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A Core (Jnaranteed in All Cases. For Oíd and Younfr. Male and FeínoJo L Mamaetio MfcUoing: A Lhi W$ BrUn and NftrVe Food; W 'T,ií-r l'ostttvoljr Carea N1ht 1,0,3 sea, )W - y.y Spiu-BMt' irlxea, (mpotepcy, yjjSa k !!ï7 v' u" Debility, Loucortuta Hu-áaU&.1 íBEF(iHtt;ronnoBH;'and for all Woaknasse (aptek of the tiouerullve Orjrane ín eitber aex it Ín an UnfalUng and Positiva Cure. Tona up the dübilltnted sysiem, arresta all hivoJuníary disuharKes. removes mentii) flíooru and Ccspondency, nnd restores wundcríul ptwer tu the wcabei ed ori!im. píWlth eich order for packatres, accompanled wl;h tire dollars, we will send our 0 ui u . ntke lo refund the íuoney t the trentoieot doe not effect a cure, it Is the Cheatest and Best MíHllcitie in the tuurket. Full partlcu'uru Id l'anipblet, wincii we malt íree to rnv addrevs. 8U1 by all DruKirlstfl, oue puchóse 0 etn; Mx lor $2.50, or sent ly malí on reccipt of prlce, by sddie:winy the MAOSMTIC HBlilGIKXCO; De' rolt, Mleii. jíTnoM in Ano Arhur by U. J. Brown &. Co , ¦ni Itv al) druíryists cverywhere. IiADALL'S v ; fr PUOTOGKAPHIG ESTABISHMENT Cor. Williams -fir. aud IMadlson Ave.- Opposlte Kast Grand Circus Park. Rküuo dKatev to Clubs of 10 or Over TSS3. AL WÁ Ys 78X:i. FIKST I THE ÍIIRKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford., iIi'cliu.nt Taihii's, No. 19 S.MainSt. P. S.- FULL and SEMID RESS Suits a specialty. O KT TUK UK8T f ir e Insurance ¦ ".d'lty beid Tor tbe (fWUCttoO of tb t'i. bnMan CHRISTIAN MAGK t"iTi th folio wie fir-t-class comtaii %, of wbich oüc, ibv L ii", bas rIoub a!J ?oo,'000,000 fir !os6 iu oiiis jeare: He;nj, i,f Mnrlf r.l J 7. IK) 000 W Kranklln, PhiladalpbiK 3.3'J",'KK) 00 American N. Y ,8f'Uü-U (Mi Londou A-uriince Cwrpuration I5.810,OOii O'i Xalluiiu', llirtfonl l.X,UOl. North tí-riuan, Hambum 2.UfK),(HI0 6 (¦hoentx. t'rjo'ilyn 2,8 rt!,U,Ki Wl UuüBrwrlltrs Axeucy N Y 4,i)U.ll0 ' ,t -¦ i í djifiUd aad prompiiy paii1. foüces issutd at !blowi9l rales of premium. Wï-S 35 CIIHISTI.IA' MACK. OINSEY & SEAB0Lr8 BAKERT, QROCERY FLOUR Sc FLLD STORE. w keep oonitantl7 on had. liUEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, F-'JK WUOtJtSALJI AND RXTALLTRAL'B . w ball Iso keep a tupply of 8VVIF1 4 PBUBKL'S BE3T WIDTI WHKAT KLOUB, HRI,H1 FLOÜR, RY ÏLOÜRBÜCKWUEAT Fi-OÜR, CO RN ÏBAU FEEO. 4c. 4c. Ai wo' leal and retil A general stock of UU4H EKIKS AMDPKOV1SIOX ooiiotantlr on band, wblcb will be Byld od aa re ion able re. nis as at mi? tber bouse In the city. Cash püfd fur Butter, Epk, and Coantrj ProJuce tv ...i dellrered to an? part of the e ty trttbout extra chrce. rr. RINSjET & 9BABOLT Perdón Lumber lar ¦f iM-.s TOjLHUJtT, '.. MnnuTi. ¦ urrr and Dealer 1d SAGINAW QAS-SAWEÜ LUMü. Lath and Shingles. WalnTite sil tofdvema cali, an i amuiin ..u. COCK befüre MUICh lisltig clnhev ALirO AU NT KOR JACKSON SEWER PIPÍ C ., And sells ure brick. JAMES TOUUiKI. 'f M' ¦¦¦ J. KBBCH. 8upt Ub.U.T, I IN íS URAÑCIÍ IHKl Real Estáte Agency ol" J.Q. A.SESSIONS DmUlngj Bold or Uented. Mr. geMloui hun don au eitcn.lve luonaca bus „e8 Ih thi. city f„r fourtKm, u, j l,"è pollciB Iu tho folluwlnjt „1,1 and rsllable llinrance OOmpinlM. Pbcanll Iu, Co. lluitf.reCouu., A,. ... "et" $4,1110 UUO (Vitanda lnaurunco Co.. asBets ,0OO UI)O Muuutuctur.r's Inninnea ro , it. .-., . .., """"" 1,00 VOO Rates low as any olbcr lusuiaiiec Co. iT '-1'"":" 'beriilly adjusted und promptly pnld, ufflee on Uuron Btro.t, uppüj tu ih(.üu.tninSl. Ann Arber, Mlc-h lgM gj