Vm. HarUuff, has been made Collector of ...
Vm. HarUuff, has been made Collector of Customs at Port IInron, In spite of Jay A. Hubbell and his politieal wreckers. Tl sixteenth annual meeting of the Michigan Press Associ.ition will be held in Detroit the 29th and 30th inst. Thursday eveninjt an address will be given by Melville E. Stone, editor of tlie Chicago Daily News, and Friday evening the exercises will be wouud up with a banquet. Every editor and publisher in the State is cordlally invited to be present, and it is earnestly desired that there will be a large attendance. If the statement the owner of the Register made to a brother newspaper man last week, to the effect that the Company only lost $1,500 last year is true, they are to be congratulatcd over thtur brilliant iinancial achievement. If, as reported, the present owner wishes to sell the concern, this will be a good advertisement for it, especially if he will explain how he Is losing only one-third as iniich per year 88 dtd his predecessors.