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J. (. Vial], publUher of the Alpena Argus, bas about 'M stufted deer heads tn his sanctum, all his owu work. Some of the lumbermeu say that it is costing one-half more than usual to get iu logs thts winter owingto the higher wages of the roen and the higher oost of suppllee. The house and lot on Front street, Grand Kapids, where Mr. Chas. W. Loud forinerly llved, has been transferral to the Grand Rnpids Brush Conipany by Mr. Watson Loud to make. good his son's emttezElement serape. Bay City vessel men prediet that navigaüo'u wtll not open mitil about. April 16. They anticípate a prosperous seasou, and place the openiug luinber freight at Í2 to Ohio porta and Í2 50 to Buffalo. The whitetish spawn in the United States tish hatehery at Alpeua are doing well, and it is thought that ín a week or so sonie of the tish will be hatched. Tho indicatlons are favorable at present f or the euccessful hatehtug of about 30,000,000 fish. Keport-s froni 49 eharitable societies, Bied in the office of the seoretary of state, for the year lSSii, iu pursuanee of act No. S0, sesslun'lawB of 1881, show a membcrsbip of 3,r.4, and the cash and cash value of property owned by said societies aggregate $330,612. Tho clerk of Kent county has received a letter froui Wong Chin Foo, editor of the Chinese American, publlshed iu New York city, a.skiug that his uaturalization papers be fornarded iminediatelv. Mr. Woug Chin Foo tornierly resided iu Grand Rapids, and iu IS74 heeame a Citizen of thn ITnited States. Geo. W. Fish. onc of the leading busiues6 men of Kalainazoo, died in that villaje March Ist. Capt. Bonteeou of Ypsilanti, and lor ieveral years prominent iu utate alliance temperance work, ha-s bought the Petoskey Record. A tax-payers meeting in E:isl Sagiuaw haa protestad agaiust au lnTease of supervisors provided for iu the propoeed uew city charter. Wil). Dilmau has been fonnd gnilty li the murder of Jacob Boldman In the circuit -¦ourt at Newaygo. Verdict, munler in the lirst degree. Several thousand Dames have been signed to a petition in Graud Rapids, praylng for the abolitlon of tho pólice and ftre commlsiiouers boards. Frank Cox, of St. Cláir, lost a oow a Few days since, and on making au examiuatiou to ascertain the cause of death, found a comnon darning needie in the heart. An autopsy of the late S. E. W'altjridge who died very auddenly a few days ago it Kálama.oo, disclose that he had two tumors ipon his brain. Tliis causee! his death, and not ipoplexy. A pair of Aineriean bakl eagles have ruade their home uear Stouy Point, Mouroe rounty, on the margin of Lake Lrie, for many years, and it is believen1 they are nearly if not }uite 75 years old. Down near Coldwaler a citizeu lost a valuable hog, which was fouud drowned in a ueighbor's cistcru. Now he proposes to jiosecute for the value of the swine. while the owner of the ciitrn will sue for damage to his rain water, md for the owner allowlng the hog to run at large contrary to lavv. Muakegon is greatly ahirined over the presence o? a gang of firc-bugs. There is talk of a new hotel ou the site occupied by the old Eugle Hotel recently hurned at Grand ]{apid6. Mr. Nelson, of Eaton eounty, has just imported from Vermont 50 eheep, said tobe the tinest lot ever brought iuto Micliigan. Kor oue of the buckB $500 was paid. Biut.Iay, a Lake Shore brakeman, was instantly killed ou Fridav, d last, by an east-bound train at Lenawee June.tion. hile shunting his foot caught in the frog, and one car aud oue wheel of ansther ran over him. He was 34 years of age, and had a wife and one tldld liviug at Tecumseb. Morris Mahan, of the lumbering lirm of Mitchell &. Mahan, died at his home in F.ast Bay on the 2d inst, aged 50. Mr. Mahan has been in partnership with the Hon. W. H. C. Mitchell 84 years, and a resident of Grand Traverse county 1 years. He was highly respected aud his" Iobs will bfl decply feit. Gustave Slosser, a tramp who out. of revenge set Ure to the baru of Reubeu Smalley, in Vicksburg, near Kalatnazoo, but who was defeated Dy lts discovery in time to extinguish it before damage was done, was arraigned before Judge Mills ou the -Jd lust., and pleaded that he did not know anythiug that ho had been doing since the C'obb case. Most of the prisoners have become "insane," and iusauity" israpidly lucreasing. A new artesian well is being bored at the Jackson peniteutiary. Grand Kapids and west Hay City are agitated for additious to thelr city boundariee. TheRev. JedekiahSiuithof Deerlield. Lenawee connty, who was injured by a fall on the iee some weeks ago, died on Saturday, the 3d inst., aged SI years. Mr. Henry Üuehane of St. Clair, lost a team of horsee, his sleigh and load, through the ice a few dave ago while drawing wood from Canada. The ice is in a bad eondition at present. A new paper company, called Ohio paper company. capital $20ü',000, to manufacture fancy car'dboard, etc., has been formed at Niles, and buildings aud machincry have been ordered to be ready for use May 1. A few days ago three boys of Coldwater, aged 13 to 16, started out together to kill Iudians and huilt, buffaloes. They had SiS in their joint f und. The father of one of them overhauled the party at Fort Wayne and took them all home. Charles Wilson of Ka,ssou was n.stautly killed bv a falling tree a few days ago while cutting maple logs with Homer Webb. While Wllsou was being buried the grave eaved in precipitating Mr. Webb lnto its bottom, the cofflu coming down on top of him and burstmg open. Daniel Boyle, aged CO, who lives in Sandstoue, near Jackson, received notice a few days ago that he had been allowed a pension aml Í37OOO back pay. It is supposed that he immedlatelv eot dr'uuk, as he was fouud lylng in the road'on Saturday the 3d inst., iust outside of Jackson. having apparently laid out all uight. Wm. Kilmer at Newaygo was convicted of the murder of Jacob Boldman, aud a few days ago was sentnced by Judge Fuller to tmprisonment in the state prison at Jackson at hard labor for Ufe. The prisoncr is not more than half-witted and does not seem to appreci ate hls terrible position, takin it very eoolly. Many are of the opiniou that T l.enhart a brother of the Lenhart who died in jad, and a - so the widow of the dead murderer, are impll cated in the aftair, and it is not unlikely that they will be tried as accessorles. A signal service is to be established in 'heboygan. Tho telephone exchange at Greenville began business a few days ago. There is not an acre of land subject to state entry In elther Keweeuaw or Houghton counties. The Rev. Alfred Eddy, for 12 jèara pastor of the Presbyterian chureh at Nues, died on the 5th inst., aged 08. The house of John Connors, at Coral, was burned a few days ago. Loss 600; Insurance 4()0. Dr. Barry's house was on tire Dut it was extingulshed with small loss. A tire destroved the large aud damaged the'residence of F. Deckman ol East Sagiu&w, reeently, to the amount of b,000- Insurance on dwelllng and contents, i,200 Tweuty-tive oon veris, nearly all young ladies and jentlemen, were bapt'ized "at the Congregatioual chureh in Hudsou on a recent Sunday, by the Rev. T. G. Colton, au the result of the evaügelistic work of l'rof. Éstabrook. Rowell C. Sharpe, who was arrested at Ovid last weekacciised of obtaiuing mouey of Jas. A. Beebe of Owoeso by mrans of a forged uiortgage, has walved examiuatiou and beeu remandedto jail. Sharpe now admite the forgery. Chas. A. tí. Huntley, the smart Graud Rapids young man, who advertised to sell "a certaiu kind of bilis" - the old swindle to take in those who would buy counterfett nioney- has been senteueed to six months' imprisonment. Snit has been eomnienced in the United States C'ourt at Grand Rapids on notes held by John Giltnau, of Baltimore, and Senator Wincloni, of Minnesota, for $00,000 against the Michigan Barge Company, Ferrysbnrg, one of the Forrys' corporations. " l'rof. E. (.;. Walker, principal of the normal department of Adrlnn college, has tendercd his resignatiou, and will accept the superiutendeney of the Jnnesville schools, the latter positlon beiug made vacant by the retireinent of Prof. (iasa, the newly-appoioted superintendent of public iustruetion. It was at one time feared that the ice liud injured the growing wheat erop tn St. loseph County, but as the snow and ice melt and the bare grouud appears, all fears of injury have been dispelkd and it ie almost the unaulnious opinión of farmers that tho prospect of a good erop in this set-Hon never looUed better. A fornitura niauufacturing coiupany has been org.mized in Bay City ; capital, $100,ooí. The janitors of the public schools in Urand Rápida have been appointed special aolice, so that they may protect the schools from depredatious, and insure good order. A fire occurred in Maaistee a few days siuce, eausing a loss of $40,000 to that village. The Cre origiuated iu a frame block occupled by Seymour Bros., as a general store, and spread rapidly to the adjoinlng buildings Webster Lauranee was arrested at Graud Rapids on the 8d lost., and brought to Strand Haven for examination on the charge of javing, on tlie 8th of January last, committed rape upon his daughter, a girl about 12 years old. It is claimed that I.aurance was drunk at the time. l.Williani A. Loosp. living six miles trom Mouroe, was drowned iu the river Ralsiu a few davs since. He was crossiug the river in a small skiff on his way bome from the district school where he was teaching, when the boat was overturued by the swift current and he was swept. away beyond the reach of aid. .). S. Eastruan's planing mili and hoop faetory at Ludiugton, togetlier with their contents and maehinery, were entirely destroyed by fire on the Öth inst. Loss about $(,0Ü0. insured for $4,000 iu the Imperia! Northern an.i North Brltish rómpanles. Misfortune seems to follow Mr. Eastman. Ouly a few days previous he had all Ihe fingere ön his left. hand sawed off. A younu; man by the name of Thomas Jamison, formerly a resident of Windsor, Ont., who has been living at Columbiavilte fof the last six months, eommittcd suicide a few evenËKs sincc. by liunglug himself. The faniily were absent at.tending a eoueert, and on their return about 9:rsO p. m., discovcred Lim haugingby a strap fastened to the stair railing above. Jamison was about 'M) years old, and had beeu married only atxiut "three mouths. No cause is assined for the rash act. The coroner'B jury returned a verdlcl tn accordsnoe witli the "above facts. Tlie t,üllüiiir.-. Sknatk, Feb. 27.- The balloting ior senator absorbed the eutire time of the legisla ture and very little work was aecomplished. A few bilis were pa86ed, as follovvs: Allowiug mutual iumirance eompanies of other states to do business in this state; amending act 'J43, Iawsof1881, relativeto highways; amending seetious 1TS4-85, C. L., relating to the public health ; al! are to have immediate effect. I he bill to arraage for the taking of the census and statistics for 1884 was referred to the eommittee of the whole. The resolution to adjourn over tmtll Thursday, March lat, was concurred Holhe.- Haviug betu reported adversely from the committee, the following bilis were laid on the table : To repeai secs. 18 and 19 and to amend sec. W of an act providing for the asstssment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon ; to amend sec. 18 of above act and to add new sectiou No. 110; to abolish the law and medical departments of the universityof Michigan. The following bilis werepassed: To amend sectiou 7 of act '51, approved June 10, 1881, relative to protection of game; ioint resolution for eubmission of eonstitutiónal amendment to iucrease salaries of state officers; torepcal act 2(55 of 1881, relative to register of deeds in Shiawassee couuty. Senatk, March 1.- A bill was passed allowiug mutual lire iusurauce companics of other states to do business wlthin this state. Petitions were Bubmitteu for the extensión to women of the rtght of suffrage and all other legal rights now posseased by men ; for tho submiSBiOB of a prohibitory amendment; ior amendmeut of charter of Charlevolx, and a supplementary memorial relatiug to charges against tho fish commiseioners. The resolution of the state grange, urging the claims of the great agricultural iuterests in the seleetiou of a United States Senator, recently presentad to the legislature, having found favor with the senate committee on agricultural interests, was reeommended bv said committee to the favorable considerado".! of the Senate Iu executlve eession the Senato conflrmed a long het of notarles pnblic, after which an adjonrnmeut was Üriieou3Ê- Bills were passed re-ineorporatlng Breedsville and detachtng terrltory from Portage, Houghton county. Petitions were preeented for the submission of a prohihitory amendment; for the repcal of the conspirary law ¦ for a law eetablishing ten hours as a legal day's labor; for a law abolishing the contract system in prisons; for the incorporation of t?adee' unions; against the poor commission bill for Wayne couuty, and also one slgned by Jackson ládle for a law giving women the right to vote at municipal clections. Sknaïk, March 2- Bills passed incorporating Springport and Menominee and reincorporating Dexter. Pet.itione were receivwl for the submissiou of a prohibitory amendment: memorial of Richmond, Backus & Co. tor an amendmenttoactl68of 18T9 in referance to the publlcation of reporta of the suprome court. The petitiouers complaln that as tho law now stands they have no way of making Üie publishera of tho reporta sell Richmond, Backus A quantitics at Wholesale, and thev are obliged to purehase copies eingly-greaUy iuterterins with the súrcese ot their HousE-Remoustrances were presented from S cittons of Ecorsc and from k eitizens of VVvamlo?teÜagain9t the establishment of a poor commiseiou for Wayne county Also a me Suclr. anithVbl' whiih was ordercd prluted iu the Journal. A ,.rnft Shiawaasee county. The following reso lutiona wereaeubmittedby Mr (Vnby eoncernine the fish commission : Whereae. Controvereiee exist betweei .the bardot nsh commisaionera and the eupLrin - tendent, and an investigation f th a1,e;8 uow pending before the leg sature nith a view i to the adjustment of auch dtincultiee. hateherv in Detroit, as they are now dolng, til the conpletion of a full investigation by the legislature and settlement by the legislature of ' Baid eontroversies. Resolved, further, Tliat it ia the sen6 of the ' Legislature that uo person froin auother látate should be placed lu charge of the work of hatching and distributiou of flsh for the inlaud waters of the State. The resolution was put upou lts passage under suspension of the rules ; but, after a brief and brlek debate, the preamble aud hit ion were laid upou the table. Sknate, March b1- A few petitiorn j were presented, the followiugof which are most important : For au appropriation of state swamp lauds to clear the chaunel of (jrand ; river of fallen timber and otlier obstruetioui?, from tlie raoutti of the Portage viver south to the base line; for authority to construct water ! works in the villages of (juinnesee and Iron Mouutaiu, in the conuty of Menomiuee; for a prohibitory ameudment ; remonstrant s againsfr the establishment of a poor eounuission in Wayne county, sigued by 250 cltizens of said county ; for passage of 8. B. IC, to provide uniform freight rates and to prevent uujust discrimmatlons against local freight rates. The Senate then proceeded to the discussion and final passage of the following bilis : To amend the act to incorpórate the city of Wyandotte; to authori.e county supervisors to provide for ascertaining and preserving 6ection corners and quarter posts as surveyed and recorded by the original survey ; to appropriate ] money for the purchase of books for the state library ; to ameud the laws relative to real and personal estáte; to incorpórate the Grand Army of the Republic department of Michigan, and subordínate post9; for the encouragenient of, rifle practice in the regimenté and battalions of i state iroops. House. - Petitlons were received for the passage of a prohibitory liquor law ; for a bonnty to all soldiers in the late war who 1 eeived no state bount.y; agaiii: t the passage of ¦ the Wayne county poor commission bilí; j agalnst auv further appropriations for the 1 ficial hatcbing of whitetlih ; for the formation of the proposed county of Areuac ; for the Corporation of Westphalia; for the passage of a law for the appointmeut of a state game aud fish warden; remonstrance against the bilí lneorporating Grosse Point The House; passed bilis incorporating Springport and j Menominee, and authorizlirg the city of naw toborrow money to build a eonrt house. m Ho a Senator Is hoeu. Thuhsday, Mareh 1.- In joint con-' ventiou two ballota were taken, when the veution adjourned uutil cviniug. The ballots taken resulted as follows: First ballot.- Byron G. Stout, 41 ; T. W. 1 uier, 29; F. B. Stockbridge, 29; E. Willits, 9; ! M. S. Crosby, 3; II. C. liodge, 5; T, W. Ferry, j 1; Perry Hiunah, 1. Total 118. Neeessary to a choice 60. Second ballot.- Bj ron U. Stout, 8;T. W. ' Palmer, 27; F. B. Stockbridge, 2B; F.. Willlte, ! 5; M. S. Crosby, 8; H. C. liodge, 3; T. VV. Ferry, 1 ; Ferry Hiïuuah. 1 ; 8. Withe.v, 10; J. IS. Angelí, l;'Joseph Nicholson, 8. Total US. ! Neeessary to a cholee 00. Wheu "the convention re-assemblwl iu the evening it was with the feeling that the vexed question would be eettled fcefore the Bession ; ploscd. The ballots taken were as follows : Thinl ballot..- Stout, 41 ; Palmer, 31 ; Stockhridge, 2 ; Witliey, H; Willits, 3; Crosby, 7; Angelí, 1 ; Fuller, 3;Ferrv, I ; Ilani.ah, I ; Chas. ! Upsou, 1. Total, 121. Necossary to a cholee 61. Kourtli ballot.- Stout, 47; Palnu-r, 31; Stockbridge, 25; Withcy, 5; Willitü, -1 ; Crosby, 8; Angelí, 1 : VV. D. FuUer. 3; Ferry, 1 ; Hannah, 1; Chas. Upsou, 3; H. Chamberlain, 8. Total 121. Necessary to a choice Hl. Fifth ballot.- Stout, 85; Palmer, 32; Stockbridge, 24; Withev, 3; Willlts, 3; Crosby, 7; Angelí. 1 : W. D. Fuller, 3; Ferry, 1 ; Hannah, I 1; Chas. Üp6on, 5; 11. Chamberlain, 4 ; J. F. i Vaudevanter, 2; J. Q. Adams, 1. Total 181. Neiwssary to a choice 61. Sixth ballot.- Stout, 88; Palmer, 40; Withey, ] 8; Willlts, 1: Croeby, 19; Angelí, 1 ; W. D. Fuller, 3; Ferry, fi; Hannah, 1 ; Chas. Upsou, 8; North, 1 : Bureh,' 1 . Total 121. Necessary to a choice BI . Seventh ballot.- Stout, 43, Palmer. 7f; Ferry, 8. Total 120. Necessary to a choice 61. This ends the most hotly-coutested electlon that ever occurred in tho history of Michigan politics, audthera is a general fe'elingof rejoicing that the bal loting is ended. Slnce the balloting eomnienced Sfi candidatos have heen voted for. When the Lleutcuaut-Governor aunouuced the electiou of Thomas W. Palmer there was great excitenieut iu the couvention, and the annouucement was received with cheers. Mr. Palmer addressed the eonventiou in a few 1 timed remarks, and aceepted the honor that had been shown him. Others f ollowed in short speeches eomplimenting him upou his eleotion, and the convent-ion adjourncd. There is a horse in Oglethorpe, Ga., that is either superstitious or has a dislike for odd mirnbers. Under no cirounistanees will it draw a vehiole in which there are an uneven number of perious, no matter liow light they may be.