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The National Association Of Stationary Engineers

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was organized on the 2öth of October, 1882, in the city of New York. There were present eieren dclegatcs from as many different societies of stationary engineers. In ch araeter the society is simply ctlucational. lts principies conipel theiengineer to be at his post of duty, even wlien all other.s have deserted the eanployer. Act 4 of its constitution is as follows: "This society shall at no time be uaed for the futherance of strikes or in any w:iy interfering between its members and their employers in regard to wages, recogniziug the identity of interests betweea cmployer and employé." If a raember leaves his eneine durinc a mum;, or acoepts a commission upon any applianee hu rceonimend.s his employer to biry, or if he leaves his placo without givingdue ïiotice go'his place can be (wed by :i .substituto, lic shall bo oxpelled :niil notico of the fact sont to his amployer, and to cveiy society of the nalional as$oci(vtion. Au akl society is also formint. lis object i.s to assist the famlly of a dcceascd brother. it wil] bc in workiug order by the lst of April. Afterthat time the society will pay betWEeh 400 and $600 to the familj'ofa deceaeed piember. There are societies at New York, Denver, Col.. St. Loui.s, Mo., BrbbklynandRochester, N. Y., Boston, Lyan, Worcester and Springlield, Mass., Trovidence, K. I., Phiiadelphia, Pa., Wilmington, Del.. Cantón, Ohio, Chicag-o, 111.,' St. Paul, Mimi.. Carthage, Mo., San Francisco, Cal., and Detroit, Mich.. with over 1,000 members; the offlcers of the aational aasociation are: Presidenl, llcnry D. Cozens, Pravidonce. R. I vice president; Gfeo. AI. Öarker, oston, Alass.; sccretary, A. M Davy, Detroit; tareasurer, James (x. Beckerly, Chicago,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News