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; Estáte of Cornelius Henion. t i QTATK OF MICHIGAN. County oí Wahtenaw, " Os ¦' Ata seasion of the ProbateConrt for theConnty o( 8 WashUnaw, bolden at the Probate the citj 3 oí Ann Arbor, on Toesday, the thirteenth day ot ' February, in the year one thnnsand elght huudred and eiglity-three. Preeent, Wiiliam D. Harrimu, .Judge of Probate. " j In the matter of the estáte of Cornelius Henion, i dereased. On reading and flling the petltion, ! dnly verifled, of George M. Henion, praying that ad minitration of said estáte may be granted ui hiranelf or some o; her suitable pereon. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Monday, tbc twelfth day of March next, at ten o'dock I in the fore-noon, be astigned for the hearing of gild petition, and that the heirs at law of taid de I rttased, and all other persons interedted in said m tute. ure required to appear at & seeeion of said coort, thun to be holden at the Probate uffice, in thecitjol Arm Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whj j the prayer of the petitioner ehould not be graated. And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the pereons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of this order to be published in The Anti Arbor Vourier, a newspiprr priuted and circulated in said county, three êuccasive weeks previouí to said day oi hearing. (A trnr copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Judie of Probate. WJ1. O. DOTY. ProW-e Recister. 130-USS Estáte oí Rhoda Fnller. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw.s.. At a segeion of the Probate Conrt for the Cunntj of Washtenaw, holden t the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty 'ilh day of January in the year one thousand eiW hundred ai.d eighty-three. Preeent, Williaui l. Harriman, Jude ol' Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Rhoda Faller, dereated. On reading and flling the pctitiou, óo!y verlfled, of Desire Ormsby, praying ihat certaln instrument now on file in tnig court pnrporting to be the last will and testament of Baid deceaied.mnr be admitted to probate, and that she and John T. Fuiler may be appointed executors thereof. ThereupoD ít íb ordered, that Monday, the tweutysixth day of Febrnary neit, at ten o'clock in tï lorenoon, be assigned for the hearing of iald petition. and that the di viseet, leeateee and heira at Uw of said dcceased, and all other persons Interested in I said estáte, are required to appear at a sestioD o( Baid court, then to be holden at the Probate offlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if uy there be, why the prajer of the petitioner hoald not be granted. And lt is further ordered, that said petitioner gire notice to the persons interested In sid estáte, ol tba pendency of taid petition. and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Courier, t newxpaper priuted ud circulating in said county, three succesxive week! previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) WJLLIAS1 D. HARRIMAN. Judüe of Probite, M. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1128-1131 fJC j. ÖJOri PrdtJlwBii yainplei nrth ti frM. ( JO IU UJJr-.. Stiv.. .¦,&('„, Por;Ud. KtlM. WiU be niHmi to ai appUcanta, and to custornera of last year without orderinir il ItconUin about 176 pairea. 6U0 llluetratlons, prlc, aocunta aetcriptiona and valuable djrections for planttny 160Ü vnnetiea of VefreUble and Flower Seedi, Krats, Fruit Trees, etc. Invaluable to aU, espeolally to Market Gardeners. 8end Í or it I D. M. FERRY & CO. Detroit Mich. 11Z7-11S4 CANVASSERS WANTED Tha Most Rapldly Selllng Book of the Day. Life and Characterütics of HENRY WARO BEECHER. By I.) iiKiHM Abbott, 1. D. Aesistwl by ThoB. Armitaee, D. D, e B Stimms. D. D. Josi-ph Parker, 1. ü. S T. J. Couant, D. 1Noah Poner, i. D. John O. Whitiier. And others equally woll known. The story of hls historie Tisit to England darine the Civil War in America, told by himself in "" tor tbe first time. Tiie book will prove more interes'ing than 4ctlon to both frteuds and foes of Mr. Beecher. 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Addrees, Munn V Co..pnblÍBhers of Scieofic American. 261 Broadway, New York. Uaudbuok abuut patenta niailed free.


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