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1. .1. Goodyear was iu Detroit I day. Rcv. W. H. Shier was in Ann Arbor Moiulay. i Miss Kate ltosencratiz has been brought I home sick. Miss Lillie Boughton has retiirneil trom her formar borne in Illinois. Mrs. CaUwallader of Delaware, O., is borne to Mr. Koyer's on a visit. Carey Amistrong of Ann Arbor will start for San Diego, California, nextweek Tuesday. Fred. A. Daniels, a prosperous, young farmer of Livingston county was in the city Friday. S. B. Tan Duser, of Newark, X. Y., carne to bring Miss Rosencianz home. He returns to-day. ¦ Po.stmasterKnowlton wentto Belleville yesterday to attend the funeral of an uncle by mairiage. Will G. Terry resigned lus positiou in Washington a few months agoon account of ill health. He is now at home. Edward Embler, a gradúate of the law department in 187S) is an atiorney in Howell. He made usa ttving cali Thursday of last week. Louis J. Fasquelle has receivcd the appointment of chemist in the Agricultural department at Washington, at a salary of $1,000 a year. William Harris, a member of the State Legi8lature trom 1871 to '74, now living at Lake Lyndon, Superior región, was in town last week visiting his son in theUniversity. Mr Charles Fantle went to Chicago Monday to attend a doublé wedding which was celebrated Wednesday. His cousin, Mr. Weiskoff, of Boston, was married to a cousin of Mrs. Fantle, Miss Fannie Weil, daughter of Marcus Weil, formerly of this city. The other happy couple were Mr. Teller, of Ottawa, 111. to Miss Fannie, daughter of Moses Weil, also formerly of Ann Arbor.