10 acres, Lodl 660 Jno. Schalble to Emauuel Frey, 100 ocres, Lodi _ S50 Mlttie N. O'Nell to Jno. W.Esele, farm, sec. it), Sharou 4,700 Jno. W. Esele to Frederlck Schaible, 20 acres, Sharon _ 1,600 Jno. G. Zahn, Jr. to John W. Meyer, 40 acres, Lodi 2,000 A. E. Bullock to Chas. Alber, 80 acres, Salem f,000 Jno. Geo. Zjlm, Sr. to Jno. Geo. Zalm . Jr., 15 acres, Lodi 800 Jno. G. Rentz to Jno. Geo. Zahn, Jr., 100 acres, Lodi (,000 Sarah J. Winner et al to Mary A.Slimpson, Aun Arbor city proporty I ,'!00 G. W. Graf to Michael Goltz, f0 acres, Lodl 2,0ii Chas. H. WUmoii to ChaH. A. Mooie, vlllagelot, Mllau IliO M. . Bailey to Beu. N.Sinith, Sacies, Pittstteld. SKI F. H. Derbyshire to Jas. Gosgrove, 40 acres, Ypsilanli 2 100 Jacob Lermer to F. K. Oelking, city lol, Ann Arbor 350 Henry O. Philips to Jno. Schanfele, 200 acres, Dexter S.loo W. Philllp to Geo. K. Johuson, 40 acres, Ypsilanli 3-.50 Fred.Kurfers lo C'onrad Lehn, Manchester lot 2,S00 R. K. Ailes et at to Gottlleb Schnelder, ánt. in mili, Anu Arbor 3,2öl F. W. Cleveland to S.L.Shaw.Ypsilanti, lol 1,100 Chas. W. Kempf to J. J. Kempf, 40 acres, Plttsfleld 3,000