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MACK & SCHMID At lliis liim to nnloMil tboir Winter Stock to muke room for SPRIITG ÜOODS ! 'l'lil mjisoii having a much larscr surplus stock tlian usual, thcy thcy % II have to inakc grcalcr sacrificc llian ever, in order to rapldly dispose of it. This sale will ¦c made without regard to ost or VhIiic. Swceping ReductioiiM made in FLllLSllMTS Clotli and Gioaking departincnt ; fcarful rediictioii to inakc room l'nr Spring Stock. Great sacrifleex in KNIT GOODS, CLOAKS ANO SHAWLS, An Immense stock at wondcrfully low prices, lots of cold w nilK i coming, ¦¦ at once. Fearful rednetions in lrc Good; demoralizing priecs. Auf'ul sin i ill - in Black Ciood. SILICS ! SILICS ! SILICS ! At prices to meet the wants of the most slendcr purses. The larKet stock or Domestic in the elty, all cut down. Oreat reduction in Laces. is jour time to Imy LACE CURTAINS, UUILTS, TOWELS AND CRASHES. Tremendous reductions in Ilosiery, Oloves, Undcrwear and Embroideries. New Goods cut down to keep step to the niiiic in other departments. n is jour golden opportunil j to luy a wagon load of Ooods for vcry littlc moncy. MACK & SCSMZD.