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Ap ( wn-k mude ut home hy the industriÍ ' II -un. Beat bunims now before the pubV i fl ie. CpHftl cot needed. We will atart m Y Men, women. boyt and tririe ál fl j wantod everywheretn workfor pc Now Y m the lime. Yo can wortí in spare time, ur kív your whole time to the businene. No o:her barinen will pfiyynti nealy ae wel!. Noone can fail to miKe uormdiin pay by entTHL'inyat once. C'istly outfit nnd lermg froa. Money made fast, eHsiiy, and üonorably. Addreps I'ruk & Co., Portland, Mnine. ëWMES öPius Known to Men of Fme and Science for Removinb ALL IÍV1PÜRITIES OFTHE BLOOD. Acbiowlalsed i Brand, Pleint, and Ifflcient Cue for CONSTIPATION, fsfö l,.-. DYSPEPSIA, SiS'ïïuX'lSSO and tenderness at pit of stomach, despondency LI VER pm')1i''t' BilioameM. Malaria, Chili and Föver, causing soreDess in back and aT3ëT also bottom of. ribs; weariness, irritability tongiie coated, skin ycllow, hot and cold sensationseyesdull.drycough.stifledandobstruct- ed feeling, irreifular pulse, bad colored stonls. APOPLEXY KP'lppsy.Paralysis.dim 'sight, sound in ears, giddiness, onfusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before eyes, loss of memorj. Diseasea of Bladder and KIDNEYS "rinedarkorlight,reddeposit; w' i burning, stinging.bearingdown frequent desir to unnate, nneuinesi, innamed eyes, dark oirclefl, thirst. Dlwae r HEART ïeTe pains """"g or weight near " ' t heart, more Bo on moving quickly and J-hun I) ing on left side ; ont of breath on eurtion. HEADACHE du" or ¦hrp p1'"1 in wi"p'm. Dropsr ia caused bj watry flnid. RhrunimIiin. Ac., by nnc aoid in blood. Bowel Dl. orUer by corrupt matter. Worm. by the pe.u PlilladplphiK, Pa. Sold by Dnigguu. H-29-1180 ¦ - - Estáte of Calvin Wheeler. QTATEOFMICHIGAN.Countyof At a eeseion of the Probate Court for the CoantT of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate offlte in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twellth day f of March, in the ycar une tnousand eiyht hundred and eighty-three. Present, William D. Ilarrimsn, Judge ot Probate. r In the matter ot' the estáte of Calvin Wheeler deceaeed. uu reading ami aiing the petition, daly tverifled, oí James M. Uiibart, praying that aaminit- traiicin ol Baid ebtale may be granted to some ïuitable peraun. , Taereapon it ia ordered, that Munilay, the ninth - dny of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be asslgned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said de-' ceaeed.aud all other persons intereated in eatd estáte are reqnlred to nppearat asession of said court, then , to be holden at the Probate offlcc, in the city ol Ann Arbor, aud show cause ii nny there be, why the prayer of eaid petilioner ehould not be eranted And it is inrther ordered, that said petilioner 1 gtve notice to the persons interesred in said estáte of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing nereof, by causlng a copy of this order to ie publiehed ín the Ann Arbor Courier.aucwspaper printed aud circulatiug in said county, tliree snccessive weeks previous to eaid dey of hearing. (A true copy.) WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, Jadge of Probate. W VI. G. D01Y, Probate Re;ieter. H31-1137 Estáte of Joseph L. Beunett. OTATE ÜF MICH1GA1N, uounty of Washtenaw. At a session of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Washtenaw holden al the Probate office, ir the city ol Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the eighth day of March, in the year one thoueand eight hundred and eighty-three. ITetent, William D. Harriman Judgeof Probate. ' In ihe maner of the estáte of Joseph L. Bennett deceased. Mary P. Bennett the administratrix o said estáte, comes into conrt and represent that she is now propared to rtuder her flual account as euch admiuistratrii. Therenpon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the third day of April, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examlning aud allowing uch' account, and that the heirs at law of eaid deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte are' required to apuear at a session ol said court, then to be holden at the Probate ufflee. in the city of Ann Arbor, in sa d county. and show cause, if anv 'h,er h.,['e,. Baid account should ñot be al owed. And it is further ordered, that said admiuistrator give notice to the persone interested m a d eetate, of the pendency ot said account and the hearing thereof, hy causing a copy ol this order to be publinhed in the Ann Arbor CourUr a nuwBpaper printed and o.ircnlated in said countv' three euccetsive wc-eks previoue to aid dav oï hearing. (A true copy.) J WILLIAM D. HAHÍüMAN WM. O. DOTY. Probate H,-Sr.gji Estáte of Robert L. Geddes. gl'ATE OF MICHIGAN. Oouuty of Washtcnaw Aí " ssion f he Probate Court for the Connti of Washtenaw holuel, at the Probate Office. In tb ?of A.n'1 Arbur' un Wi'dnesday, the seventh da o'Mrcta,in the year one ihnusaud eight h muire SfiKSSK Pre8em Wlliittul Hrri Iu the matter of the estatp of Robert L Qedde deceaset. ïheodore J. eFcrest tbc admnl trato of s„d etUte, comes luto court and rep, ese ntMha ?!ISOTW,W1B fhe HA noonheaignedforexumiuiosandaloww L? and all other persous mterexted tn suld 6utö ar reqmred t appear at a session of said court ti, ánowed A„d hi""? ?í:CU"nt should ot oe WILL1AM D. HARRIMAN WM. Q. DQTY. Probate RoglsgT,' Estáte of Gillert Allen Éilflli de'ceaíod.rea' ?hf ? ". mm culated in „aid cóu„'tv uiSrr Pt "ted and ' WM. Q. DOTY. Prohato Uetef "'%


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