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Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wild, woll-known cltj missionary in Krw Vork, hii1 brotber of the late eminent Jodge WildSi ef Üte WnhiTliii Bettg Stipreme (Jourt, wrilfft h follows: "78 K. 54ti St,, Xnv Vork. JA lti, 12. Messrs. J. c. Avek Si Co., Gentlemen : Last winter I vu troubleti witli a nutst anoomfortablc Itchbtg humor nJfectJug niore espocially iny limbs, wliith Itehed lutolerably at night, and bornea so Uitofisely, tbat 1 ooald scansely beaf any oio tb f lig over tlieiu. J wafl :iteo a sufferer f rom a severo eatarrh and c:itttrrha1 ooogh ; nty appettte was poorf nud mveystem a good deal run down. Kïiowlng the valúe of Aykh's, by observation of' many other oases, and f rom personal nse infonner years, l begau tnkiug it for the abovö-liatued disorders. My appctite improvod almost froin tb flrst dos Alter a short iim tho fevertfud iichinj; were aliayod, ;md all signg of irritationoi the skin dianppeared. My eatarrh and cougli vere ]ho cured bj tho saine meani, and my general health frreatly iniproved, until it is ftxrellent. I feol a Kundred por nt stronger, and I attribut tfceM resulto to tlio ue of tha SABflAPAttJLLA, which 1 rooommend with all coiifldonco as thf' bost blood loediofne rer deriard. I took it in small dneos thrco times a day, and useti, in all, lessthan two botti?s. I place tb'sr f act at your rvico, hoping their pmblUation niaydogood. Your rospectfully, Z. P. Wilds." The above instance is bnt one of the many onBtantly oniing to our notice, which prove the perfect adapMillty of Ayer'8 Sarsaparii-la to thd ure of all dlsoaiios arising from iinpiueorh porerished blood, and a wemknned vitality. Ayer's Sarsapariüa len8f enriches, ftnd ntrengthens llie IjIíhmI, atimuUtei thaction of tlio ütonwwh nil bowel, nd theroby ensille tlie IJItoUl lo resist iul overeóme the attne.ksof all Serqfulomt Diteaut, Fniptimt of the Skin, BhfmuttiiM, Catarrh, Qaierai Dtbility, and all listnlers rcsultlng from poor or eorruptod blood and a lovr tate of the Tttem. fmriiru or Dr. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold bj all Pruggitts; price ?1, x bottle for 85. ÊSA1 CATHARTIC lP PíLLS -Best Purgativo Wledlcine - cure (Jonitipation, In-Iipestioü, HeMdaehc, amd all Uilioua Disorder!. 8old everywhere. Alwaj rellable. The Practical TAILOR AND CUTTER üf the late firm of W1NANS & BEKKY, has locatea hts place of business at NUMBER 7 HÜRON STREET, With a fine line of SUITINS AHB TROUSKRINGS, And would cay to hia old öriendp and new one i na If they want a Good Pit and a Nohby Fit nt Keneon ible Priccs. cali on him and thcy wlll be sure t iel ene. LD I RROMI FY'R I sTy ELECTRO PLATE W0EK8. 48 Woodward Avenue, DETEOIT, MIOH, 1 (Estabiished J7 years.) TD, S UE A N D NI C KL I OÍ tajaran m ü m WW%r!$ffi I Iiargest Plating establishment in the State. I ALL WOKK FIRST CLASS. RBFERBNCES : I M. S. Smith & Co. , Dctroi t Safe Company or I I „i-rrr imly P'oimnent c'l'n1tSs7tLJ?"í I HICSSL of Detroit. I PLATINO. " 1129-11W SET TOUR PROPERTY INSURË])Vy C. S. MIIiliEN", INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Muiii St., Ann Arbor. The oldopt aeency in the city. Elttbllohcd n luarter oí a century agn. Keprcaentii (¦ ihe lolowlng flrst-claps rompaniep: lome Insurance Co., of N. Y J 7,n i ihhi 'ontinental IiieiirauceCo., ol N. Y 4,3'i7 '3 íiaífara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1.7-"{ö MM irard Iuur&nce Uo., of Phila 1,1X2,488 )rient liisiiranca Co.. Of Hartlord 1.419,522 'oinnH-rtiiil Union, of Lonrlon !2,O4K).iKXi Z38 itatcs IiOw. Losses Uberailf adnsird au] proinplly pald. II lilíVíl"01' ''"' 'e sweepiiii.' hy, l-o an1 dara II ¦ lMlclore you lie. mi Irv KWal 'id fubllmcleavi' hehiud touiiiqucr I II 1 I ''""'' W weck (n jonr o-n Imvn. ¦ IJL I o outfit fn-e. No riuk. Kvervlhius i uu ¦ !„.. Capital uotrcqnlreii. Wewlll irnish jou everjthing. Manj areinakm;; lortunex .adíe makc te muc i s men, and boys a'i : ,'irV inke great pay. Koader, if you wnnt hmrinew ar hicli on can mukr S'eat pay al! , rite Uu articulars to II. Hali.ett A Co.. Portland Mtiine


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News