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, SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipelas, Eczema, Blotchea, Ringworm, Tumors, Carbuncles, Boil, and Eruptions r the Skin, ¦ are the direct result of au iiupure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood must be puri, fled, and restored to a healthyand natural condi. tlon. Ayek'8 Sahsapaiíilla has for over forty i yeare been recognized by eminent medical au; thorities as the most powerful blood purifler in . existence. It frees the system from all foul hu! mors, enriehes and strengthens the blood, removes ' all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it[ self a complete niaster of all scrofulous diseases. A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores "Some mnnths ago I was troubled with scrofuloos sores (ulcera) on my legs. The linibs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores 1is: charged large quantities of offensive matter. Every remedy I tried failed, until 1 used Ayer's S AK8A i'A ui, of which 1 lui vf now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores are hoaled, and my general health greatly improved. I feoi very grateful for the good your medicine has done me. Yours respeetfully. Mus. Ank O'Biuan." 148 Sullivan St., New York, June 24, 18C2. S?y AU persons lnterested are invlted to cali on Mrs. O'Brian ; algo upon th Kev. 7.. F. Wild of 78 Kust 54th Street, Nw York City, who will take pleasure in lsl ifviiu; to the wonderful eflicacy of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, not only in the cure of this lady, lui in hU own case and maiiy others within liis knowledge. The well-known writeron the Botton lïerald, B. W. Iíali., of RochetUr, N.H.,vitte, June T, 1882: " Having suffered severely for some vears with Eczema, and having failed to tlnd relief from other remedies, I have made use, during the past three months, of Ayer's Sabsapakilla, which bas effected a complete cure. I consider it a uiagniticent remedy for all blood diseases." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the nction of tbe digestive and nssimilative organa, renews and strengtbens the vital forces, and speeilily euros Rheumatism, Neuralgia, lili, unmtii Gout. Catarrh, General Debilitr, nnd all diseases arising from an impoverished or corruptel cmiditionof the blood, and a weakened vitality. It is incomparably the cheapest blood medicine, on account of its conceutrated strengtb, anci great power over disease. PKKPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lovvell, Mass. Sold by all Druggiüte; price $1, six bottles for $5. " I RROMI FY'S I "lvT ELECTRO PLATE WORKS. 48 Woodward Avenue, DETEOIT. MICH. ( Establishcd 37 ycars.) PjHB cl m . fia'iá ñ A f&& StÍ G 0 L D , S I LVE R AND NICKLL { I Largest Plating establishment in the State. I ALL WORK FIKST CLASS. RBFEKENCES : IH.S. Smith & Co. , Detroi t Safe Company or I I rIrTT lany prominent citizent"?"1-- - ¦ 1129-1154 GET TOUR PROPERTY INSÜREI) BY C. X. MXX.X.E2T, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in the city. Entahlished a qnarter of a century ago. Represeutlng the Tollowlng first-clas companlee: Home Insurance Co., of N. Y ..$ 7,010.000 Continental Insurance Co., ol N. Y 4,41(7 206 Niágara Insurance Co., of N. Y 1,735 563 (irard Insurance Co., of Phila ],132,48fi Oriënt Inanrance Co., of Bartlord 1 419,522 Commercial Union, of London 12.000,000 1" Kates Lotf. Losses liberallr adjusted and promptly pald. H15-H40 " IWi"e"I) lirc' '" wePin? ''T. HO and dure II I i'l ' I 'he'"r' -v0" d'e. eomelhlng rntthty K II I and snblime leave behind to conqoer I 1,1 I time." $66 a week in your own town. ¦ 1111 ¦ $5 outfit free. No risk. Everything llUUlnp, Capital not reqnired. Wewlll furnish you everything. Many are making fortunes Ladies make as miirt as men, and boy and girls make great pay. Keader, if you want business at which you can make great pay alt the time.write foj partlculars to H. Hallktt A Co.. Portland, Maine.


Ann Arbor Courier
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