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Theke is un usual activity in Russia just now. The Czar is taking every precaution to head oft" the Nihilista at the coronatfon, and tho Nihilista are laying their plans, literally and physjeally, to "head off" the Czar. At a recent fancy-dvess ball at Sydney, Australia, the wife of an editor appeared as tho "Press " Her dress wag made of sevcral copies of her husband's paper, printed in colored iuks on white satin. The fortúnate editor's subseription list has perceptibly increased since this shrewd bit of advertising. The Chinese who were recently driven out of Waync3boro, Ga., have begun suits for damages in the United States District Court at Savaunah, under direction of the Chinese Minister at Washington. There are three suits, one brought by Loo Chong & Co. for $50,000, one by Thomas Loo Chong for $40000, and one by Ali Sing for $25,000. There are eighteen defeudanta. The Princo of Wales had made up his mind to represent his augustmothcr at theCzar's coronation, but the Queen put her fooi down and deelared that ho should not go. The Duko of Edinburgli has been nameu iui du. „:„„:.._ ,._„ sumably becausc he belongs by marriage to the Russian Imperial family. If any of tho Quoen's children must run the risk of being blown up by Nihilist bombs, the lmsband of tho Russian Princuss is properly tho one to make the venture. Miis. Frank Leslir who has just reurned from an extended Southern trip, says that the Creóles still hold their 3wn in New-ürleans, Spanish being the jnly language in somo parts of tho jity. There s ialso a largo Italian coljny. The negroos, however, look more sareworn than they did before tho war, ind the women do not dress so gayly. Colored peoplo will still gladly do anything for oíd masters, exccpt to vote for them. The strugglcs of the older eolored people to make "educated gentlemen and ladios" of their children are pathetic. "It is just as easy," remarked Professor Wiggins to a novvspaper correspondent who was endeavoring to draw out from him the great 6ecret of scionce by which he foretold three months ago the tremeadous storm whioh we eame so near having -"just as easy to predict a storm a hnndred years in adyanco as to foretell one only twenty-four hours away, if you proceed on a seientific principie as I have in this case." And we have no doubt it is "just as easy" - to Wiggins. On the wholo it must be easier. A prophet with a hundred years lee-way has a better chance for not being found out. The death of Prince Gortschakoff removes the greatest of Russian diplomaistsandof the most distinguished men of the oentury. He had attained the ripe age of 94. For 58 years- from 1824 till 1882- GortschakofTs masterly mind was the controling force in the government of Russia. His achievements in the line of diplomaey were extraordinary, and he is not to blame if the position of the Northorn Empire among the Powers of Europe is less conspicuous and commanding than Germany. The famous Chancellor was as fine a acholar as Mr. Gladstono. He used French fluently, and was familiar with several other modern languages, and proficient ín Greek, Latin and Sauscrit. Of the íive historical G's - Gladstone, Gambetta, Grant, Garibaldi and Gortschakoff- all alive a year ago-only two remain.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News