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Consuniptiou (in t!. Au ohl plij'sician, retirad from practico, lavtng had placed ín hle hands by au East [ndla DllHlonary the formula l asimple vegetable remedy tor the speedy and permanentcure tor Consumptlon, Bronchitis, Catarrli, Asthina and all throat and LuDg Affeotions, also a positive and radical cuih fot Xervous Debility and ill Nervous Complaints, after haviuji tested its wonrlerful curativo powen in thousands of cases, has feltit his dut}' tomake it known to his sufteriug.tcllow. Actuated by tbis motive and a desire to relieve human sufferinfr, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, tliis recipe, in Germán, French or Enjrlish, with rail directions tor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, Daming thie paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Foicer' Blucc, Rochester, N. Y. e ow. 1113-1138 o n. "Seventy berths in the ladles' cabin !" exclanned Forg, after hearing a description of the new Olil Colony steamer. "Greiit Scott! but there must have been a terrible sqtiall iibout that time !"' - Boston Transcript. Worthj of I'raisc As a mie we do not recouimend Patent Medicines, bnt whe'i we know of one that really is a pulilic benefactor, and does positivelj' cure, then we consider it our duty to impart that Information to all. Electric Hitlens are tiuly a most valuable medVfLue, and will surelv cure Billousneís, íetfi .,,u ..6m., UMjullmii, jivui „...i iiianey Complaints, even when all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and oan freely recomniend them to all.- Exch. Sold at lilty cents a bottle, by II .1. Jiro wn &. Co. The other night an amateur rize lichter was killed by a mulé, in FayettevTlle, Arkansas. Barnnin wants the mille, bnt the people of the town are to part with him - Arkansaw Traveler. W Makeyourold thingslook like ncw by using the Diamond Dyaa, and you will be happy. Any of the fashiomible eolors for 10 cents. Bncklen's Árnica Salvo. The best Salve in the world for Cnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Balt Rtieum. Fever bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chüblams Corns, and all Skin Eruptions. and hosltively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refund ed Price 25 cents per box. Por sale by Eberbach &8on. 1106-1150. Seventeen thoimnd natnes were added to the pension rolls this last vear lt is dfsIbleT Ut ' fin(1 nt tllit you w"e Pün-Srmptomg and Cure. The symptonis are moisture like pers p.ration, intense itching, tacreased by cratchiDg. very listreS3inr, particularlv at nteht, seenis as if pin-worma were cnuvlmgin and abont the reetum tl o P uvate parts are sometimea aflfected If allowed to continue serious resulte may ant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itcl silt rheum, scald head, eiyslpeW bWrW .tel. ,, all scal.crustysk ,ds. for tl % r y m,aÜ for 50 C(ints' :i boxes for 1.2 (,„ stamps). Address, Pr. b;D"y8t88on'Phiradiphia'p8ow coveríd h,1;""1,1"1'.1 PHra8Pber has dispants 'l g lnirS iS tlle seat ot' its "Buclmpaiba." Quiek complete cures all annoyina KKli.ey, Bladder and Urinary mJSSS 91. Drnjigist. m mL 5. c"arlD8 Patients and customnav w ",1!l"yof themare ableto P) ,.We are 2lad t0 iotorm our readew tht Maimctlc Medicine is sold at the ow pnce otoñe dollar a box, a qnantitv snffl cent to last over two ecks { e d thc" advertisement in another column slifc1"? T born 8llht' me antevé slightness, but mo8t men have alio-hta n„ "pon mem. ' l "Koiígli on Haís." Clears out rats, iniee roachM flu. "Mcn are but íorpy witnesaes In The rewoTi why someof the g tree t Umna Skinuy Men. Given Away.