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rpoLSDO, ANN ARBOK & (j. T. K. E. Coluinbus rime. Through tlnio tab'e In erTeot Janmr, 2Tth, m O.HNGN0BTH. "TSÏ ' I: STATION l' - 61UPMI 8 ï&AM'l.v Toledo Ari u ,ijAU ï 4,.1 1 ! 8 , .Manhattan Jet g :i" ¦ íaHí' l 26 " I i 4T " Alexis June 'j r; ¦¦ 1 .', . 7 0 8OT", Monroe.let 8 41i'. 7 ¦ ü " 'J 40 '¦ Dundee S 33 - t ¦ IS" KM"; Azalllu g 20 ' 4 A .. 7 40" 10 0 " ! Milán fc 5 .. ! :' T " 10 l!l" Úntala 7 52 .. 3 . ,. S U5 " 10 2'., : f ilUHjid 7 42 j Í- .. 8 20 " ,10 35 " , ArAnn Ir 1 1 7 jü . '¦ ,', , 11 20 " 12 32 1' M Jackaon M. IJ. ', " ¦ u„ 107AM 11" Battle Oreex ;-,,.,.. 7 , 1 55 " 2 &( " ; Kalainaoo .'.o-. 7 in-7 II" 4 60i" Orand Kapld (, 40FH 20 t; 00 '¦ 10 Mam i.vAnn Arbor Ar , Í-. , 7 2i 11 20" A.SouthLyo.iLv lm" 12 ovi'ji Howell ), N ' " .7, 1 2 ¦ Lal..? ;:;¦;¦ ; fï.. Í 0' ¦ lonla !„:.,. 5 04' Kdmore , V' f 40 " , U Kh,íiI . ... ' 7 ,"., 4 4J " Hcw.ii-il (,'ty ' " 9 Jr ., 4 15AM Petoskeyi; 1 .. 1 Os ¦ -700MacklnawUtv ....'. s )Pii Connectlons. -At Toledo witli ml Iruad iliveriiinii ¦ ut Alexis wlth ' iiiuii;i Southern, 1,. 8. & M. S aüd y. Si P. M. K'y's; eL Sfcnbsttm June, with Wh"i 11K t I.nke K. B ; at Monroe Jet, with J S 1 M. H ; at Wundee wltli 1, 8. 4 U. S.; al AliUn 'wl'th W.Bt.L. i P.K'y; at Pittsfleld wlth L. S. & M s , AiiD Arbor wltü llicliilfan Ccn K'y; at Bouth l.roa wlth Uotrolt,'-iiii; & Northern K'y. H. W. ASHhEV, Bup't W. H. Beïnktt. Oen'l Pas. Afent. TjK)RT WATNB 4 JACK;ON K. It Uet.'oU aitd IndiftriapoUs Une, By Mlcbiuan G'eDtral Eallroad Irom Ano Arbm-vo Jackson. Tralns leave Ann Arbor as ïollow: iDdlanapolU Kxpreas 8 40 a ui Kt Wayne Accouiodatlon 5 22 ¦ 10 Clnclnnni Eiprcis j j; „ m All tralns leave by Lbleano time. ï'rocure tickets at Ann Arbor or -Ittckson. il. l VKX)l)Ki;RL). Oen'l 8up't. TVKTHO1T, HACKINAO ft M AkJUETl'Ë ft li '-' Janmry, J5, 1S83. Pion -ser Eaat and WestLineThiongü the Upper Península of Ulcliieau. 240 Miles ter between all eustrn uod i 1 Imi-itern polnts via Detroit, pnd 311 Miles Shorter via Port lluron to yootre;il und all points In Canada, etc. """A8ïr dl'ATIONa #M1. 11 15 A. M. L Marquette A. 4 3J p m 10 41 " Onota 3 18 " 11 -U " Au Tr.ln 2 4i ¦ 12 10 r. 1. Munlslm l 2 U0 ¦ 2 20 " Fcney 12 1a ï 00 '¦ McMlilin il 16 . u. : 30 " HoUirvIlle 1 10 50 ¦ 'i L5 " Newberry , 10 0 7 0C " í Su U'naco LI 7 :w " VIA M. ;. E. I!. 7 10 a.m KayOity j a 40 p. a. 8 57 " Lapeer Junct .. . 7 21 10 15 " PortUuron 4 16 ¦ 7 68 " Saglnaw Ity '8 30 ¦ 10 25 ¦ I.aneloK ' 5 :t6 " 11 4"i " Jnckson 4 15 11 25 " . ...Detroit.: 6 i,u ¦ VI a. K. i 1 K. J!. 1 00 p. II. ; Grand Kapid ... f li 3 57 " Kulimii 1. ... .. ï 26 " onnectlons are made Kt UT. 1GA K nitb: 'Ibe M'chUan Central r.iil-'Oad f r Detroit and all points in MichiHti and In the ea, Puutli and 8' utheast. Tuint le.vo Mnckfn "ltyr:30a ni umi l'::il 11 111. The Urand Kapidh ï Indiana B. It. fyr (irund Kapide, Furt Wayne and the souih and em'. J,taïintf Maeklnac Oity nt í);áü p. Tli Conneclions inadQ .t MAKyUBTTB with Ihe Murquettc, Huuxhton iüntonaxon rallruid for tüe Irou and "opper distritta. Through tickets on sale et Marquette and St Isnaceund at lt points In the Ncrthern r'enlnBulaAlso tickets Ut Kur"tJfan pons by all principa' lice? at üen'l Pa&e, ger i's office For Information as lo pasenuor and freKhtrme pply to üfflee of (ieneral Kreight wnd Pustengti Agent. Tralne duily (-xcjpt Sunday D. Mc OOI,. .¦¦'ltNK .vill LIGAN, (en'l Sup't. (ien'l I rt. JÍ Pass. A'i, Marquette, MJeh. Marquetie Mlch TkTICHIQAN CENTRAL RA II. RO AU Time Table, Nov. 12, 1882. GOXQ WEST. STATIONS. . ï II liisïi-i I & si é 2&MS ? ?h ?b ? Sal -al -;¦ A.U. A.U. P. H. P. M, P. M. !P. H. i. M. Helrolt . . I.T 7 OU 9 35 5 55 4 05 8 UU S) 50 II) O. T. Jane... 7 15 9 65 0 10 4 20 8 16 10 10 4 li Wayne Juno. 7 55 10 24 6 42 4 46 8 45M0 40 4 14 Ypsllantl. . . . 8 23 10 48 7 05 6 05 9 OS'll 0' 5 U Ann Arbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 5 22 9 3511117 5 IV Dexter 9 08 1 48 5 3a 844 .... S 3ö Chelsea 9 25 .... 8 05 5 52 10 00 i Su Urassl.ake.. 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... IS 13 P.M A.M. JiicUson June 10 10 8 56 6 38 JaCkBon 10 20 12 15 g 6 55 1105 12 45 7 0! Albion 1104 12 601 7 42 1155 1 2S 7 42 Marshall .... 1150 1 30 L S 8 08 12 20 1 43 8 Oí P.M. ¦ Battle Creek. 12 19 1 55 8 41 12 47 2 112 8 Si i.M Galesburg. 13 03 . . . . i m. 9 16 117 .... HM Kalamaioo.. 113 2 36 4 60 9 35 1 S5! Í 45 IS Lawton 152 6 25 .... 2 13 9 SU Decatttr. ... 2 07 5 42 .... 2 321 .... 10 OS Dowaglae... 2 29 6 07 .... 2 51 ... Uil Nllea 255 404 6 50 .... 3 1 415I0S2 Buchanan. . 3 06 7 02 .... 3 42 ...1106 ThreeOaks.. 3 38 7 27 .... 4 12 ... tl 32 NewBuffalo. 3 53 4 52 7 40 .... 4 35 ...1145 Mtcn.Clty.... 4 23 5 18 8 08 ... 5 03 6 38 P. M Lake 6 13 6 02 8 54 .... 6 51 6 18 1 OS Kenslnirton. . 6(0 6 60 9 45 .... 6 40 7 10 2 00 Chicago.. Ar 6 60 7 40 10 80 .... 7 30 8 10 IM - QOIXQ AST. ¦TAHONB. . i S, SJ KM. A.H. P.H. !.H,P IL P.M. Cblcsgc.LT 645 900 340 .... 6 li! 9 10 3 3 Kenslngton.. 7 35 9 50 4 30 .... ú uu 11 uu tU Lake 8 17 10 27 5 IS .... 6 5U 1J JU Mlch. City... 9 03 1113 6 00 ...T (8 1181 I NewBuffalo. 9 27 1133 6 25 ... ....UW Tbree Oaks. . 9 42 .... 8 40! . . ... A.H Buehanan... 10 30 p. m. 7 06 12 32 Nllea 10 25 12 18 7 37 .... 9 00 13 45 Uowaglac... 1153 .... 8 0e 11 Decatnr .... 1118 .... 8 33 137 Lawton 1135 .... 853 148 P.M. A.M. Kalamaiso.. 12 12 1 38 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 3 7 Galesburg... 13 33 .... _ ri 7 08 Battle Creek. 103 2 15 Jj o 7SSÍUIW 3N 8 1 Marshall... 150 3 00 ïL 8 06 11 3 o 411 5 3ó Albion J 18 S21 p S32J11Í5 4 12 A.M. A.M Jackson ...Lt 3 05 4 05 7 05 ) :i IJ (0 5 OU ÍN GrasaLake.. 3 32 ... 7 28 JDI .... 5 25 Ghelsea 3 58 .... 7 50 10 07 .... 6 50l Dexter 4 15 . 8 03 10 191.... 6 05 Ann Arbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25 10 34; 2 05 625102e Ypillantl.... 465 5 2 3 43 10 4Si 2 20i 6 41 11) 41 WaineJunc. 6 20 5 45 9 03 1108 2 44 7 05 U%T. Juno.. CO0 6 15 9 45 1135 3 20 Hl 11 Detroit 616 6 80 10 00 1150 3 35 8011 11 i Sunday exoapted. I tSaturday 4 Sunday tDally. I excepted. 'O. Vi. Hl'OllIES, B. B. LKDYAUl), O. P. i T. A.. CtiiCüf. tim. Sup't, Dettv. WjFff.'BOYLAN&CÖ. PAINTERS ANU SIGNWR1ÏERS! 16 S. Main St, Swontl Kloor. NO BOYS EMPLOIEDI W. TRËM AiiÑ GENERAI Insurance Agency omci drer Casper Rinsey's Grwery Store COB. HUEON AMD FOüRTH 8T, Nortb British Insurauce Conip' (Of Loudon and Edinburg) Capital 18,000,000, Oold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. ' Cah AeU f 600,000 Springfleld Ins. Comp'y of Ma OnshAjBeU.... f 1,800,0'. Hovrard Ins. Co., of New tor Owh Aiwto.... 1,000,000. Agricultura! Insurance Comí1' WATEBTOWN, - . NW XOaï, CaahAsteti $1,200,000.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News