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The East Saginaw common council are considerlng a propositton to build i ncw city loekup ana pólice station. W. L. Eldridge of Ispheming has been appointed circuit court commissioncr for Marquette couuty, in place of ïïm, 11. Jones, deceased. Michigan salt report for February; Saginaw county, 58,101 barrels ; Bay county, 35,211 Huron county, 3,200; loseo eounty, 8,400; total 99,915. Mrs Charlotte Ilamlow of Flint, was struck by a F. & P. M. train a few days ago, and instantly killed. She was 74 years oí age, and for many years a resident of (enesee couuty. A inan narued McDonald has boen arrested at Bay City charged with baving maliciously eut to pieees a hack valued at 1450 in Muskegon. Tbe owner of the back is a widow ; and McDonald, being disehargcd from lier service, it is charged took tbis way of reveiage. Gov. Begolo has received a letter f rom.Lord I)alnou6ie, an English peer, lnquirlng as to tbe eftects of the oceasional marriages with sisters of deceascd wives permitted iu tbis and other states of the Union. Lord Dalhousie intends to introduce anotber bill iu the house of lords to permit sucb marriages in the united kingdoin, and desires facts to support biin In bis plan. These facts tbe governor of Michigan certainly will give htm. Sccretary Stevenson is now engaged upon the draftof a letter to the noble lord, assuring biui of the lnnocence and propriety of said marriages and denying certain reports as to their baneful inlluencc. Marshall has no municipal dubt, and $2,000 cash iu the treasury with which to begiu her fiscal year April 1. A few evenings since Mrs. Barbara llarris, wife of Wni. Harris, a conductor on the Saginaw División of tbe Michigan Central Kailroad, was eut intwo by a triin at üwosso. The loss of a daughter last fall is thought to have affected her mind. The people of Houghton county are quite stirred up over the iutroduction in the legislature of a bill detaching a large portion of the county's territory and addiug it to lïaraga eounty. All tbe miniug companies and the taxpayers of the county have signed a renionstrance wbieh bas been forwarded to Langhlg. John Cassell, of Lakeview, Montcalin eounty, is the name of tbe young man who, at the time of the recent collision near Paris, elambered over baggage aud express ears and Btopped tbe train, wblch, tbrough reversal of the engine, had started back at the rate of 30 miles an hour, having been deserted by jumping engineer, lireman, conductor ana brakeman. On tho evening of the 5th Jack McDonald, a well known and popular attaehce of the Lake Shore, haithe misf ortune to slip from a freight car at Dundee, on the Cbandler braneb, aud the wbeels passed diagonally over bis right arm, whifh lay on the track, smasbing the boues and muscular tissue in a frightful inanner. McDonald seems to bc eomewhat unfortuoate. as about one year ago he had the lower pari of his leg crushed iu an accident, and 6ince bis recovery he bas been cmployed on tbe road as an extra conductor. The ïk askegon tug association has adopted the same rates for towing as prevaiïcd in 1882. John Maitland has been arrested at Grand Rapids for leaviug bis former residence in Oseeola County and forgetting to pay bis debts, amounting to about $113. The necessary aruount of stock has been subscribed for a uatioualbank at Stanton, and in a few days it i6 expected arrangements will be completed and in a short time a bank be in operation. Wellington Pratt and a hireil wan went to bed drunk in a hotel at Grand Ledge, and several bours after Pratt was found dead and the hired man very ill. They had taken morphlne and whisky. Pratt leaves a widow and three cbildren. Fire entirely destroyed the drug store of J. R. Bennett & Co. JAdrian. It originated in the basement and complete! v gutted the building. Tbe loss on the stock will reacli $14,000 and on the building $4,000. Tbe Insurance on both building and stock is $12,000. A few bours after this fire anotber fire broke out in the Adrián Briek and Tile Works, totally destroying two buildings and injuring another. There was a heavy breeze, and tbe fire threatened Metcalf's dry goods store, tbe flames burniug off the cornice, but the department soon got control and confined it to the shops. Loss, $15,000; no insurance. Metcali's stock was moved, but no fire or water reaehed the store. The Marshall W. O. T. U. is about to open a reading room. High water at Battle Creck has brouíjlit milk down to six cents. Kennedy, on trial for the past weck at Stanton for the murder of O'llerron, bas been acquitted. The Elk Rapids iron blast furnaechas shutdown uutil navigation opens, bccausc unable to get sullicient wood for fuel. It is estimated 175,000,000 feet of logs are being eut on tbe line of tbc D. M. & VL road betweeu St. Iguace and Marquette. A very religious young lady in Grand Kapldsrefusestoki6sher lover during Leiit because she doesn't bclievc it right to taste flesh. . . Geo. Warner, who disappeared from Romeo last November, bas never been heard of there sinee, and his friends conelude be must lic dead. William Howard, son of W. J. Howard of Grand Rápida, has been arrested iu Last Sagiuaw, eharged with forgiug a check on a bauk iu his inotber's name. Richmond, Macomb counly, has a balance of $400 to her credit, and the tax for the coming year will bc about a half :::il on the dollar for the higbway fund and nothiug for general purposes. The editor of the Bronson Journal has sued a farmer of Hillsdale county for libel. This suit is expected to settle the question whether an editor can be libeled. The iopular impression has long been that üe can i. Walter Wisner, a wealthy farmer near Mt. Morris, Genesce county, was recent, y arrested ciiargcd with perjury. U is al leged that be preseSted a forgedsignature oí Bcy WWUock to an aesignment of contract and tswore that theeiguature was genuine. Adrián has heard f rom Edwin Hadley, who so mysterlously dlsappeared from St. lgnaeesom.finonthsago, an.f'tis sa d that Mr Jladley wlll soon return to the northern shore ofthe stratts;butofhi8 present whereabouts the letter said notliing. Another report sajs he is in a Chicago hospital. Mrs. Amanda S. Birney, wifo of Uie ilon. James Birney of Bay City, died a few daysagoin Astorii, N. Y., at the' residen.-,' ,,f her sou-in-law, F. E. Blackwell, Esq. Mrs. Birney had been in feeble health íor a ong perlod and the death af her son Arthur a httfe over a year ago was a shock from which she nevcr entirely recovered, hut whieh coutinued to wear upou her Ufe. A short time since she took a severe cold which developed into pneumonía, and resulted In her death as stated aboye. Grand ltapids has a perfect epidemie of measles. During last week there were .)0 cases reporteil to the board of health. A tailoring establishment ha been superadded to the conveniences of the 1 ontiac asj-lum. The innovation is i egarded as a good '¦ nMrs Dr. Wirts and daughtcr, two plucky ladies of Iludson. Lenawee county, liave Lone to Dakota, an.l wlll take up land on the Eomestead plan. S. ï. Conway, of Paw Paw, formerly editor of the True Northern, ffled Mdtol}yK heart dlsease a few days since. Ho ad been i about during the day in hls usual health. A few days ago in L' Anso, James Murpliy, ageil (!, was sent to a spring for a pall of water, feil in hcad lirst, could not pull liimsclt' out, owiug to the iee, and was drowned. Wm. II. Smith, a druegist of Clio, GeneMe couuty, lias been convieted iu the circuit court of selling licuor uulawfully. This was an appealed case froin a justice eourt. John and George Torrent of Muskegon have seeured a patent for a furnaee to consume all tlu1 sawdust and rcfuse of jav milis, be fed and attendcd automatlcally, and furnish Ure for the boilers. Several large milis wijl try the furnaee this season. There is a pino treo in Montmorency L'ouuty, the owuers of which ore offeriug $140 to any party or parties who will deliver the butt log in Al pena. The tree is over nine feet iu Hamster, and it is thought to be the largest tree iu the state. Mr. James Murphy of Ualavia, Braneb eounty, has a euriosity in the shape of i horseehoe imbedded in a blaek oak tree tvhich he receutly ent. He hung it in the tree 3ver 30 years agö, and it is hidden beneath the :ark from two to four iuehes, aeeording to the shapc of the 6hoe. David Small, a Canadiau, was struck jpon the head and instantly killed iu the camp if Snii'h Bros. on Iloughton creek uear West Brauch. Jolin Pennington, oue of the oldest Jloneers of Eaton eounty and father of Senator Pennington of Charlotte, died at hls house in Jharlottc on the 13th int. He was abcut 80 rears of age and was greatly respeeted there. Mrs. Al. Taylor of Battle Ci'eek, wliilo nilking a eow was severely if not fatally inuredby the animal, who hookcd her iuahorible marnier, mutilatinglier head intoabloody uass. Slic ttuB plckcd wp in na unconscious ondition and earried totlie house, medical a id vas summoned and all tbat was po&stbl e done 0 restore her. - ' - i Tlic JLcgislatiirc. : Sknatk, Maren 7. - But very litllc ,vork was done in the Seuate. After paSBing ' ;he bill authorizing Saginaw City to borrow noney to build a eourt house, andone incorpo¦atiug Bancroft, Shiawassec county, the Senite adjourned. House. - The House was iu session only one iour. Petitions were presented from over 3,000 j itizens of Iloughton county against the p:;siage of 11. B. SiS, to aniend the act for the or ' anization of Baraga county, and to lócate the i ounty Seat thereof : from ll.Hcitizens, forprop'r inspection of illuminating oils; from 22ti lotel and boarding house keepers in Detroitfor ' lic passage of II. B. 101, to punish frauds on : iotelkeepers, etc. ; for eompulsory education j md non-employment of children ; for a prohibtory amendment ; for repeal of act 303, S. L., IST7, relative to union school districts; for ' unendments to game aud drainage laws. The jill relative to public instruetion and primary i schools was called, but no action was taken ind the House adjourned. i Sknate, March 8. - A remoustrance , ,vas presented agaiust legalizing the reorganzation of school district No. 5, in Antrim conn:y. Also, a memorial from Harvcy T. Allcott Tor a ship canal with ouc lock, urouo-l Kigam Falls, on the American side. A bill to establish 1 board of pooi commissioners in Wayne county, was taken from the general order and rereferred to the committee on counties aud townships for further amendment in accordincc with suggestions of iuterested parties. The bill to transfer certaiu lands from Portage township to Franklin township in Iloughton sounty was passed; also the bill authorlziug Ypsilanti to build a bridge over the Huron river. HodÉb. - Petitions wcre received for the submissiou of a prohibitory amendment; 1 strance agaiust the passage of the poor eommission bill for Wayne eounty ; reuionstranee agaiust abolishing the superior court of Detroit ; for eonsolidatiou of the town (jf Bradford with tht; town of Clain Union ; for a new method of taxation upon railroad property ; for a law making ten hours a legal day's work. Bills were passed authorizing Greendale, Midland eounty to isBue bonds, and amendingthe charter of Negaunee. Sknate, March 9.- Peütions were received that the medical adininistration of the new northetn asylum be. placed in charge of a reputable physieian of the homeopathie school; again6t C6tablishing firc limits in Saline; for 'm additional circuit court commissioncr in Wayne county ; for a pension to Judges Daniel Goodwiu and Josiah Turner; for the inaiutenanee of agameor lish warden A resolution was adopted forming a special eommittee to investígate the charges against the management of the Flint institute for the deaf and dumb iu relation to disseminating the infectious disease of diphtheria as charged by Oscar D. Chapman. The president appointed Senators Ilueston, Fast and Belkuap as the special committee . . . The bill increasing the fees of sheriffs was lost on third reading; also the House joiut rc6olu tiou iucreasinij the salary of the governor and other state ofneers. The bill incorporatiug the village of Pinekney was passed. House.- Petitions to-day were lor formation of a new eounty out of the northern part of Bay, ti be calïed Aranae ; for restitution to John McFie of Grand Haven of inoney paid on railroad lauds; remoustrauces of 250citizens of Wayne county against the poor eommissiou bill; for submission of a prohibitory constltutional amendment; for tlie orgauization of the new couuty of Brown; for authorlty to build water works inQuinncsec; for passage of a co-operative labor law; for extensión of suffrage to woinen ; for improvement of Elk river in Antrim county. The following bilis were passed : To revise and ameud the charter of the city of Saginaw; to incorpórate the village of Pinekney ; to incorpórate the village of Bancroft, Shiawassee countv. Senate amendment concurred iu; to amend" the aet incorporating Ishneming, Maraucttc county; to amend sec. 3365, C. L. 1871, relating to iueorporatton oí water works eompanies. Senate, March 13- Scssion openod promptly on time, and af ter some prelirainary business, action was taken on the foliowing bilis : To proviile for the removal of causes eommenced by service ol summons, warrant of attaehinent, w rit of replevin or warrant of arrest l6sued by justices of the peaee. Lost, ayesS, noes 17; to amend the laws relat iug to the Wesleyan seminary at Albion and the Alblon female collegiatc institute. Passed, Aves 22, noes 2; to allow persons owning laud ouoppositesidesof oublic highways to construct and maintain culverts or cattle passes undcr such highways. Fasscd. Ajes 1, noes 3; to amend section 1, chaptcr 4, act 1M, a. L. 1881 relating to public instructiou. Passed. Aves 24 noes uenc;to amend the game laws. Passed Aves 23, noes none; to transfer certaiu articles f rom state library to quartermastergenenü's office. Passed. Ayefi 83, noes none ; to incorpórate the village of Mecosta m Mecosta countv. Aycs38, noes none; to vacate Bradford townsliip in Missaukee county and to attach the same to Clam Lniou township in said county. Ayos 24, noes 0 After somc time spent ii. co.nmittee of the wholc the Senate adjourned. HousE.-Petitlons wcre rccelved for tbc organizationoftlienew county of Aronac; for 5n additioual circuit court in Wayne county, hat the medical supervisión of the ncw Nortl cru isvluni be riven to a competent physician ,' bc5h" ncopalbic school ; agatast VX mipakm in Wayne county; for the submission 'aprohibitory auundment ; scveral remonSÜMSSf Z con-" oí tonsS countlsÜreportcd adverscly on the HO to o-, iranlc the ncw oounty oi Brown. lliciouow fbiUs passed on third readlnfr To authore t ¦ Í. ¦ MKition ol clubs tor social purposes; neo' .r 'iti Hlissllcld; incorporating tbc vllageoP; Mecosta; vaeati, r-Uord ssuuk.c in Detroit; for the lncorporation oí 6aviags asBociations; amending sectlon 3 of act 49 of 1881, relativo to inspettton of illumlnating oUs. Demorrats and Nationals. Tbe Democratie State Convention met in Lausing on the Tth inst., the convention having been called for the purpose of nomlnating two candidatos for judges of tlie supremo courtand two regenta for the university. After the appointmont of committees, the adoption of a platform and the transaction of the usual convention business, the convention proceeded to nomínate its candidatos. Scvcral names were proposcd ior judges of the supremo court, and the U6ual laudatory romarks followed, but when the vote was taken John W. Chainplin of Grand Rápida was declarad unanimously nominated. Nominations for regent were then iu order. But one ballot was taken, which roeultcd in the nomination of Arthur M. Clark of Sanilae. After the usual thanks had been tendered to overybody, tho oonvention adjourned, the remaiiidcr of the ticket bcing provided for by the following resolution, which was sent to the (ireenback convention, then in se6sion: Resolved, That the chairman of this convention, with the state central committce, be authorized to notify the National convontion of the action taken by this coiiveution and In case no unión is effocted they be authorized to iill the ticket in accordauce with the, cali of the committee. This proposition was accepted by the "National" or Greeuback conveutiou, and as their half of the ticket nominated as judges of the supremo court ior the short term, Thomas R. Sherwood of Kalamazoo, and C. J. Willots of (rat lot for reereut of tho miivorsitv.


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