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WMTWn ïipeopleare alwayB on the lookontfoj I [ ¦ II I {chances to increase their earniugs, I Ij I % li and in time become wealthy; ihose il ilJwlu)dü not Improve their opportaI I 11 iljn'tei reinain in poverty. We offer ] I I 11' MJa great chance to makc money. We want many men, women, boy? and Kirie to workfor . U8 right in their own localities. Any one can do the work ptopeily froni the flret start. The bnt-iuegt will pay more íhan ten times ordinary wauee. Expensive ontfit furniehed freo. No one who ec gages fails to make money mpidly. You can devote your whole tïme to the work,or only yourspare momente. ) Full Information and all that ia needed eent free Addrese Ötinbon & Co., Portland, M;i.u'. I THE DINGEE & CONARÖ COS ! BEAÜTIFÜL EVER-1ÍLÜÜMUÍG ROSES1 5SPLEKDID VARIETTESf o, „ , „, . , .lll.belleJ,yourCHOICEÏl ,?,, , ÍL n te S" ' i - L" 42 "i liTl8afd.vhyniaU 79" 10.' 100 " il:' I'ox'-Kaid toan bointa íllr1 PIIIP n TlanilHoinp PRESENT of ¦ ¦ fci UI I L Iree with every order, and are the only concern makjnsr HPECIAIj Biihmm-k : of Roso. Over ((O I.arr Ilaiiscsfor UosrNalou. Onr NowiiuldPf n rompltle Trnnt'tie rmw Vm Wm I oh the Koie, 70pp, elegant'y illualrated,8ent f tl Kü Km THE OINCEE & CONARD CO. RaaeUrawera iVM(inr,( Ihsíit 1 1n.;'.i 1128-1144 J.HE3BBT, The Practical TAILOR AND CUTTER Of the late flrm of WINANS A BERRY, has locatea his place of business at NUMBER 7 HÜRON STREET, With a fine line of SUITINUS Aïfl) TROUSERINGS, And would pay to hi old firiendB ind new onoa I h:i If they want a ood Pit and a Nobny Fit at K'-ajon able Pricig. cali on him anü tbuy wlll be sure t eet ne. Gummi CATARRH, TIIROAT D1SEASES, BRONCHITIS aud ASTHMA CAN BE CURED! Also diteii8UB of the Kye, Kar and Heart, at tne Detroit Throat & Lung Institute, M. HILTON WILLIAMS, M. D., M. C, P. S. O., Proprietor. Over4U.0:X) Caee Treated iu the Lii8t SevMcen Yeara. All dipeaaea of the Krgpiralory Orpanp trealed by Medicati'd Inhalations, combine d when n-qul ed with proper constitntional remedies for the Stomarh, l.nrr and ICIomI, éke. II possible cali perponally fnr an examinatimi. otherwid,. write f.r "LIST 01 QSESTI0N3 p and "1ÍIDICAL TSIATISZ." Address, Detroit Throat and Lung Institute, ,233 Woodward At., Detroit, líich. 1128-1179 ¦¦¦fe BISI.liiFFTi.AnTinia.4 nn MM ! f.-uI!!&AiLH.R.SÏ.0.Eü;S ¦i BC ¦¦ Bi Rook. (O II ivll N-nd tWO ¦ m ¦ ¦:-. unr r..r ,...,.,.Ko ...! m ¦¦¦¦¦lTo.lSfotOüTi''ci"W1YORi.' 1 127-1 17S