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Estáte of Cornelius Henion. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahteiaw, At 8 session of the ProbateConrt for theConnty of Washtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Office, in thecit) of Aun Arbor, on Tuesday, the thirteenth dar of February, in the year one thoueand eight hundred and eighty-thre e. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In tbe matter of the estáte of Cornelina Henlnn, deceaed. On reading and fillng the petirion, duly verifled, of Geurge M.ílenion.prayin that ad nnntslration of eaid estáte may be uranted to himself or gonie otber auitable person. Thereapon ít is ordered, tbat Monday, the twelfth day of Marcb next, at ten o'clock In the fore-noon. be aasirned for tbe heari ng of said petition, and that the helrs at law of eaid do ceased, and all other persona loterested insaid estáte, are requlred to appear at ¦ íeseion of paid coort, then to be bolden at the Probate Office, is the ei: j of Aun Arbor, and show cauee, if any there be, why tbe prayer of the petftfoner should not be granted. And it ia furthet otdered. that aaid petitiorus iive notice to theperaoae üitereated in aid itne, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing tbereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pabllshed in Tht Ann Arbor t'ourier, a newspaper printed and clrculated in said county. three euccesslve weeks previoue to aaid day oi hearing. ( A traecopy.) WILUAM D. HARKIMAN, Judjie of Probate. WM. O. DOTY. Prohf Heiister. 1130-1133 Estáte or Rhoda Fnller. Q TATE OF MICHIQAN.County of At a eescioD ol the Probate Conrt for the Connty of WasMenaw, bolden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the twenty-eixih day of Januarj in the year one thousand' eight hundred and eighty-three. Present, William 1). Harrimmi, Judre oí Probate. In the matter of the entate of Rhoda Fnller, deoeased. On reading and iling the petition, duly verlfled, of Desire Onnsby, praying thatacertaiu insirument now on flle iu ihis court purporting to be the last wil] and testament of said deceased. muy be admitted to probate, and that she and John T. Fuiler may be appointed tiecutors thereof. Thereiipon it is ordered, that Monday.ti.e twentjslxthday of Febrnary next, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, be aasigned for the hearing of eald petition. and that the d. visees, lesatees and heirs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons intereited in aaid estáte, are required to appear at a session of said conrt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitloner ahould not be granted. And It ia f urther ordered, that said petltionerglve notice to Ihe persons intereated in said estáte, ofthe of ald petition, and the hearing thereof, by cauaing a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor CourUr, a newepaper printed and clrculating in aid coanty, three succeseive week previoua to said day of hearing. (A trne copy.) WILLIAM D. HARKIMAN. I Jndsc of Probate. M. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1128-1131 vt0 10 ÍZU Addro.i Srm,.. & Oo.. Partlaxd, Mino. f I nii IsunfftiUnsr and infal-t iMñHlTli libleincurlngEpilepW IllTlMal I A ftK tie PiU. Spasin. f 7M. .WU Tulsions, Saint %'ituj' CURES AND Dance. AlcolwIism.Optew NEVCR FAILS bowels or k'idneys, or 'SÊ tJZ. vho reuniré a nerve lÜPNa arVAlKi tonlc.anpettzerorsüinThou"uind8 prot-laim it ihe rn vt vonderful Invlgorant that ever sustaintal the iukilAfl a stem. For sale liy all JrUBriiints. lili. S.A.1UCI1 MOND MKD1CALC0.. S.ilc Fruprietors, SI. Joseph, Mc Iuclofu stflmp for Cltxulars. 1107-1133 $JW f A week made at home hy the industri I I iu. Best business now before the pub1 II lic. Capital not needed. We wlll start 1 W you. Men, women', boys and elrls Jwanted everywheru to workfor ub. Now a" is the lime. You can work in spare ime, or yive yonr whole time to the bueinosc No ther business wlll pny you nearly as welt. No one an tail to mane cnormous pay, by engaginc at once. Jostly outat and terms free. Money made fast, asily, and honorably. Address Tküe & Co., Portand, Muine. :AN7ASSERS WANTEB The Most Rapidly Selling Book of the Day. Life and Characteristics of HENRY WARD BEECHER. By Ijiniiiiii Abbott, D. D. Asslsted by 'hos. Armitairc, D. D. C. B. Summa. D. D. oseph Parker, I). D. T. J. Conant, D. ü. loah Porter, l). D. John O. Whittier. And others equally well known. The story of hls historie Tisit to Kngland durlne oe Civil War in America, told by hlmself in full H tbe flrst time. The book will prove more interos'ing thau fle"ii to both frlends and foee of Mr. Beecher. Address HOK At IC sTACY. "7 Wist roarth St., - CINCINHATI, 0 uM-iia


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