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THR BALK. VERY CHEAP % C0I118 ÜF BIES For Cash, Approvcd Credit or In F.xrhuniie f(tr Wood or Otb4f property, cause age and poor health. Italians & Hibrids,Good f'rame I'ives! No. S0 N'orth State Street. Ann Arlior, Februury 15, 18&'ï. UM-as N. A. PRUDDEN. (¦in WhKIC. fl.' da; at hom Wij made. Ct-tly vb I Z. Outfit IH. Addrei Tari A :., Augusta, Mkiue. HKM.-1I INGING & LOCKSMITHING. BUROI.AR ALARMS nnd ELKCTKK! BKLLS KKY PITTING. 8APB KEPAIHINQ, ETC (KNBItAL KEPAIKEHS AND JOBBKKS. II. N. BOWLEY, Detroit, Yich 11SW-1I79 AYER'S PILLS. A larfa proportlon of tJiO dlaaea blnk usm hKiuau luiTerlug rrsutt froin duraugomenl of the toiach, Vownii, ud Iitci. ATUII'S C'ATMAlnK; I'u.i.n act illrcl7 uvon tlit cijia., aud tx espeeüillj doi!ju"4 to cure ih dutxiu catuW bj tbair ürangnient, Imluding Cunatipatlou, I ijllj5W.iri, l))siinl,, HdaM ;h, !¦- terj. and a host of othor ailmpiita for all ot which they ar a safe, sure, prompt, ;tnd plMaat reiaady. 'l'h insi;i:i lue of theaa Pi LU bj emlnant phjtislani In regulnr praatica, iliowa uunilitakablj th eatlmation in wLltb thj are ld bj tha madital profatilon. Thaa PlLl.i are oompounded of vegetabl ub¦feauoaa oulj, and ara absolutelj fiea from carmel or aiiy otlier lujurlous lnfrodiaui, A BufTerar from M adacha wrltes : " AfH'l PILI.S ara liiraluabla to ma, aua ara mj ooiixtant ooiiipanion, I hará baii a aarera ulfarar fr.nn Haadaslia, aiid Pilu are tha oaly tkli.g I oould luok to for ralief. One .!. h will qaUklT 11101a m; boweli ajxl freo my lit-ud from pain. lh ara tha umit affaotlTe and llia aasiast phyilu 1 liara arar foaud. Il ia a pleiuura l' 1 ui. to apaak ia tliair pralaa, and I alwajs do vf hm oaaatlou offarK. W. L. Pauk of W. !.. Page & Bro." Fiaiiklln St., Hlohmond, a., June.1, lsaa. "I liare uiad Aviifs Piliji in nuiubcrieaa intancea mm raoouunaudad by you, and hara never knowu tlvaui to fall w aownnpllsh the desirod rult. Wa oouatantly kaap thaui ou hand at uur koma, and priaa Uiam a a uleasant, afj;, and ellabla family madioiua. FÜR UTSPEP.SIA tJaer ara luraluabla. J. r. Hats " iiaila, Taiaa, Jun 17, lg'ï. Tha Rit. Ttuxn B. Harij.we, wrltiug froin At.t, Ga., tayi: " For soma yoni-s pa-st I bara aan iitbiact to oomtiimtiou, from whicb bi ¦pita of tha tu of medicine of rarlou kiúdn I autt'arad iucraaüinK incniiTenienca, antll Mtna laontlij ago 1 bagan takiiix Atib'i Pilu. Thoy hare autiraly orraotnd th oostira habit aiid kara rattly iinproral my gauoral uaaUh." ? rait'a Cathaktic Pilli corritot irregulari Ua af tha bowels, itimulata tha appetlto and álatlon, aud by thair prompt and thorougb aalton gire lona aud rigor to tUo whol pbjaicnl MOnouiy. FRICrUIEI) BT Dp. J. C. Ayer &. Co., Lowell, Mass. ' Sold by all Dritfgiite. YOUNG, A11 perieuoe tha woudorful benefiÏLD, AND . , '' flMUof Ayer's Sarsaparilla. i AGFD C'hildren with Sora lyea , Sora Kan. ! nucu. #r M. icrofulom ar ayphtlllèe tslat y ba mada kaafthy aud ilron y Ita uaa. Sold by all Druggluti ; 1, ix boula far (. . . ( Estáte of Gilbert Allen. At a íossion ol the Probate Court for the Oounty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Oflice in the city of Arm Arbor.on Wednesday.thetwenty'eiirhth day ot Fchruiiry, in the yuar one ihousand elirht bundred and eighty-three. Present. William D Harnman,.Judie of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Oilbert Allen dcceased. Fred O. Wood the adm nistrator ot eaid estáte, comes into eourt and represente that he is now prepared to render hi8 final account as uilen administrator. Thereup.m It ordered,thatTue8daj,tb.e twenty. eeventh day of March next, at ten o'clock iu the füreooon, bc awiirncd for examitiiu and al,.wlnK 8uh account and tliat the heirs at Uw o said deceaaed ana all other persons intereatcd in sald estáte aré reuuired 10 appear at a sesslon oíaald court, thii, t. be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann i'h"1 'HAd cona'yI'dho'cauBc.iiaiithercr?e why the gatd account shonld mt he al.owed. Andlt slirtherordered,thatSaidadmi1,istratUrgt;enotIce to the persona mterested in said estáte, o? he Dend ency of said account, and the hearing thereof by Ann "rboíT thi" r'"'r to be l'-blished In the Ann Aroor tountr, a newspawer nrinted nri -r culated in sai coun'ty, tl.rc-èsuccessve weeks pre vions to HUdw[ he..i,lnK. (A true copy.) P WILl.lAM D. UAKK1MAN ' W. O. DOTY. Probate Hgf ?{L?& Coniinissioners' Notloe. CTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waxhtenaw wmmm 118 - '_ WS3.U3Ü Kstate of CorueUus II, nion TATJi OPMIOHIOAN. Couuty of Washten.w gag deceaíed1" r,.ahdei,re8tiandOrHV,OrIleIiu" nenln. UimsfooXrrbleJn3 Kramed t0 in the fore-íoon. beained for th V te? u clock petitton, and that the f Te In ,t 2 "' ?f,"ald thereof, by canílne a covPnf Vm"1 and the nerinÈ WM. S, DOTY Prnli.t Jnfle of Probate. 1 ¦ . rroiigie Keglater. 1130 1133


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