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Republican State Convention

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A Repuhllcan State Convention to nomínate twu Justlcesof theSupremeCourlln place of Benjamin F. Graves, w lióse term will expire December 81, 1883, and to lili the vacaney caiMed !y the resignatlon of Isaac Maratón, flled to lúk ii effect February l.s, Isvi; also twn Regent of the Unlverslty in place of Samuel s. Walker, whose teriu will expire December 91, 1833, and Lyman D. Norria, appolnteü to flll the vaceucy caused by the reslgnatlou of Byron M. (Jutcheon, will be beid al the Acndemy of Mutic in the city of Kiut Saginaw, on Wednesday, Ote S8th day of February, 1S8S, at 11 o'clock A. M. Countles wlll be eutitlod to one delégate for each VX) votes cast for Oovernor at the last ui eet ton, anü oneaddltional delégate forevery fracllon of 300 vt-.ten Each orgaulzed county wlll be entitled to al least one delégate. Umler a runolution herelofore adopted, no duleKHte wlll be entitled to a seat in the Convi-iii urn wlio doe nol reside In the county he propottes lo represent. rtecretaiien of County Conventlons are requesled to torward cerlitted huí-, of tue delegaleü choaeu to 8. 8. Olds, Secretary Kepubllcan Slate Central comrailtee, [.ansing, Mlcli,, un soon as practicable afler tbelr several convenllous are held. K 8. LA.CEY, Chairman. Wra. LIvIngNtone, E. W. Cottrell, A , Dlckrrman, Burton Parker. Jno. C. Sharpe, O. (J. Tompklns, James Monroe, J M. Sbepard, B. U. I). Holden, Oeo.W. MoBrlde, Chas. F. Klmball, K. C White, W m. Hartsuff, Kdgar Weeks, Wra. M. Kllpalilck, A. B Darragb, K. O. Shaw, Jno. M Rice, T. C. rhlllips, Albert Pack, Ï. T. Bates, W. F. Hwlít. Kepubllcan State Central Cora.


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