rpo BUILDERS. Sealeil bida wlll be received by Ijeonhard Gruner for the constriiction of a School liouse in the Cth ward of tliïs city, until Monday evenlng, lOth inst Plans and specilications may be seeu at the office of Judgu Haniniaii in tlic Court Hoiiso, aller Monday next. - Rljtht to reject any umi :ill blda icserved. IÍY COMMÏTTKE. Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1883. 1128-30 C0MMPT1! CATARRH, THROAT IUSEASES, BRONCHITIS and ASTHMA CAN BECURED! !-n diseases of the Kye, Rar and Heart, at t e DetroitThroat&.Lung Institute, M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., M. C, P. 8. O., Proprietor. Over 40,000 Canee Treated in the Last Seventeen Years. All ditteases of the Rispiratory Organg trea'ed by Medicated ïnhalations, combinad when requi ed wlth proper constitntional remedies for the si im:ii'li. l.i it and Itlir t, &c. 1! possible cali personaliy for an exsminatiou. otherwln- write for "LIST OF OÏÏESTIOMS' and "MEDICAL TIEATISÏ." Address, Detroit Throat and Lung Institute, 253 Woodward Ato., Detroit, Miei. 1128-1179 "---LJF TH1S PAPER W-" InR&INH Is on FILE and BPERSlSTEKll prvwl"fcJB TertisiHffCotitracU S H j 300Q 11 toril and all otber H GOOD I IftnUULEoB toorld can be mdo yiOTornrtll r-----:-=nk on the most F- - ' INTERNATIONAL NEWSPAPER AQENCY II. P. Rubbard, Prop., New naren, Ct. . l'. 8. A. PntjIUhf r f th MempkDer and Bank Directory of the World. DIJ 11 D .B.EA.ui-i.Fi?.BaAiSHA?ï.0.5i?H m BC Bi Bi ook. o bu -i... ,rai 1127-1178 WMT U n f people are always'on the lookont foJ I m 1 ch:ince8 to increaae their earnlnes, I B Ij and In time become wealthy ; ilione III ¦iliwliodo not improve tlu-ir oppurta¦ 11 lljnitie remaln in povurty. We oti'er I I M J Ui great chance to make money. We want nuiiiy men, women, boy and girls to workfor lis right in thelr own localittes. Any one can do the work piopeily from the flrst etart. The business will pay more than ten timee ordinary waee. Expensfve outfit furninhed free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly. You.can devote yonr whole time to the work.or only yourspare njoments, Pnll informalion and all that is needed eent freí Addrcüa Stinson Oo., Portland, MalDe. PATENTS Obtained, and all othcr busincB In the V. S. Patent (Jffico attendcd to for MODKKA1 E FEB. Our office is opposite the U. s. Patent Ofllce, and we can obtain Patento in leeB time than thoe remote from WASHINGTON. Scnd MODEL or DKAWINO. Wo adviae aa to paientability free of chirge; and wo makn NO CHAKGB UNLES8 WE OBTAIN PATBNT. We refcr here, to the Postmaner, the Stipt, of Money Ord? Div., and to officials of the Ü. 8. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms, and references to actual clientt in yoar own State ór county, addreas C. A. SXOW A CO., 1119 ti Opposite Patent Office, Washington, D.C. TO RENT A snit of rooms OTer llic POST OFFICE GcoJ for the MILLINERY BUSINESS. Apply at COURIER OFFICE. 320 ACRES FREE! - IS THE- Devils Lakc, Tnrtle Mountaiu And Mouse Rlrcr Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Trlbutary to the United States Land Office at GRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SECTIONAL MAP and FULL partlculars raatled FREE to auy address by H. C. DAVIS, Assistant General Passenger Agent, St. Paul, Uimpolis 1 Uinitobi l L, 1127-1130 ST. PAI'l,, DIIX. THE DINGEE & CONARD COS BEACTUOL KVLIt-UlOUMJNO ROSES 5SPLENDID VARIETITSd;! ! s,m.,,, pnt .lll.bollcl.yourOHOICEil uSStatoS 12 ror S2. 19 for $3. inen-a Bfcfely by niail 70 10.' IOÖ ' il!' PwMhitoaUpointo lllp Plïir" ' ITantlNnmc PK EK ENT of UUr lllUr Ciútico nudvíiluableKOSKM KIL UI I L teo with evcry order, mul are theonly concpni makinff a SPECIAL liuin#H of RoneH. OvfrOO Iarice IlmiHOnfor lionpnalone. Our New (. lllde, a cúmplete TratK ETDETET a Che Rose, 7Upp, elegant -y itluêtratedfëett IA Cá b THE DINCEE & CONARD CO. RoseGrowera, V'et (rvr,( hrir L'n.Fa I 1OC 1 1 t I