-¦--¦---¦¦¦- Mi BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. We place on sale this week 50 pieces of Black and colored Cashineres at prices never before nained Ín Ann Arbor. We propose to make it the most important Black Goods Sale of the BeatOD. Wc await your coming. We have "upset" prices in our Silk depnrtment. We shall ofter tliis week a 'very handsome Dreas Silk at $1.40. We also w8h to convey the iuipression that our $l.G0, $1.75, $2.00, $2 50 and f3.00 Black Sllks are remarkably cheap. Iu our Enibroidery Department a sale of considerable energy has developed with In the past three weeks. The size and importanoe of tliis sale can not be over estimated. Special attention s called this week to our Table Linens at 40c, öOc. öOc, 75c and $1.00. We teel sure that no prudent housekeeper can afford to overlook this opportunlty to secure some of the cheapest Linens ever seen in this market. One case assorted stylesof the old fashoned Indigo Blue Print nearly one yard wide now on sale at a price that competes liberally wilh nn inferior quality sold in the city. We have now on sale a full line of Misses Corsets. In quantities of 5 doz. or more J. & F. Coats Spool Cotton (the best in the world) can be bought at 55c, 6 per cent. off for cash. Xo use senüing out of town for it for you can not buy it any cheaper. Our 50c Corset takes the "pastry" for quahly and cheapness. Not an inferior quality but the best qualily of Ginghams at 10 cents. For Spring and SutnrueiSkirts,Moreens are rood. We have all shades. If you wish the best Crochet Quilt made at $1.25 do not linger, come and get one at once, as we can not sell thein at that price inuch longer. Remember we advertise just wlmt we mean, nothlng more, tiothing less. BACII & ABEL. pRAND OPERA HOUSE. WedDesday Eve., March 14. PIANO BÏAL PROF. R. H. KtMPF. And hts Scholars. Asslsted by MISS CAMILLA ALLARDT, Soloist of Grace Churoh, Port Huron. PROF. LOUIS BOOS, Cornet Solist of Jackson, Mich. General admission, Ï5 cents. Itoserved seats, 35 cents, to be had at Halier and Son's Jewelry store, Main street. FRED B AM FORD & CO., FRESCO ARTISTS, Dealers in Hal Wall Fapsrs, Leather Faptri, LIHCïtfSTA, Paper Celllng, Dfcoratlons, Store Shades. Decorativo Picture Mouldtngs and Centre. Estim&tes glven and designs submltted for Frescolng and Paper Decoratlons. 255 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, Mlch. 1183-1184 DEAN, GODFREY & CO., PAINTERS AIÏD DECORATORS 17 ék 169 rlswold M, Detroit. Fine Paper Hangings. Elegant Ceillng Decoratlobs. Fine Friezes in all Widtba. Honse Shades and Roller?. A Large varictr of room mouldlng and taooks. FRESCO PAINTINC. Wc mako a epocialty of Store Shades and we will fnrnidh estímales and samples of colors on application. Shadcs fitted to ruil from top or bottom of the window on Ktationory or Traveling rollers. Wlll furnlaK Opaqne shadinj; to the trade est to mcaenre. 1125-1176 All business pertaining to pensions promptly attended to. Apply to O. L. Matthewc, office over Rinsey & Seabolts store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Persons having second hand clotbingto dónate to the poor, will confer a favor on the Ladies of the Charitable Union by sending such articles to Mrs. D. S. Woocit, No. 68 Sontu Main street. Ann Arbor, Feb. 2, '83. A. HESNiNO,Sec. U89-U36. OIIüMriORT GABINET GREAMERY. r-n,, r , ¦ . i ."g Klrnt Prrinliinit IllinSKESSSt wan 1 air-, IH82! Jnr7f"'ff ¦¦¦ "'''i [ of bauUlinu1, rifiiiK the rf . , . [-._. iiL '-ro-in qnifK'y "'l tnor- B.ailL-EK ''l'BT f)tíhly, ohfl :i i "T i'lfjniu , fflf'S Dairy "írnpie'ment Co., 1130-1142 CH EAPEST BIBU8LSL2SLIJ%ES. tas5VSsagsaassstA@swyffi! 1089-1140 AJC wetk lm yor 0WB Tarm and $ó ntfit fre.
Rinsey & Seabolts
Ladies of the Charitable Union
Haller and Son's
H. Hallett & Co.
Godfrey & Co.
Fred Bamford & Co.
Forshee & McMackin Cincinnati Ohio
Dairy Implement Co.
Bach & Abel
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Prof. R. H. Kempf
Prof. Louis Boos
O. L. Matthews
Mrs. D. S. Woods
Camilla Allardt
A. Henning
Portland Maine
No. 68 S Main St
Bellows Falls Vermont
Ann Arbor
255 Jefferson Ave Detroit
167 & 169 Griswold St Detroit