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It m believed in Paris that fresh negotiations are pending reganliuij England and Franec's relations to Egypt. The wedding festivities óf the crown prinee and princesa oí Germán}', which were postponod on account of the death of Prince Charles, look place on Fi'bruary 26. Mr. Childers, chancellor of the exehequer, discussing iu the commons the distrcsB in Irelaud, said the government wou ld not Bhrink from taking strong measures if they were llkoly to have a permanent effect. He pointed out the fact that wages were high and the distress onlv affoctcd over-crowded districts. He hoped the Irish members would do what they could to restore confldenee in Ireland so the promoters of public works would be able to obtain loans from private sources instcad of froin the government. A plot having been discovercd against Lord Hartlngton, war secretan", he has been glven additlonal protection. Harrington, the niprisoiied land leagurer who was recently elected to parllament from West Meath, has been removed from MulMngar to Galway prison, where he will serve init the remainder of hls senteucc. Ooncerning the application made to the United States and French governments for the eïtraditions of Sheridan and Byrne the London Times says : If eomplieity in the organization of a secret society is all that can be alleged against them their uxtradition ought to ! be most positively refused. Parnell lias writton James Mooneyj president of the natlonal land leagua of America, informlng hini that if the couimons refused a seeopd rcacling of the land blll which he will move on the. 14th inst., and if there is no i peet of legislation for Ireland during the present seselon of parliament, he will proceed to the United States to attend the prnnoscd conveutiou in Philadelphia. (ladstone has returned to England greatly improved In health. The Erupress of Gerruany gave 1,000 j marks to the fund for the relief of sufferers by the Hoods iu America. Seven hundred and eleven cattle aud fiftcen bundred and seventy sheep, all healtby, have been landed at Birk'enhead, Eng., from Boston. Hungary has undertaken the Hereueautaskof removing tbe rocks at the Iron (Jateof the Danulie, and experts to be reimbureed by tolls. An Irislimau who gave his name as Uyland, but whose real name is John Walsh, was arrested at Havre, France on tbc 2d inst. French new spapers say he has avowed h6 complielty In the Plwuulx park murders. Walsh Is the person mentioned by James Carey at the hearing of conspirators. The Freeman's Journal of Dublin asserts that a warrant bas actually been issued, for the mysterlous man known os "No. 1," and that arrest will shortly follow. The Journal furtber says: "England ha no option but to apply to the French and American governmente for tbc extradition of Byrne ani 8hciidan. If foreign states think'they can justly and prudentlv withdraw alleged murderers or Iristigators of murder frotn trial the responBibility i primarily thelrs." Kr'wnds of Byrue, for whose extraditiou the French government bas been asked, will try to prove an alibi. The Tribune at Genoa, Switzerland, Bays the Brltisb foreign eecretary bas tnstrueted the minister at Berne to insist upon the annulment of the decrees expelling tbe leaders at the salvation army from Switzerland. Four hundred more workmen have been diemiesed at a mauufaetory of firearms at Steyer, Austria, on account of 1ack of orders abroad. The total number of employés Is reduced from 6.000 to 2,000. Me.ny 'intend to emigrate to America. The cantonal government of lierne, Bwltzerland. bas complaiaed to the federal rouncil of the aetion of Dr. Cramer, United States charge d'affaire6 there in having eontrary to useage demanded direct from the prefect oi Brienz, instead of from the federal touneil, the punishmeat of a number of persons who created a disturbance in the Methodist church, of whieh Dr. Cramer Is a patrón. A Paris disimtoh of Alarch 3d says: I At the cabinet council reeently, M. Ferry, prime minister, deelaredthat'revision of the t constitution was lnopportune, especially as tli3 seuate has sbown a concillating disposition by the vote on the motion offered by Gen. Robert with regard to tbe Orleans princes. He sftid he would oppose revisión when it was moved iu the chamber of deputies. He would urge j that revisión could oaly usefully como on when the senate would not see In it a monace to lts exietenee. The relations between Germany and Cngland are reported netter now than for 10 vears. Mr. (iladstone states that the British jovernment intend to withdraw troops from Sgypt as soon as the aims of occupatiou have wen obtatned. These were the establisbmeut of order and Ilbertynndeecuringpa9sageof the Suez canal. The London, Eng., society for the suppresslon of blaspbemous literature propose o get up cases against Profs. Uuxley, Tyndall, ¦lerbert Spencer, the publishers of John Stuart Uili's wocks, John Morley and others who by writings have sown widespread unbelief and In some cases rank athcism. Several firms of Bremer have entered into a combination for the purpose of or ganizing a liue of steamers to run from Brenen to Cuba and Porto Rico. Four steamers under the Spauish flag will maiutain a regular connection between those places, which will be of great importanee to the export trade of Germany. Caleutta advices state that the most intense excitement continúes to be feit auiong Europeans because of the proposed law giviug native magistratea criminal jurisdiction over whites in OcTtain cases. The Times' correspondent says it is certaiu that if the obnoxious measure is pressed 90 per cent. of the white volunteers in Bengal will resign as a protest against it. At a great meeting held in Caleutta even violence toward the. native magistrates was threatened. tTATIOXAL CAl'JTAL. The Senate has ratified the supplemental extradition treaty between tbe United States and Spain. The council in the star route cases relieve the monotouy of the thing by calling each other pet ( f) names occasionally. The Port Huron collectorship which has been troubling the Michigan delegation for so long, has at last been settled. Gen. Hartsuff is the victorlous man, his notnination having been sent to the Senate on Wednesday, February 28. The following nomiuations wei e also sent to the Senate as postn. asters of the places named : Worden R. Chapell, Corunna; Otis A. Critchett, Monroe ; John A. Thompson, Manistee ; Wm. L. Scaton, Jackson. Mr. Edniunds from the committee on judiciary, bas reported adversely the House bili to provide for the restoration to '¦itlzenship of such cltlzens of the United States as have become naturallzed as subjects of Great Britain aud desire to return to their original alleglance. Tbts bill was intended to give the force of law to the third article of the convention between the United States and Cireat Britain, concluded May 30, 1870l which provldes that "if any citizen of the l nited States, naturalized withln tbc dominions of her Britanic majesty, hall renew his residencc in the United States, tbe United States government may, on his own application and on such conditious as that gov ernment may think flt to impose, re-admit him to the character and privileges of citizens ol the United States, and Great Britain shall nol in that case claim hlm as a Britlah subject or account of hls former naturalizatlon." The bill iuereasing the pensiona of rnalmed soldier baspassed tbc Señale. The following is the languageof the bill: "That from and after the passage of tbis act all persone on the pension roll, and all persons hereafter granted a pension who, while in the military or naval service of the United States and in the line of duty shall bave kwt one hand or one foot or been totally or permanently disabled so as to renderthelrineapacitytoperl'orm manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or toot,. shall receive a pension of $24 per month ; that all persons now on the pension roll, and ail persons hereafter granted pensions who, in like manner, shall have lost either an arm at or above the elbow, or a leg at or above the kuee, or shall bave been otherwise so disabled as to be incapacitated for performingany manual labor, but not so nmeh so as to require regular personal aid and attendance, shall receive a pension of Í30 per montb, providing nothing contained iü this act shall be construed to repeal j seetion 4699 revised statutes or to eliange the rato of $18 per month therein mentioned to be proportionately divided for any degree of disability establtshed for whieh seetion 4695 makes no provisión." The sundry civil appropriation bill has passé J the Senate, andtheriverand harbor bill the House. The conference committee on the tariff bill have agreed upon a report and sub mitted the sanie to the Senate. The Washington Ever ing Star gives the Congressional Record a terrible scathing because it (the Record) does not record, and calis for thft needed reform. The Republican members of the senate held a caucus on the 2d inpt. and selected Mr. Edmuuds as a candidatc for president pro tem to suceeed Mr. Davis. There was no opposition. At the same caucus it was unani! mousïy resolved that there would be no extra ! scssion of the Senate. Considerable discussion is being held ! iu Washington over the marriage of Si-nator Tabor and Mrp. Ltzzie McConrt. It appears the contracting parties had both been divorced from earlier loves, and uow the Catholic pricst who performed the eeremony a few days since declares lie would never have raarried them had i he known of the divorce. Senator Vau Wyek created considerable excitement in the Senate a few days since I by a vigorous attaek of tlio prosecution of the fctar route trial, closing lus remarke with the pertinent question, "Where was the protection of the people, when the head of the department of justice not only tolerated but iuaugurated such proceedingsi" The half dozen eenators present were vainly trying to answer the question when the Senate adjourned. The bill to adjust the salaries of postn sters has passed the House. The object of the bill was to adjust the salarles of 47,000 postmasters. This had been rendered necessary by the actlon of congress in reducing the rates of postagc, to take effect the lst of October next. The measure met with the approval of the department and was considered by the postofflee committee as the best and fairest proposition that could be drawn. The bill retained the present classification of postmasters ; as to the first class the bill carried $12,000 adflitional eompensation. The salary of the postmasters at 8t. Louis, Chicago, Boston and rhiladelphia was increased from $4,000 to $6,000, and at Cincinnati, Bauimore, San Francisco and Washington from $4,000 to $5,000. The eompensation to seeond and third class po6tmasters remains as at present. The rate of commission granted fourth class postmasters had been ehanged so that they would receive about the same under the two cent law as they did neder the three cent law. Secretary Chandler on the 3d inst. reccived a cable message from Minister Hunt, at St. Petersburg, statïng thatEueign Hunt and party, including Bartlettand othersurvivorsof I the Jeunnette, arrived at St. Petersburg all in ! good hcaltb. The fate of the river and harbor bill was settled by the aetion of the Senate on Saturday, the 2d inst. in adopting Mr. Ingall'a motion, "That the report of the committee accompanying the bill be printed and lie on the table." This aetion carried over till the next day the consideration of the bill iteeïf, and as Sunday is not a legislative day no furtner action eould be taken by the Senate upon the bill at this session. It is generally understood that the purpose of the motion was to kill the bill. The tarift" bill has ünally passed both Houses of eongress. No sesston of eongress lias been more excltiug than that of Saturday, ! the 8d inst., duriug the discussion of this bill. Vigorous cfforts were made by lts opponents j to prevent lts passage, and up to Sve o'elock ia the afternoon of that day It seeined that they would succeed. But when five o'elock came the House was ready to vote, and there seemed no disposition to delay. The vote was taken i and resulted in the passage of the great and i important measure. The president of the Sen ate immediately signed the bill and a few moments later President Arthur afflxed hls signature. The bill is, therefore, now a law. Pursuant to a notice giyen some days previous, David Davls, the president pro tem. of the Senate,' resigned that otüce on Saturday the 8d inst. Iu resisming that important position, he addressed the Senate as follows : Senators- Gratltude fails to express the feeling which moves me in risponding to the generous expreesions in the resolution you have adopted as the presiding officer of this honored body. I have received eourteous eo-operation from both sides, and constant kindness in the discharge of oölcial duties and in personal intercourse. I ought to be, and believe I am, fnlly sensible ot the obligation imposod by these acts, the more so as I entered upon the duties of the Chair almost a stranger to parliamentary praetices. Six years have passed sinue the Legislatura of Illinois conferredupon me the trust which is about to expire by constitutlonal Hmitation. I neither ought nor expected an eKetiou, which was brougbt alxiut by a unión of different elements. Political ! questions have separated me from the two great parties, and have subjected my aetion hcre and elsewhere to the criticiein of the organsof both organizatlous. A public man who steps outside of regular party liues is exposed to a misrepresentation of bis inotives,and to a charge ef 1 weakuees in hB conduct. Hegaiuslittie credit : for the moral courage of self-assertion, and ' none for casting aside ambition in defense of his ptinciples. In legislatlng I bave striven to 1 consider measures solely with reference to the 1 public good, and without the least regard to I ¦¦ their political patcruity. Above and beyond ¦ ! all other objects, my great alm has been to eiI 1 tingulsh the strife" of sections and to see the I Union restored in all lts iutegrity, with refresLed and inereased grandeur. Thank God that tho happy day has at ast come. North and South are only geographieal expre&sions Fifty millious of free, happy and prosperous people lejoice in a reuuited country, strengthened by the sternest of human trials. I shall carry away with me, and cherish as a solace in pri; vate life, the cordial friendsbips formed here. It will be a constant pleasure to reflect upon, that no jar has disturbed tho admluistration of ' the high office I now resign, bidding an affec i tionate farewell to every member of the Senate ¦ ' and every offleer connectcd with it. Secretary Folger has given iustruct tions that the word "cents" be placed on the s new Üve cent picces in order to meet the re . quirements of law. No aetion was taken before the adJournment of the 47th congress iu regard to L : federal ofllces in Michigan, aud it is the opin; ! ion of wisc ones that all Michigan appointments j I will go over until after the spring leetions. j James Gilfillan, treasurer of the United States, bas tendered his resignation to 'f i the President through the eecretary of the j ! treasury, to take effect the lst próximo. Mr. j Gilfillan bas accepted the posltion of treasurer . ! and manager of the Mutual trust eompany, j ! New York. 1 Representad ves of the Greenback e ( labor party in the 47th congress have issued - 1 an address to the country, bewailing the coun- ¦ try's condition, and declariüg that the late i ; eongress has devoted weeks to discusoion ot f ; the tariff and iuternal revenue measures under t ; pretense of giving relief to the people, while It Q 1 has perpetuated a flnancial ByBtem which renders relief Imposaible, and has wasted much time Ín appeals to 6ectional fceling whicli should have heen devoted to legitímate legislation. All the regular annual appropriatiou jllls obtaiued passage in both House6 and have íecoine laws. Mr. Hiseoek, chairman of the tlouse committee on appropriations has issued a statement relative to the appropriations bilis. The following is a brieí summary : The aggregate amountof all the bilis la $229,326,511 macie up as Í0II0W8 : Pensions. $86,575,000; military academy, $318,657: fortillcation, $070,000; consular and diplomatie, $1.296,755; navy, $15,894,434; army, $24,681,350; postofflee, $44,4S9,520; Indian, $5,362,65.5; legislativo, $20,164,296; suudry civil, $23,906.147; District of Columbia, $1.699,867; defleleney, $2,813,187; agrieultural, $405,645; miseellañeous bilis involving appropriations of money, $750,000. The aggregate of appropriations for last year, ineludiug $18,738,875 íor thc river and harbor bilí, was $295,509,639, and for the preceding year, ineluding $11,441,300 for the river and larbor bilí, ivas $219,367,988. An analysis of ;he figures for the past three yeare shows that Jie appropriations for the eurrent expenses of tho government irrespective of amounts for pensions, Í3 less than eíther of the two precedng years. During the 47th congress 19,670 bilis bilis and joint resolutions have been lntrodueed in the two houses (S,01S in the House and 2,652 iu the Senate), and of these 832 have been iutrodueed in the house and 457 in the Senate during the session just closed. In each Houe a majority of these ineasures still remain with ;he committees to which they wcre referred and of those reported from cosimittees the larger number remain upon the caleudars of the respective houses. Aside from the regular annual ippropriatiou bilis 163 bilis and joint resolutions have passed both houses during tliis seseion and become laws. Among the more important of these are the follow ing : The tax and tariff bilí to reduce the revenue ; the civil service bill; Japanese iudeniüity fund bill; to provide íor a new mixed commiseiou in aecordmce with the treaty of April 25, 1860, with Venezuela; to nodif y the post 1 money order system and tor other purposes; to re-adjust salaries of postmasters; to afford assistanee and relief to congress and the executive deartmeuts iu the iuvestigatlou of claims and de-ïands against the goverument; to prevent the importation of aduiterated tea; to eneourage the holding of a world's industrial and cotton centenuial exposition in 1884 ; to amend the act repealing discriminating duties on goods produced east of the Cape ofGood Hope : Granting right-of-way for railroad and telograph purpo6es through Fort Smith reservatiou, Arkausas; joint resolution to adjudícate claims of New ï'ork brokers for a rebate of taxes: to allow Canadian grain to be brought over the border to be ground; To erect a monument to Geu. De Kalk ; Joint resolution presenting the thanka of congress to John F. Slater for an educational bequest to the eolored people ; To refund to the state of Georgia money expended for common defenoe in 1777 ; To reetify and ehtablish titie of the United States to the site of tho military post at El Pazo, Tex. ; Authorizing the sale of certain property at Harrodsburg, Ky., belongingto the soldiers' home ; Ceding to the first taxiug district of Teunessee a lotof land situated in that district; To reiinburse the states of Oregon and California for moneys paid in the suppression of the Modoc war; To provide for holding termo of UcttUt oowrt of tbo United Staloe at Wichita, Ks., and for other purposes; Extemling the time for flUini; claims for horses lost by officers and eulisted men; 10 amend section 3362, Revised Statutes, relating to the tax on perique tobáceo; To amend aections 1926 and 1927, Revised Statutes, so as toeïtend the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in Washington, Idaho and Montana territories ; To admil. free of duty a monument to (ieu. Washington ; Authorizing the exaiuinatiou andauditing of eertaiu claims against the Freedman's Savings bank and thepavment of eertain rfividends barred by the act of Februarv 21, 1881; To Increase the lees of witnesses in star route cases from west of the Mississlppi river ; To regúlate the construction of bridges aero6s the Ohio river; A bill to regúlate the export of tobáceo iu bond. The President has deckled not to appoint the ehief examiner of the civil service eommission, but to let the commission appoint oue at its own convenloHce. The Malagassy ambassadors now in Washington are in this country for the purpose of cementing relations of frieudship and amity between thc United States and Madagascar. Chas. H. Reed, Guiteau's legal friend, will not get the $3,000 he aaked for defending the "inspired one." The Senate inserted a provisión in the sundry civil bill, but itwas 6tricken out in the conference corninittcc. The President haa aceepted the resignation of James Gilftllan, treasurer of the United States. It is not hkely that a successor will be ippointed for some time. Assistant Treasurer Wyman is mentioned as likely to receive the appointment. The comptroller of the curreney has received many letters in reference to the redemption of two cent check stamps not required by law to be used after July lst, next. The law provides for the redemption of stamps not used, provided they are presented foi payment within three years from the time of purehase from the government. Mr. MoPherson, clerk of the house of representatives, says there are many typograpnical and clerical errorc in the tariff bill as it appears in the Congressional Record. The tax on tobáceo is priuted 80 instead of eight cents, and in the iron sehedule there is a clause which was not printed in the Record at all. He is of the opinión that when the bill ahall be accurately printed in f uil it will be found moro satisf actory than it now scema to be to representatives of the iron Interest. VKiaiE. A newsboy of Louisville, Ky., named Earl Nichols has been arrestcd, charged with au outrage on a little girl 5 years old. The child fully identifled the boy, w ho makes only a feeble d'enial of his guilt. The matter will be iuvestigated. Thc penalty iu sueh cases uuder the K entucky statutes Is death. Frank Hunter of Massillon, O., was found dead at the bottom of a water tank at a stone quarrv oh the morningof March 5, with his head crüshcd. His wifr, mother, father-inlaw and Frank Brunner have been urrested on 8uspicion. _ OEXtChA.L ITJE.VS. The immense printing establishment of Geo. 11. Taylor & Co., of Chicago, hasfailed. Thcy confess Judgment amouutiug to $210,000. The city building inspector of Ghicago has been inspecting thc echool buildiugs ol that city, and ahuo-t without txception they have been found faulty in coustruetion. The grand jury in the Xewhall house case have made their final report. They flnc that the hotel was made as substantiallv as most hotels ; that landlord Antisdala dopted the 6ame precautions as iu hotels of liko size, but did not propcrly instruct help as to their duties in case of fire ; the pólice and lire de partment are eoinmeuded and the coroner is een eured. In the Missouri House of Representatives the committee in charge of the prohibition ameudment, have made a report recommendiug ' that the amendmeut to the constitution do not 1 pass. An amendnient wa6 offered providing ¦ that any legislatiou for carrying prohibition ini to effect should make provisión to reiuiburse brewers, distillers and others for losses they may sustain as a result. The amendment was 1 laiu upon the table by a test vote, 68 ayes to 50 ' moes, and thus the prohibitiou question in Mis1 souri is settled for this session of the legisla1 ture. The Harvard college "annex" fot ' youug lkdiee is said to be in a very prosperoue condltion. 1 The coinage at the various mints foi - February was $4,548,360, of which $2,400,(XX 3 were standard dollars. f The decrease in the national debt durr ing February was $7,630,078 and since Jun 1 30, 1882 the decreast amounts to $102,C38,346 l The statement of the Augustiniat fathers at Lawrence, Mass., leavcs an apparent surplus of $1,700, but the preeent market value of assets makes it a deflciency. The forestry bulletin from tlie Census Bureau just issued relates to the forests of West Virginia. It says the forests have been largely removed from the Ohio River counties, and the most viluable tlmber along the principal streams, especially black wahiut, cherry and yellow popular" have been culled in nearly every part of the State. The area still oceupled by white pine Is estimated to extend over 310 square miles and toeontain about 990, 000,000 feet of merehantablc lumber. The lumber product of the State f or the eensus vear was 180,112,000 feet of lumber, 12,071,000 laths, 3,695,000 shlngles, 41,902,000 staves, and 1,952,000 sets of beadlngs; total value, $2,431,857. A cattle trade has been made in Texas embraeing 22,000 hcad of cattle and 60,000 acres of land. The eonsideration was $300,000. New York and Boston capitalists are at Ottawa negctlating with the Untarlo Pacific Railway for the construction of a line froin Cornwall to Sault Ste. Marie. The New Brunswick government has resigned, and the lieutenant governor called upon Mr. Blair, leader of the oppoeition, to form a new government. Capt. Howgate, the suecessful embezzler of the Sigual Service Bureau, is eaid to be pending the winter in Florida, where the climate is fapidly Restoring his health, wbich was broken down by clO6e applieation to embezzling while iu Washington. John O'Neil, a liquordealer of Whiteïall, N. Y., whose case r.nder the civil rights bill was adversely decided iu the United States district court on the let inst., has since been öund guilty of 457 offenses and fiued $9,000 with $500 costs and a mouth's imprieonuient. The alternative Rentence wil! be 80 years' imprisonment. O'Neil fiirniöhed $10,000 bail and appealed. In his message to the New York leg-, slature vetoiDg the bill reducing the fare for he New York elevatcd railway, Gov. Cleveand says the stock and bonds 'are held by a arge number of citizens, and the iucome deends upon the fares. The reduction proposed s a large ons, and it is claimed will perurit no dividend to investors. It is important that in'ested capital be ]rotected and the necesslty and U6efulnebs in developments of enterpri6e valuable to the people will be recoguized by conservative conduct on the part of the state government. 11e Is not satisfied that circumitances exist to reduce fare on elevated roads and it ia conceded that no examinatlon haa )een made to that end. The bond of the defaulting treasurer of Teunessec has been reduced from $50,000 to !20,W)0 and the prisouer releasi'd. Conimander Cheyne, now in Montreal, says he has not abandoned his proposed alloön expedition to the north pole, and that ie will be acoompanied by Lieut. Sewatka, the aretic explorer. The jury in the case of J. D. Watson, he lobbyist eharged with an attompt to bribe tepresentative Black of Clevelaad laut winter, ïave returned a verdict of guilty. The penal,y Is from three to ten years in the penitentiary. Senteuee has been reserved. The supreme cotut ut Uum gniuied a stay of proceedings pending an appeal to the wprömo oourt aL tb." Unitoil Staten ín the aijlications fora mandamus to compcl the eoun;y otficers to turn over the olfices to the ap,Kintfie6 of the govornor. This in effect anmls the Hoar amendments. All tho county ollicers hold till the Aueust election. The city auditers of London, Ont., jave discovered imite a mimber of discrepancies in the books of Tax Collector Taylor of that city, and he bas been suspended. The amount of the defaleation is not made public, but is said to amount to a considerable sum. Taylor is au old official, but t i believed the eutire systein of book-keeping iu vogve there is such as 'o permit officials to do with the city money as they please. Hon. Jamos S. Boynton, president of the Georgia Senate, has been sworu ia as buccessor of the late Alex. H. Stephene. AtLawrence, Mass., $10.000 is subseribed toward the Augustinian relief f und. It is reported the Jesuites of Bo6ton offer to aesume control and the iudebteduens of the C'atholic ehurches at Lawrence. The trustees of Columbia college declare it inexpedient to edúcate the sexes to-" gether. While not prepared for woman's education in college they deem It expedient to take measures to raise the standard of female education by proposing courses of studv to be pursued outside college, but under its authorities and witb sultable academie honors. i'he steamboat Yazoo sank in tho Mississippi on the uight of March 4, causing a total loss of boat and cargo. Most of the passengers and crew wore saved but the following areknown to be lost: Lee Carper, Becond clerk; Christopher Keins, iirst mate; John Franz, earpenter; Dau Dghton, steward; col-, ored chambermaid and cight colored roustaboutü. Passengers lost: Mrs. Lewls and child ; seven months' old ehild of Pilot Cooley ; colored woman, name uuknown. The disaster oceurred at Gipsy Potnt, 25 miles above the city. The boat was heavily loaded with miscellaneous freight. Value unknown. The boat was valued at $7,500; insured for $5,000 iu the Peoples' of New Orleans and Eureka of Cincinnati. Alexander H. Stephens the veteran statesman of Georgia, and at the time of bis death Governor of the state, died at Atlanta on Sunday, March 4. He passed quietly away, exhaustiou ratber than dieease, causing his death. News of his death created the prof oundest seusatiou, as he was not known to be so near deatb'6 door. Mr. Stephens was born at Tallaferro, Georgia, February 11, 1812. After passing succCHsfully thröugh college and praeticlng several years as a lawyer, he enterêd political life iu 1836 as a ruëmber of the house of representativos of his own state. In 1842 he was chosen state senator, and the following year was elected a member of congress, which office he contiuued to hold for 16 consecutive years, or until 1859, when he voluntarirj- retlred to private life. After the nomlnation of Gen. Scott for the presideney Mr. Stephens, who had been a prominent whtg leader, beeame a supporter of the democrats. He was placed at the head of the DouglassJohnson electoral ticket In 1S60, and in 1861 was a member of the convent ion which passed the ordinance of secession. That measure he earuestly opposed by vote and 6peeeh, but whilst he advised against the policy of secession for existiug grievances, he maiutained the rlght of a state to peaeefully secede for suflleient cause. Wheu a rupture beeame inevitable, however, he acqulesced in the decisión of t'e couvention, and on the formal orgacizatlon of the confedérate government he was elected vice president. In February, 1S65, he was placed at the head of the couimission on the part of the confederacv iu the famous Hampton Koads conference" At the close of the war he wad arrested and confiued a prisoner of state in Fort Warren, but was released on his parole in October, 1805. In February, 1S66, the general assembly elected hlm to the office of Imited States Senator, but congress ignored the restoration of Georgia to the Union under the proclamation of Audrew Johnson, so Mr. Stephens was uot aüowid o take his seat. His legal disabilities haviug been removed, he was elected a member of the forty-third congress and re-elccicd to the 44th, 45th and 46th. In a speech, Feb. 12, 187$, upon the occasion of the reception by congress of a painting representlng the signing of the proclamation of c-manci pation, he f aid that iu advocaüng 6ecessiou in 1801 he never supposed the dissolutiou would be permanent. He was elected eovernor of Georgia in the fall of 1882, and bil admiuistration, though of so short duration, was heartlly commended by all his constituent. Mr. Stephens had published several books, "A History of the War betweeu the States," and "A Con1 stitutlonal View of the late war Vtweeu the States," being regardcd as hli best works. His death is regarded as a great ealamity to the state, all denominations and classes, irrespectvt of party or creed, joining iu the universal mournlng." Though dead, he will ever live as the most illustrious of Georgians.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News