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lliis ia :i wonuerful year. It la not two monlks oíd, yet it has given a lisl of catas í.rophe.3 which many a wholo year cannot equal. Thore have been shipwrecks, appalling lires.uuprecedenteil lioods, spots on the suu, and Wiggins. Now comes the discovery of a man full of snakte. Ho livos in Salisbury, N. Y., ho is a colorod pnrson, and his name is Ilngli Leonard. Ho lias been sick for several weeks, and his sufferings have oulminaled iu a series of deliverances which havo set the colorea porüon of the eomnnmity nearly wild. His narrativo of his sullerings and their origin is succinctand thríuing lio went to a ball, whero he met an oíd sweethcart whom heliad "dropped for a handsouier girl." She carne to him with a smile on hcr lips, with cake in lier hand, but death in her heart. She asKed him to eat somo cala', and he with somc misgiving, touk a piece. It had a peculiar taste, and he only ate a liltle, feeling all the time tliat he was being "eonjured." Wlion violent paras attacked him in the stomach soon aftorward, he knew hit) suspicions were correct, and he sent for "bis Únele Cotman," a high authorily on conjuring". Unció Cotman went lo work on tlie sttfferer witn the avowed mtention of "geltin do debbil out obhim" as soon as possible. Aftcr lwo weeks of obstinate stu' gling on both sidos, the "debbil" beghn to surrender by sections. On Wednesday last Leonard was takei? with a lit of coughing, and "throw up asnakotwelveincheslorig, spotted white and black, and apparently of the water-snakc variety." Unclc Cotman grabbcd him and clappod him still wriggling into a bottle of rum, which killed him instanth'. This great fcat enabled Unole Cotman to demónstrate tke important truth that the way the stomach and tlicn put hira into tho rum, not leave kim in the stomach and pour tho rum in upon him. But this may bo upset by subsequent developments, tor only part of the "debbil" has been removed, and only one instalment of liim lias been captured. The oíd negro wennen who were watshiug with Lconard sav tliat just before the snake was ejected they saw a "four-legged scorpion" jump out of Leonard's mouth and run under the bed. They ourht to havo been able to capture him, for a scorpion rigged with only half the usual quota of leg.s could not havo been very neet. Here are two sections of the "debbil" accounted for, and there are more to come. Leonard, at last accounts, was lying on his back on the floor, saying that he was still full of tliem; that they crawlod tip into his throat and choked him almost to death, but slipped back before he could get hold oi them. Únele Colman is at his post, and if hisstrength holds out he is certain toget a lot more of them.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News