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Detroit Markets

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Detroit, March 7, 1883. Wheat.- The wheat market was very dull, jut prlecs wcre very strady. We quote is folOW8 : No. 1 White, $1.09%; No. 2 White, 96c; No. 3 YVhlte 86)@S6Mc ; No. 2 Red,$1.10; No. 3 Red, $1.0% ïl.oi B.- The market holds esseutially the same position as one week since. Demands are limited, and verv Jtttle flour ia moving outslde of local circlea.' Prlees are unctaanged, but with a dull market, and the tone of the wheat market rather bearisli. Buyers aro favored, aud iuside rates generally prevalí, except for favorlte stock. Quoted terms are aa follows : Iloller procesa, $6.00: winter wheats, city brands, $!í.50@5.B0; winter wheat brands,eountry $5 00@ $5.15: winter patents $6.90@$7.O0; Minnesota brands, $H.25@$6.50; Minnesota patents $7 50@3 50; Buckwheat, $0.00; Rye flour $4.00@S4.25. Feed- There is a good local demand. ín corn the market is strong. but th'.e cereal seems to be somewhat neglected. ín oats tte movement ia much freer. The quotations are as ollows : Corn, 67M Cí 62c ; Oats, 47 @ 4$Xe ; coarse fed, $lt!,5ü fe $17,00; eorn nieal, 36, Día Goons.- The market for dry goods continúes dull althougb earlv spring goods are begiuning to be brought out. Prices are steady, and few changes are reported. ín brown shectings the prlce varies from 6 to 8 cents. ín bleached cottons the faraous Fruit of the Loom and Lan8dale remain flrm at 9}{c, and York Mills is steady at 12c. Prints vary in price from 5 to 6)c.' Olnghams are in good demana at 8 to 0}4c. Coai-.- Quotatious are as follows; Stove, Grate, Eggand Nut, $6.75; Lehlgh lurap, $8.75. Woon -The market is steady at tho follow inKprijes: Beech und Maple, $7.00; Maplcand Hlckory, $8.00. Clover Beed, bu l @ 8 00 Apples 8 50 @ 3 . Dried Apples, %l tt. ;Kfl Dried Peaches lp Butler,? 30 (A W p.r(rg 18 iï IJ Dressed Chickens H @ 15 Dressed Turkeys 18 W 1 Geese 1 f, "¦ Dncka ? @ (jnee9e 15 @ 16 Potatos,"Í)bu M @ BeánsVpícked:. 3 30 $2 36 b-1-' :::i5"S8 1 ;Perbu-v.v.::::::.:...T40945 Pork, dressed, .100 00 @ 8 25 SS, ::::::::l9SJ i Hams ....V.V.V Iï m Shoulders i Beef, eitramess W i of


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