University Items

The new Chronicle board will meet this i veek to effect ts organization for next emester. Welles Whitranre, lit, class of "75,!s ' gnged In the practlce of luw in Oakland, California. Prof. Morris lias returned from Baltimore, and will take np his classes in i osophy next semester. The a'.leged "trouble" aboard the Jeannette will be briefly and clearly explained by Lieut. Danenhowerat Uuiversity hall. The new secretary and steward, Mr. Wade and the treasuier, Mr. Soule, have n te red upon the dutiesof their respective j jositions. ' Snturdny night the freshnien had a ( leigh ride to Ypsilanti, where they were j ntertuined at the house of Mr. rew, one of their classtuates. Thomas Harria Turner, homeopathist langs out his shingle in Pinckney at "the rick," secoud Hoor. He is a gradúate at Ann Arbor, and student of II. C. Allen, M. D. - Livingston Hepublican. Prof. Harrington is receiving notices of he discovery of a new planet, and requests lo look for it. The weatber of late las been too unpropitious to enable any of the western astronomen to find the , tranger. The annual oratorical oontest between he literary societies of the law : ment will take place, March 7tli. The ieffersonian society haye elected the folowing contestaiits . Reader, John Darcy of Illinois; orator, Geo. S. Grimes of Minnesota ; senior debater, J. G. Diekema of klichigaii ; junior debater, Y. J. O'Connor of Penusylvania. The Webster society elected as Reader,, Mr. Baird; orator, Mr. vinne}' of the Sandwich lslands; senior debater, Mr. Gunderson of Minnesota; unior debater, Mr. Pachin. The judges of the contest have not yet been selected. We are very sorry to have to chronicle the death of Ralph Kuechler, oL the literary class of '84. It was sudden, for after an illness of only six days, on Saturday morning at 10:30, he died of acute peritonitis. Being au athlete of fine physical development, he was taken by almost the only disease iu which his strong censtitution could not avail hun. Of a bright and aleasant disposition, he was popular and ie will be greatly missed by his companions and friends. He lacked only tliree days of being 21. The services were held at the Zeta Psi house Monday forenoon, after which the remaius were followed to the depot by his classmates. Iï. D. Stevens, of the medical department, accompanied the body to the home of his parents in Aüstin, Texas. The society hop wiiich was given Friday night was a success as to attendance, music, supper, arrangements, deeorations, and all those things which go to make an enjoyable att'air. The Chrohicle of last week thus describes it: '-The f.ffair was recherche throughout, and showed great tast and judgement on the part of the management. The societies participating were the Chi Psi, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Sigma Phi, Zeta Psi and Beta Theta Pi. The deeorations were the most elegant that ever graced the hall, and arranged iu the most elabórate manner, each society liad two windows which were trimmed with their respective colors, the space between the windows being occupied with the escutcheon or monogram of the fraternity. The large central windows at the head of the hall were draped with the University colors. At the left, Delta Kappa Epsilon displayed her colors of blue, gold and cardinal. Between her windows was hang a silken bannerette of beautiful design, upon which was painted the letters of the fraternity. At the right were the windows of Zeta Psi, hung with scarlei and white, the intervening space being embellished by a triangular enibleni with heavy bronze moulding inclosing the monogram of the fraternity on old gold satin bordered with scarlet and white plush. The central windows on the uorth side of the hall were tastefully dressed with purple and gold- the rich colors of Chi Psi. Her emblem was of a beautiful purple background, upon which was embroidered a monogram in gold tinsel, with silver tinsel laurel wreaths at the right. The Beta Theta Pi windows were draped in pink and blue, and trimmed wiih holly. Her monogram was painted in the society colora on a black background with oak frame. The windows at the left of the Chi Psi were devoted to Sigma Phi, and hung with tapestry of light blue and white, presenting a pleasing appearance. Between the windows was suspended a maltese cross, in the center of which was a plush disc upon which the monogram was raised. The emblems were much tiner than those of any preceeding year. The canvass was bordered with several widths of carpet upon which was placed handsomely upholsterod divans and easy chairs, which, together with the drapery of the windows and the artistically arranged hangings of the gallery, gave a most pleasing and charming effect. The musicians' stand was handsomely decorated and placed in the ri-cess of the hall, thus giving a complete rectanglefor tl.e merry festivitiesof terpsichore. Among those present were Miss Maguire, Miss Curtenius, Miss Hinchman, Miss Robinson, Miss Brooks, Miss Meddaugh, and Miss Skinner, from Detro't; Miss Agnes Thompson, of Búllalo; Miss Cochran of Wheeling, W. Va.; Miss Westbrook, of Kalamazoo; Miss Skinner, of Battle Creek; Miss Hughart, of Grand Rapids; Miss Chaddock, of Muskegon; Miss Pierson, of Th ree Rivers; Miss Ramsdoll, of Manistee; Miss Angelí; Miss Knight, Miss Ashley, Miss Mack, Miss Hyde, Miss Rogers, Miss McClellan, Miss Burke, Miss Bessie Hunt, Miss Ora Thompson, Miss Hamilton and Miss Knowlton, f rom Ann Arbor; Messrs. Dey, Maguire, Taylor, Kumney and Grey, from Detroit; Bitner, Lewis, Robinson,Pettibone, Delos Thompson. Lyncli, I Marsh, Cbaddock, Sherman, Lufkin, ! bot, Mandell, Duffield, Ashley, Braee, Hughart, Grant, Moseley, Blaine, Black, Dunham, Parker, Cooley, Hills, D. K. Cochrane, Will White, N. D. Cochran, Pltkln, Wlnihlp, Forbes, and Balliuger, from th is city.
Ypsilanti Sentinel
Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance
Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad Company
The Webster Society
Robbins & Rathfon
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Y. J. O'Connor
Welles Whitmore
Thomas Harris Turner
Rev. Geo Wallace
Rev. E. H. Gray
Rev. D. W. Giberson
Ralph Kuechler
R. D. Stevens
Prof. Morris
Prof. Harrington
Orrin C. Burkhart
Mr. Walbridge
Mr. Wade
Mr. Soule
Mr. Pachin
Mr. McAndrew
Mr. Kinney
Mr. Higgins
Mr. Gunderson
Mr. Baird
Lieut. Danenhower
John Darcy
Jas. Cosgrove
J. G. Dickens
Iris Day
H. C. Allen M.D.
Geo. S. Grimes
Angelena Dancer