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The diütiguring eruptions ou the face, the stinken eye, tlie pallid coiuplexion, indícate that tin-ie is HoineUiin wron going on witliin. Expel the lurkin toe to healtli. Ayer'sSargaparillawasdevised for that puipose; and does it. Fortunes for Farnierg and Mechunlcs. Thotisands of dollars eau be saved by usiujr proper inlint-iit in takiiic care of the health of yourself and family. If you are Bilious, have sallow complexion, poor appetite, lovv and depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delay a moment, but go at once and procure a bottlc of those wonderfnl Electric Bitters, whlch never fait to cure, and tliat for the tiifling Hum of fifty cents. - Tribune. Sold by H. J. Brown & Co. It is during these days of business that ,a clergymau, on selecting achapter in the Bible ld read in cburcii, first looks at the end of the last verse to make sure that no patent medicine advertisemetit is hitchcd on. . Sk iinij Hen. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores hëalti) and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, lmpoteuce, Sexual Debility. $1, A young lady wa caressing a pretty spaniel and murmurin: "Idosolovea nice dog ! '' "Ah ! " sighed a dandy standing near, " would I were a dog." " Never niiud," retorted the young lady shmply, ' you'll grow." l'li ƒ slclans and BrugglsU hare been in the habit of charging patieuU and customers more than niany of them are able to pay. We are glad to inform our readers that Magnetic Medicine is sold ut the luw price of oue dollar a box, :i quantity sufficient to last over two weeks. Keud the advertisement in another column. "Can you help me a little V' said a tramp poking his head into a country shop. "Why don't you help yourself?" said the proprietor angrily. "Tliankyou, I will," said the tramp as he picked up a Dutch clieese and two loa ves of bread and disappeared likea streakof lightniug, followed "Bough on Bats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gopliers. 15c. Druggists. A voungman in a train was making fun of a lady's hatto an elderly gentleman in the seat with him. "Yes," said the seat mate, " that' my wifë and I told her if she wore that bonnet some fooi would make fun of it." "There is no arguing a coward into courage." But even the coward may be brave after trying Kldney-Wort, that medicine of wonderful effleacy in all diseases of the liver and kidneys, It is prepared in both dry and liquid form, and can always be relied on as an effective cathartic and diuretic. Try it. An exchange says " The Czar seems to be appearing in public more than heretofore." Yes, and the first thing his friends know he will appear in new-quarters, fore-qnarters, hind-quarters and the like The Nihilists will do it with their little botnbs. "Buhupalba." j Quick, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Dlseases. $1. Druggist. "Theytell me Mr. Brown hasagreat earfor music," said Feuderseu. ' Yes,'1 replied Fogg, "I knew he had a great ear -two of thera in fact; but I did not know that they were for music, I snpposed they were for brushing öies off the ton of his head." Free of Cost. All persoiü wishiiigto test the meriUof a great Temedy- one that will positivclv cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of the 1 hroat and Lungs- are requested to culi at rown & Co. s drug store and get a I rla Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery tor CoiiHiunptinn free of cost, whieh will t'e'wfll"'"" a reglllur tiola'--size botThe Mormons say that they can whip Lncle bam with the help of the Lord It'n Por Z ?}%Xhy dü"'t 8t't n at thejob. For while they were waiting for celestial nj.nlorcemeuts, Uncle Sam would have , plenty of t.meto stand them on their heads r fOF doublcd-1"J'ed ! As an articlb for the toilet, Ayer's Hair ' Vigor stands unrivalled. It cleanses the icalp and preserves it from scurf and Jandrnff, cures itchlng and humors restores faded or gray hair to its original iark color, and promotes its growth. tW Dresses, eloaks, coats. stocking and ' il arments can be colored iiocessful v 1 -oiora. unly 10 cents. i Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts toiHf 8TrV1CerS' Sillt Rl'è. Fever , V.rns T?í, ft.FlOTS.1 Ci'Hblains, . rfve perfect satisfactie or móney Í iwayne'sPilüZo IS, malaria, appoplexy, II" kiTJï tam. SLUod D, I.w Y0rk city L]L


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