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HALUS (Jatarrhgure Is Recommended by Physlcianal $ t oo mtiHSSMiïl Wo manufastur and ell itwitba DOSitiun guarantee that It wil! cure any ca8eand wowill forfeit tho abG?c amtraut iritaiisin a single instance. lt is unlike any oth. r Catarrh remedy sa iti taken Internally, acting upón the blood. If yo ar5itroubl-dewiil?thi5 distresfling disease, ask yourDruggistforit and ACCEPT KO IHITATIO OE SDBÍTITÜTE. If ha has not got it, scnd to us and wo wlll forward Immodiatcly. Prlce, 75 centa per bottle F. J. CHENEY &, CG., Toledo. Öhlft 1 [3-2-1183 For sale by Ebèrbftch & Son RANDALL'S NE W PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABISHEM Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposlte East Graud Circus Park. RodnoedRates to Clubs of 10 or Ovar1883. AL WAYS 7883". FIRST iï THE NARKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. Merchant Tailors, No. 19 S. Main St. P. S.-FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty. OET TUK BKST Fire Insurance "$42,000,000 S:urity held for Uie protecUon of thu poiicj holdera. CHR1STIAN MACK Represeots the folio wie u fifst-claefl compaui , of vrhich one, the JE'.na, bas alone patd ta,000,000 (Iré loases ia tixty j xarp: .clna, of nartford 4 7, '00 000 00 FrDklln. Phlladelphi 3.300,000 W Oerman American. N. Y 2,800.000 00 London Aeaurtinoe Corporation 15,8,000 00 National, Hartford 1,100,000 00 North Oeroiao, Ilambarg 2,000,000 00 Pha'nli. Brootlyn 2.8-JO.OOO 00 Underwriter Aeeccj-, N. T 4,600,001 00 Loeses liberlly adjastsd aud prompUy paid. Policies Isaued at the lowest rutt-s of premium. WT3-1115 CHRISTIAX MAOK. Tï rNSEY & SEABOLT8 BAKERY, aHOCERY AND FLOUR & FEED STORE. Ws kcp ooneuntlr on hand, BREAD, CRÁCEEBS, CAKES, ETC., rORWHOIXSALE AND RBTAILTRADB. Wa iball also keep a snpplr of 8WIFT 4 DBDBBL'S BEST WHITE WHBAÏ FLOUU, DKLH1 F1X3ÜR, &TK FM)ÜB BÜCKVVaitAT FlXJUR, CORN MISAL, FKBD, 4c„ 4c At whuloaale and retail. A general stock of GROCEKIES AND PBOVISIOKS oonstuntly on hand, whlob wlll tie lold ou as resiunble terma ai at an j ctner house In the cltTCash paid for Butter, Eggs, ns Coontrj Prodoo ïeneraüj. OfQoods dellrered to any part of the citj wiUout extra charge. yr. RIN8ET SKABOt,T__ Ferdon Lumber Yard JAM SS TOLliERT, Prop. Manufcturer and Dealer 1d SAGINAW GASfl-SAWED LUMBER, Lath and Shingles. Wo inT'.te all t rIto us a cali, and eüiailno onr stock berore purchaslng elsetrbera A Li O AOhNT fX)H JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., And sells Ure brick. JAMES TOL1IEBT, PROP . J. KEBOn. Bupt. ft. U. '" 1INSURA NCB and Real Estáte Agency or J.Q. A.SESSIONS Dwt'lIIng-s Solü or Keutel. Mr. Sesalons has dono au oxtousive InsuraaM hiwliiess ia Uiis city for fourteen years, and Usuei policies in the follwlng old aud roliatilo Fire IB" snranoe oouipanios. Phosnix In, Co. Uartlore Cüuu., Assea W.tiW.öOO ?olifrnla Insuranco ('o., asseut 1.000,000 Manufacturera Innurauco Co , Bostou „ awetK 1,000,009 líales low as auy ollicr Insurance Ca. IST" lAissea llborully ujjusttd aud promptly pal Office uu Hurou Street, uppomte the t'ourt Houm. Asn Arber. MIch 1U90 1041


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