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To thosedesirin auytliing Gold, Silver, ¦r Nickel plated: we refer to the advertisement of Bromley's eleetro-plate works n tbis paper. Tliis establishment be;irs the highest renutalion. Tliirty-seven yenrs experience is suffioient to warrant ;beir work beiiif; done in the best nianaer. Theii referentes beur pioot' of this. Persons having second hand clotliingto Jonate to the poor, will eonfer a favor on ;he Ladies of the Chnritable Union by ending such artieles to Mre. D. S. Woodt, No. 68 Sonth Main street. (Vnn Aibor, Feb. 2, '83. A. IlEXMNG.Sec. 1129-1136. Swarne's Pilis- Comforting to the Si k. Thoussmlsdie from neglect to properly ;reat Impura blood, constipation, dyspeplia, malaria, appoplexy, liver, kidney, leart discases, dropsy, and rheuniatism. But to the debilitatud burdened with such lerious sicknes?, we conscientiously rec)inmend "Swayne's Pilis," whicli CORtaln nedicinal proporties possesed by no othr reraedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, jox of 30 pills; 5 boxes, $1, (in stamps). ddress Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Dru{iísts. cTHE CREAT CURE I- RHEUM-ATISM- i c Aa lt ia for all tho painful diseases of the -o L KIDNEYS.LIVER ANO BOWELS. !ü s I eleansM the sytem of the acrid poison 80 that causes the drcadfUl Bnffierin(f whlch L 9 only th viotims of Rheumatisni oan realize 5 , "THOUSANDS OF CASES j v of tlia worst forma of this terrible disease B have been qulokly relieved, and In short time S S PERFECTLY CURED. t nun, I. I.IQITD OR DRY, 8OLD BT DRI.SSISTS. ¦ - Dry can be sent by mal 1. 2 WBLm, EICHAUDSON & Co.. Burlington Vt. ÏET TOUR PROPERTY INSÜUEI) BY C. XX. MlïiLElT, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main Bt, Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Establishcd b liiarter ol a ceutury ago. Keprescatita the lol(jwiüi? firöt-clase companiep: lome Insurance Co., of N. Y 8 7,010.000 Continental Insurance Co., ol N. Y 4,2W.3I) v'iagara iDsurauce Co., of N. Y 1,7:; 563 Sirard Insurance Co., of Phila ] ,132,486 Went Inaorance Co., of Hartford 1,419,522 Jommercial üuion, of London 12,000,liUÜ %M Kates Low. Losses liberally aduslcil and promptly pald. C. H. Wlillen. 1115-1140 0". BEBBT, The Practical TAILOR AND CUTTER l the late firm of WINANS & B1SRRY, has locatea his place of business at NUMBER 7 HÜRON STREET, With a flne line o! SUITINGS AI) TROÜSERINGS, nd would say to his old firiends find new ones tha f they want a Good Fit and a Nobby Fit at Reason ible Prlces. cali on him and thy wlll be snre t j ;i 't oi.o, f á W i "¦ wee made at home by the induslriL ' I lons. Best buiness now before the pab. I Wlic. Capital Dot needed. We will start % Ë m you. Men, women. and pirls 1 ¦ jwanted everywhereto work for u?. Now t H JbbIs the time. You can work in spare :ime, or pive your whole time to the business. No ïther business will pay you ncarly as wel!. No one -au fail to niaKe enormous pay. hy en!_'ai;in? at once. Doetly ontflt and terras free. Monny made fnet, ïaaily, and honorably. Address í'rue A Co., Portand, Maine. To all who are euftering from the error ard indis;retion of yonth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac.,I will send a receipe that will :ureyou,FKKEOF CHARGE. Thlsercatremedy (vas diicovered by a miesionary in South America. Send a self-addresaed envelope to the Kev. Joseph r. Inman, Station D, New York City. 19-Jy BELL-HASGING & LOCKSMITHING. BBLL HANGING, KEY FITTING. SAFE REPAIHING, ETC. GENEUAL REPAIRKKS AND JOBBERS. M. N. EOWLEY, Detroit, Mioh. 112S-117!) SCALES AND SAFES. MANUPACTTJRERS of Plutform, Hay. Wbeat and Counter Scales. NEW AND SECONDEIAND Scalea and Safes for snle And repaired. 1128 117 M. N. ROWLEY, Detroit, Mich. nünrw t ForailSkin f fiEMEDX SUCHAS DlSEASESl TETTER.ITCH. SORES. PIMPLÏS. ƒ VerYSIPELASj1 WPINGWOBMj THEGREATfCURETOR I7CHING PILES Symptoma are moisture, Btinginp, itchinp, worse at Dlgbt; leemflaa if pin-wornia wcre crawling about tbe rectum; the private parts are ofttsn affected. As a pleu&nt, economical and positivo cure, Swatns's Ointmint ia superior to any arücle in tbe market. Sold brdraggiets, 3-ct. Stampa. 3 fioxoi, 91.2&. Addrcw, Db. Swatne & Son, rhila., Pa llifl-1180 I " l BROMLEY'S ,1-iIÜl ELECTRO PLATK WORKS. I 48 Yroodward Avenue, DETROIT. MICH. (Established 37ycars.) , s i "e fTsi d ñickÍ-TT sl I Largcst Plating establishment in the State. I ALL WORK FIRST CLASS. RKPERENCES : I M.S.Sm!th6 Co., Detroit Safe Company Or I Kiem irnyprf'ïi",t.iti?e"iisgy 1129-1151 AQENTS WANTED FOR PUR NEW BOOK By aElanPinkkrton, tho THE grekt DetvctiTe, who, ui i.-i m the mm te ptume of E. 3. K ¦ a mm ]n, wm i:hir( of tha Boerst k H m Sarric of lh DniUd Hutvi k WÊ& M Army durinc tho Rblhon. A m k I marTlon, tbrillingnd ¦ ¦ - ful work. ContalniDg man y m crcu of the war nTr before of the EilelliiS. mde pnbhc, (uil of vivid üluttraUont. A rare chance for agtBM. Wme for cirtulari nd special terms. C. C. WICK & CO., Publlshcrs, Clcvclond, O. 1126-1 12-J