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Literary Notices

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The Wheelman,witli its March number ends its fiist volume by a series of interesting and readable articles differing in subject matter from a discussion of L. A. W. elections to the recital of a neatly written romance called "A New Izion." In the historical line is an ably composed article on " Our First Bicycle Club " witli illu8trations. Other articles of notice are "Our First and Last New Member," "Columbia, No. 234'' by Karl Kron; "A Bicycle Piljrrimage to Two Shrines." Some good points are made umler the title "Wheel News.'' ïhen also are the continuingchaptersof the seriáis : "AFlying Dutchman"and "A Shadow Love.1' With its neat typography and appropriate pictures it is a good niimber. The frontispiece portrait of Gambetta in the March Century, and the accompanying article by a writer who was intimniately acquainted with Gambetta, appear now with a timeliness, which, i foot-note explains, is not to be eredited to editorial haste or energy, since they were both in preparation for the March Century before Gainbetta's illness. A short biographical sketch of the late Dr. Leonard Bacon, with portrait, is contributed by his son Leonard Woolsey Bacon, under the appropriate title, "A Good Fight Finished." Also of a controversial character is Mrs. Runkle's plea for the higher education of women, apropos of the recent petition for the admisión oí' women to Columbia College, it is called " A New Knock at an Old Door.1' John Burroughs, in ' Signg and Seasons," chats eharmingly and instiuctively of country life and Nature. In contrast with the rural Americanism of this paper is' IL H.'s study of local scènes and character in "The Village of Oberammergau," which she visited at the time of the last Piission Play. " The Architectural League of New York" is the title of a profusely illustrated paper by RogerRiordan. Mr. Cable continúes his illustrated historical series with " The End of Foreign Dominion in Louisiana," and Dr. Edward Eggleston, in his third historical paper, treats of " The Migrations of American Color.ists." A realistic romance of the Russo-Turkish war, entitled " Yatil," by Frank D. Millet, the artist and war correspondent, is the short story of the number. Mr. Howells, in his second part of "A Woman's Reason," introduces a catastrophe that changes the whole tenor of the heroine's life; Various public questionsare discussed in " Topics of the Time," notably one in "Stealing a Minister," ar.d the other editorial departmeiits treat of new books, in ' Literature,'' of " Home and Society " topics, and of new inventiona in "The World's Work." In " Bric-a-Brac," besides light snd amusing verses, may be found an extract from Swedenborg's "Treatiseon Heil, ' which applies with singular aptuess to the political " boss " ol to-day.