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DARBYS PRQPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Househo'il Article for Universal Family Use. EHHHStt9HSS9Sn For Bcarlet and E Eradicates W5LL"ZL VAT ABT A ¦"atíon, Uloerated MAJjAiUA. sorextroat, SmaU Sglgglj Fox, Measles, and all Contagious Dlseases. Persons waiting on :bc Skk should use it freely. Scarle! Fever !ias r.ever been known to spread where tbc Huid was uscd. Yellow Fever has been cured with it al'ter black voluit had taken plnoe. The worst cuses of Diphtheria yield to it. SMAIX-POX sous refreshed and and Bed Sores PITTING of Sinall cd by bathing with pox PKEVENTED Darby Fluid Amu1ber of my famI in p u r e A 1 r made , „ wkJ ukan w[h tóitta LL -L _:haiing, etc. , , . ' , y. p ions securcdby iis use DBSBRBIHHIIH Snip Fever prevcnted. ¦ To purily the Breatb, ¦ DlTJlltliena ! Cleanse the Teeth, ¦ - itcan'tbeiurpaMed. ¦ T5_.„.„i,,J I Catarrh rclievcd nd ¦ jrYQVSTitêa.. ¦ cured. uLBflMB lCrynlpelftR cured. 1" urnsrelievedinsuntly. The physicians here hcttr prevented. ! use lalbys Fluid very Iysentery oared. succestfully in tlic treatWounds healed rapidly. mcat of l)iphtheru. Scurvy curcd. A Stollbmwbhck, Au AntidoteforAnuiui! Greeniboro, Ala. or Vegetable FoUons, ' SiiDgs, etc. Tetter drisd up. I usod the Fluid duriug Cholera prevemed. ourpresentafflicuonwuh Ulcera puriried and Soael Fever wiih healed. 1 dded üdvautage. It s In cases of Death it iiiiiispensnble to the ' should be used about room. -Wm. F. tbe corpse - t ö ïord, Eyrie, AIj. prevciü any unpleajm ant smeU ( B The embient Phy. , I York, sap : "I ara fin r I i conviaced Prof. Daxbys i WU1BU. I j Prophylactk Fluid is a , HSPggnPHGHH vaua'D'tí disiuiectani." Tsnderbilt Unlveralty, NaBiivIHr, Tonn. 1 Uïtify to the most excellent qualities of Prüf. Uarbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfectant and detergent it is ioth theoretically and practicalíy ( superior to ;iny preparation with mhich 1 am 1 quiiiued.- N. T. Lunon, Prof. Chemistry. Darbys Fluid is liecominended by , Hon. Alexandep. H. Stei-wkwí, ot tleorcia ; Rev. Chas. K. Deems, D.U., Church of the ' Slraugers, N. Y.; 1 ios. LlCoNTE.Coluia'jla, Pr.f..Univeuity,.C. ' icv. A. J. Baiilc, ,{ , Mercer Universily; Rev. Geo. F. Piskck, Kishop M. E. Churuh. IMDISPENSABLK TO EVKBY HOMl. Perfcctly liarmKss. Used ntenully ur ' exicrjiatly "or Mas ur IJcast. . 'Ibc Fluid hus beui thoroughiy ted, anH we ' have abundant evidcnce that it oaa denc everyihing feere daimed. Fjr füücr informsüon gi;t ol yow brugUt ü panipidet or at-ad lo the propricior, J. H. zmL;.N A ;)., Uanuíácturin Cheraisfí, PHlI-ÁDEl.PcÍi. ItüSINESS CAKDS. WILLIAM BIGGS, BUILDER. COR.NEUCUUICU AXDOKLKANSST. Aon Arb'ir. PRIVATE TUTORTNG FÜU - OOLLKOE rREPAHATORY tt'OKK. KfeFüKËNOES: -Pres A gell, Pn.f-í ül.iey. Frlaz U'Oüe, Payue and Periy. Chas. E, Lowrey A-M, BealdoDce, 19 Orleaua m. W"TlTTÁM W. NICHOLS ,a" Has RsmoTCd To HU NEW DENTAL R00M8 Orr Jo T. Jacobt' Jtf W. H. JACKSON, OFFICE: Over Bach & Abel's Entrance by rirsl Natlooul unk. 7J2tf WILLIAM HER2, Homo, SUn Ornamental ana FRESCO PAINTER. Pupertni!, Qlaih.K Qlld'ng, and Cfcic'.mlulnc and Wjrk of ?ery deacrtptton done in the bf t style. and irarrnnled U) cve sallsínct on. SH0P,N0.4 WEST WASlIIXiTO.N ST. AiiD ArW. 'lcMsan ¦ tütt títt: y %; t ? Savings B a i K , J.VJV A.UIIOU, Jlli UIL l.N Transacts General Üuüking lliisincss. CAPITAL, $50,000. s 1 00,000.00. bntíCTüua -(Jhrln'.an Mack W w Wine K. a Oi'FICXBa.