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npOLEDO, ANN ARBOR . T. K. R. Columbug rime. Throuïh timo Ub'e In effoot Jnnmry 27th. 1833. OOIMONOKTH. OOIXO gOUTlT il es ' "o. STATIONS - _s _ s _a 810 FM t Lv Toledo Ar 9 35M 6 4ÏÏpï G 18 ' 8 40 '¦ Manhattiin Jet S( 32 " 5 31" 25 " 8 47 " Alexis Junc II 23 " 6 V3 7 0'' i 29 " Monroe Jet 8 41 " 1 il ' 7 6" d 40 " L Dundie rt :2 4 42" 7 1(1 " 64 " Analltu 8 20 ' 4 27 " 7 4U " 1 ' Oti " ïiilan 8 l'l "4 0 " 7 6S " 10 19 " Uranln 7 52 " 3 67 " 8 0.1 " 10 25 ' l'IUHtloM 7 4J 3 47 8 20 " 10 36 " ArAnn Arbo 7 30 " J ¦ ' 1120" 12 321'M Jcksun M. (J. }!¦" 9 50AM 1 07AM 2 16 " fiattle Croelï 3 4Í ¦ 7 68 " 1 65 " 2 6ö " Kalamtizoo 2 60 " 7 10 7 3' ¦¦ 4 5O4" Urand llaplds lij 40rM 6 20 " 6 00 " i 10 35am LvAnn Arbor Ar : ttm 7 2)" 1120" AráoutbI.,yonlT 15 (JO 12 0?PM llowell I)],N i2 18 " 120" I . n 1 1 - m „¦ [IQ x 01 ' tam 11 Wam 5 04 l l-Jdniora ... y )ü '¦ 40 - . lif tUptda 't 2, ¦ 4 4)" Howiird Utf V 25 " 4 li'AM l'eluMkey o 11 I MIS" 7 00Mui'kiim' 1: ir Il) 6ÜPM Connoctlon -At Toledo with rallnmd iIivi.tiik; at Alexis with 'anuda Southoin, Ij. S. & M. 8., and ". & P. M li" v ¦-- ; nt ManhiitU'j Junc. wiihWh-elInfi Sc hake ICite K. H ; at Alonruo Jet. with L. S. A M. 8 ; at l)undee wilh 1, S. & M S.; ut nlllnn lth W i?t L. & P. Wf, at HittsBeld wlth L. S. & M. S ; at Ann Arljor with Mkhigan Cen li'y; at South ljon wlth Detroit, l.aiiHhik' Jk Northera K'y. H W. ABHlKV, Sut. W. II. BKVNITT. Oen'l Paus. Aeent. TjV)HT WAYNE 4 JAUK -ON R. R. tJetroit timl Iiidianapoils lAne, By Michigan ('entral fíallrond Ironi Ann Alborto Jackson. Traína leave Aan rbor as lollow: Indlunapolls Express B 40 a m Ft Wayne AccouaodutloQ 6 32 p nj (Jlnctnntftl Express Illpnj All tralDS leave by t'hloflffo tirnu. Procure tlckots at Ann Ariior or Jackson. M. U WOODKl ¦!{[. Oen'l Sup't. DKTiluÏT, MACKÏNAC 4 MK',H lil'l'liít. K January, J5, 1883. Pion -er East an.l West Liui Throngh the Upper Poninsaln, of Michigan, 240 Miles Shoi ter botwecn all enstern and no.-thwestern points vla lítítrolt, pnd 311 Milen Shorter via Port liuron to Muatreal and all poluta In Cánida, etc. "'cTast. sTatIons" vivhTT IJ A. M. L Marquette.....A. 4 30 l m. 10 41 ¦ Onota 3 18 11 u " Au 'min 2 ; 12 10 P. Jf Muniiliu 2 U0 " 2 " " .-...Seney 12 16 " Z 00 " Mcíílilan I116i. m ji 30 " Dollarville 10 5 ' 3 55 " N'owberry 10 30 M 7 0C ' 8t. Iitnace L 7 80 " VIA M. C, U. li. 7 10i.ii. BayCity I il 45 p m. 8 57 '' Lapcer Junct .. . 7 21 " 10 15 " i l'urt Huron ! 4 15 " ,J 6S " SKluaw lty.... i 8 3 " l 25 " L.nlng ! 5 36 " 11 4' " Jickson I 4 15 1! 25 " Detroit i 5 lu " VIA G. R. & I K. B. ! 1 08 P. M Grand Raplds ... i 6 15 " 87 " Kllimil 1 2 25 " Connectlons are mide at ST. I(JNA B nlth: The MichlKan Central rallroad fr Detroit and allpointsln Michigan and In the oatt, iüutb and southoast. TrainB loavo Mackin c í tty :30 a m, and 9:30 p m. The O rand Hapida 4 Indiana R. R. for Grand Haplds, Fort Wajnu aud the sou'.h and es:. LearIng Mackinuo t'ityitt 9:50 p. m Connectlons midett MAKQUBTTE with Iho Mirquelte, Hougbton tOntonanon railroid for tbeïron and Copper distrlcts. Throngh tickets on sale at Marquette and Sr, lenice and at Bil points In the Northern Heninaula Als ticket to 1; 111 .1p.Mi1 ports by all principal liueï at Geu'l Pass, igeit'solnce Kor Information as to pasuenger and fre;fhtrates pplylo otlice of General Fieight nd P8enifir Aiint. Trulns dally f xcopt Sunday 0. Mcr00L, yilAKK JIlLLKJAN Uon'l Sup't. Gen'l frt. & Pass. A't Marquotto, Mlch. Maniuctte. Mlch JIJICIIIOAN CBNTBAI, KAUJ{OAD. Time Table, Nov. 12, 1882. iirvT"fcri twrrtamt I - STATIONS. Í II l I II _I r ___J_ÜÍÍÜJJJUI A.M. A.M. P. U P. M. p. M I'. M i. II. Betrott. . L.T 7 00 9 85 6 55 4 05 8 00 'J 50 4 00 O. T. June... 7 15 9 65 6 10 4 20 8 16 10 10 4 15 Warne June. 7 95 10 24 S 48 4 46 8 45 10 40 i U Ypíllantl.... 8 23 10 48 7 05 6 06 9 08 11 0Ï 5 15 AnnArbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 6 22 9 25 1117 5 lil DexUr 9 08 1 48 5 89 9 44 . 5 36 Chelaea 9 25.... 8 06 5 52 10 00 . 5 50 Qras.Lake.. 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 M A.M. Jackson June 10 10 8 65 ü 38 Jaekon 10 20 12 16 6 55 1105 12 45 7 02 Alblon 11 04 12 60 -S 7 42 1155 122 7 42 ¦ Marsnall .... 11 50 1 3(J S 3 8 08 12 20 143 8 06 P.M. Battle Creek. 12 19 1 55 8 41 12 47 2 02 8 32 A. M Galeburg. . lí 53 . . . . t. M. 9 16 1 17 9 00 Kalamazoo.. 113 2 36 4 60 9 35 135 2 45 9 18 Lawton 152 6 25 .... 2 13 9 50 Deeatur. ... 2 07 6 42 .... 2 32 . 1005 Kowaulac... 2 21) 6 07 .... 2 67 1027 NHe 2 55 404 6 50 .... 3 Í7 4 15 10 52 Buchanan. . 3 08 7 0.' .... 3 42 U 05 ThreeOaks.. 3 38 7 27 4 12 132 NewBuffalo. 3 6o 4 52 7 40 4 35 1140 Mlch.Cltr.... 4 28 5 18 8 08 ... 5 03 5 28 ¦ 51 {ke SIS 6 02 8 54 .... 6 51 6 18 105 Keiulngton. . 6(0 6 60 9 45 .... 6 40 7 1U 2 00 Chicago.. Ar 6 50 7 40 0 3 .... 7 30 8 10 2 60 GOIXQ AST. 8-i íliijiíifiM JL-giLgJ g-5 a 5a _Lj A.M A.H P. M P.M pM KM Cbloogo...LT 646 900 3 40 .... 5 16 9 10 3 30 Kenslngtou.. 7 35 IN 4 30 .... 6 00 10 00 4 :!„ kfke; 817 103; 513 .... 660 1040 Hlob.City... 03 1113 600 ... 7 Sb 1 1 33 3, NewBuffalo. 9 27 1133 6 25 .... 1155 ThreeOaka.. u 42 .... 640.... .'. ... Biiohanan... 10 30 p. m. 7 06 f2 "2 N'1 10 25 12 18 7 37 . 9 00 12 45 (i - Dowaglao... 1153 .... 806 " " Deoatur .... 11 18 .... 8 33 ." Lawton 1186 .... 8 53 148 P.M. A.M Kulomazoo.. 12 12 138 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 30 7 Galoeburg... 12 33 .... 7 08 Battle Creek. 1 03 2 10 7 38 l'l'ós 8 1 , ,k? ' 6Ü 8 üt S 8 0l 11 S3 3 4ü 8 3B Altrion 2 13 3 21 ? 8 32 1155 4 12 A.M. A.M Jackson... Í.V 3 05 4 05 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 9 28 OraLake.. 3 32 ... 7 28 9 50 .... 5 2J nel8 3 58 .... 7 60 10 07 .. 6 50 Bexter 4 15 . 8 03 10 19 .... 6 06 AnnArbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25 10 34 2 05 6 25 10 26 1 psllantl.... 465 623 8 43 10 4o 2 20 6411041 WajnoJuno. 6 20 6 45 9 08 1108 2 44 7 0 O, T. June... 6 00 6 16 9 45 1135 3 20 142 111 etrolt..... 6 11 6 30 10 00 160 S 36 8 OU 114 !nU?,d"T e'6"1 JSatuiday SnndIT" , fS, ¦ exoepted. O. W.Kp0LM. H. B. UtDYAKD. - O. P. fc T. A., Otieaj. Om. Sap't, Vetrotí. W.H. HJtUYUNtëuF. PAINTERS ANU SKÏNWRIïJiRS! 16 S. Main St, Sceond Floer. ?O_gY8_EMP_LOYEI)! W. TKEMATJT GENERA! Insurance Agency omoi Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store. COH. HÜRON AMD FOÜBTH 8T, North British Insurance Comp" (Of London and Edlnburg) Capital 18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. ' , Caih Aéetj f 600,000 8pringfleldIn8.Comp'y of Mas .,8OO,o;o. Howard Ins. Co., of 'ev Vo.' Cash AMetB.... f 1,000,000. Igricultnral Insurance Co. , WATEBTOWN, . . NBW ÏORK. CaahAnets... BL2Ü0000


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News