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Gov. Begole has detenniued to appoint Thursday, April 26th, to be observetl as Arbor day in the state oí Michigan. Fred. C. Gage, aon of Mayor Gage of Battle Creek, had his hand smaehed in a ruling machine at the Review and Ilerakl Offlee in that city. Adam Tumzcr, a young man residing with his father, John Tumzer, in the township of Cohocte, was thrown f rom a load of Btaves he was drawing to Fowlerville and killed. Hi8 toam was running away. S. Tallmadgo Conway, late nditor of the True Northerner, died at his residence in Paw Paw, in the 63d year of his age. Mr. Conway had been identifled with the journaltsm of Van Buren oounty, for more than 40 years, he having had charge for a few mouths in 1843 of the Paw Paw Demoerat. In January, 1848, he bought the Paw Paw Free Press of the Hou. E. O. Briggs, and couducted that paper as a Democratie journal un'til July 10, 1S54, severing at the same time his connection with the Democratie party and givlngto the thén young Republicau party the valuable assistance of his pen, tongue and influence. Henry Baker, one of the oldest and most respected citizens of Flint is dead. Edward Mason of Spring Lake, was run over and killed by the cars at Ferrysburg, neor Grand Haven a "few days ago. Charles Connor, residing at Caro, has been arrested at Vassar, charged with incest with bis step-daughter, aged sixteen years. He was bound over to stand trial at the next term of the circuit court, and bail lixed at $1,000. In default of bail he uow lies in jail. Manistique, at the head of Lake Michigan, in Schooieraft county, although a lumbering town, proposes to be a decent ODe. It has recently inaugurated a war against whisky and prostitution. The only two dealers who are lieensed in the village are in jail. A thlrd, who was bondsman, has Deen behindthe bar9, hut is out now on bail, but likely to go back again. The keeper of a miserable den in the woods, about a mile trom town, is also in jail, and the inmates of his brothel have iled. A young girl by the name of Leonard, living below Flushing, Genesee county, aged 14 years, mysteriously disappeared a few day6 ago", and no trace of lier can be feuud, although hundreds of people have been almost continuously searching for her. The neighbors in the vicinity hint at the child having been made away with by her mother. As the inother bas f requently been very cruel to the child, the neighbors think perhaps she has killed her while punishing her and thrown her body iu the river toconceal her crime. The farnily are (ermans and very poor, and can understaud English only very imperfeetly, anl it is impossible to elicit any information conceruing the matter. The authorities have now taken the matter in hand and will undoubtedly soon either find thecbild or be able or determine the disposition that has been made of her. George Vanderpool, whose triple trial at Manistee, Kalamazoo and Hastings, for the murder of Herbert Field, bis partner in the banking business at Manistee, awakened widespread and intense interest through Michigan some 12 years ago, is again in trouble- this time with an accomDlicc for alleged forgery. Since his trial he bas suffered from eickness, has been burned out, and it would seem that only by the mout strenuous ciTort has he succeeded in kecping the wolf from the door. 1 lis family now reside, it is said, at Tiilin, Ohio, while he is eneaged as a traveling agent on a salary of $1,000, out of whieh he pays most of his own expenses and supports bis wife, a 9 year oíd son and little daughter 3 years old. His wife has stood by hlm in all his difliculties, but they have reducêd her to a wreek of her formor seLf, and few of her old friends would know her. The family is living in a small wood-colored, dilapidated teuement house, scantily furnished, and its furniture of the cheapest possible quality. A Battle Creek dispatch naya: A man from Assyria tells your correspondent that, about aycar ago, Peter Farley died, and his remains were mterred in the village ceinetery, and it was his request that the remains of his beloved wife Alina, who was buried near Berricn Springs, in the eouth part of the state, in the cemetery at that village, be taken up and laid boside his. One day last week a son of Mr. Farley went to Berden Springs and, with four other men from that place, started out for the cemetery to fultill the dead man'6 request. Digging down to the coffln they placed the strap under, but couldn't budee it an iota. Tho grave beiug on a side hill, they dug away the lower side, and by putting skids underneath the coiiin were able to slide it out. The corpse being so heavy it prompted their curiosity to open the colliu, when they found the corpse petrificd, resem.bling yellow marble, and solid as stone. The fea, tures, body and limbs appeared to be perfect, except the "top of the hands, which, as they lay crossed, were out of the water, with which the coffin was nearly full. The ground where the coffln lay was clay. Mrs. Farley died nearly 14 years ago ef typhoid fever, after a short illness of only 10 days. She was a fleshy woman, weighing nearly 300 pounds. The sou estimates that the petrified corpse weighs at the least calculation SOÜ pounds. Capt. Charles H. Richmond, one of the oldest resideuts of Saginaw county, has become insanc, and will be sent to the Pontiac asjlum. A stock company is organizing at Ypsilanti to utilize the mineral water recently discovercd there, and whlch has already performed some wonderful cures, as rheumatism, jaralysls, cáncer and dyspepsia. Nine hundred and fifty dollars in three rewards is offered for the detection and convictlon of the incendlary who set flre to the frame store building, and the brick bank and Hauonic hall building of Matthew Millard, at i'alo, not long ago. A reward of 850 is offered for information of Henry Stewart of Alber, who was ast seen iu East Raginaw about three weeks atro He had considerable money with mm at the time. His wife and three children at Alber are very anxlous to know his fate. Two burglars entered tho house of Chas. Irish, oï Charlotte, carryine off jewelry and clothing to the amount of $1J. They were tracked over five miles on the light snow, ant captured in a school-house, where they had taken refuge. Other places were broken ïuto but nothing was taken except food. A school professor in Battle Creek assorts that he has fitudied the subject, anc tinds that tbose scholars who are in the habit of reading the daily newspapers at home outstrip those In their studies who do not read papers, becoming better readers and spellers, better irrammarlans and writing the beet compositions, besides learuiug geography aud history quicker. A little 4-year-old child of Albert Sev mour, living north of Battle Creek near Belleview was playing upon the floor. The motner set a pail of boiling water bcside the stove, ana turned about to piek up a cover to put over a boiler on the stove, when the little boy feil lu and was so terribly sealded that he died in a few hours after the accident, the flesh on some parts of the body pceling off clcar to the bones. Louis 11. Gale. of Grand Rapids, con-, vlcted of forging the name of Mrs. Esther Carpenter, to a mortgage on a house and lot owued by Mrs. Carpcnter, has been senteneed to Jackson for two ycars. The easc was a very peculiar ouc and there is considerable doubt SprcsBod as to hisguilt. Gale is wel edücated bright, and intellfctual, but bis talent have been put to poor use. He declare Iris Intcntion of doing some literary work while in prison. Mrs. Hiram Welch of Charlotte, who has had times of being crazy, a few evcuiug ago was taken quite violent, while at ehurcl and thought that some one was after her. liet ting up In the midet of the sermón, and callin upSn the Lord to help her, she begau deliver ing an address to the eongregation. in omee being called removed her to the jail, lron which was taken to the Pontiac asylum. A nine year oíd boy iu Unionville, Bay ounty, attending school, during play hours, u a fit of auger, said "gol dam you" to a playmate. Thereupon the teacher," named W. É. acksou, wbipped the boy severely, upon the fround that saying "gol darn" Ís profanlty. he boy's father sued the teacher, whp was ned $25 and coste, after which bewas dismissd from hls office by the school board. The body of Annie E. Prosser has leen fouud In the Kalamazoo river. about four liles from Battle Creek. Annie Prosser, it vill be remembered, drowned herself on the ightofthe llthof December last by leaping nto the river from a bridge irr Battle Creek, it s supposed because of her reluctanee to appear s a wituess in the Bathrick case. The findiug f the body explodes the theory long held by ome that the unfortunate glrl was alive, and ving in eastern city. The committee of the board of superÍ6ors of Lenawee county, appointed to examne into the alleged defieiencies in the accounts f ex-county clerk Williaim L. Church, have ïade a report to the board. They admlt that uring the four years' incumbency of Mr. Church thcre was paid to htm, aecording tothe jest of their inforniation and belief, entry fees o the amount of $400 or more which have ever been paid over to the treasurer of the ouuty as the law directs. They also flnd that or the tiret two vears thebondsman of the said fScial was Mr. V. R. J. Osborn, and that for ie following two years no bonds are on file, ior can they flnd that any bond was given by ir. Church during that timo. The report was ccepted and the matter referred to the proseuting attorney for further investigatlon, with nstruction to take prompt action in the It is alleged that the nioneys nnaccounted or will be föund to bc far in exeess of the 6um atcd by the cominttte; of the board. Mr. Jhurch, sincc leaving the county clerkship, has raveled in the intcrc6t of a Detroit tobáceo ïouse, and is now understood to bc a retident f Chicago. The Grand Rápida internal revemie istrict is among tho6e marked for annihilatiou y consolidation ; the ehauge, if made, willnot e effected beforc July 1. Gaines S. Dean, a resident of Grand apids sincc 1843, a prominent business man nd manufacturer of agricultural ïmplements, ieil in that city March 36. Charlotte tvheat buyers have purchasd ucirly 350,000 buihels of the last wheat erop nd it is estlmated that there is as mueh more n the neighborhood that has uot yet found its ay to market. 1). B. Ainger. ex-postmasler at Washigton, is now at his home iu Charlotte, where e has resumed. the editorial management of he Republiean. His townsfolk take no stock n the charges alleged against him, and are eatly to vouch for him every time. Ex-County Clerk W .S. Church, of Adrián whose accounts were reently investigatcd aud g dcfalation reported, bas arrivcd from Dakoa. He says he eaine to face the music and ïow his record clean. He defies his enemies, nd is anxious for. the fun to commonce. While Chas. Parker and his son of attle Creek were trappiug and hunting down ie Kalamazoo rl er a few days ago, they found ie body of Anna E. Pros6er, who committed uicide on the uigbt of December 11 last. The cmains were found about four miles down the ver, where it flows around an island, aud aout 20 rods from the main channel of the ïver. The eorpse was lyiug on its f acet mostly nder water, the clothing first attracting at¦ntion. The feature.' were quite natural and cadlly reeognizable. The face was slightly iloated, and there was au expression of agony nd pain, while in one hand she had a haudful L hair which she had torn from her head ín the errlble anguish of her last moments ; the othcr land clutched her clothing. The body was aken into a wagon sent there for that purpose nd brought to an undertaker's in Battle Creek ollowed by an immense crowd who congregatd around the doors. Charles Parker, the man lio found-her, is the same man that discoverd her mother's body when she committed suiide. The railroad steamer Algomahreaclid the doek at Cheboygan on the morning of ,he 2Zth of March, having made the trip from 'oint St. Ignaee by way of the north shore of ois Bianc island, and cuttingher way through everal miles of solid ice from 18 to 2üinches in Iiickncs8. She could have chosen no more nnavorable time to make the experiment, as the ce is now thicker and more solid tlian at any irevious time this winter. It was wonderful ,o see her erush her way through the ice. Now bat she has a channel eut through she will make regular trips bv this route at least till avigatiou opeus. It scems to demónstrate what ha6 already been claimed by the old resients and navigators in that vieinit)', that is, hat the passage can be made by this route cgularly through the winter, while it is imossible by the Maekinaw City route owing to be ice lilling up by the action of the currents n that channel until it is sometimes 20 feet hick . The officers of the boat say there is very little doubt of their suceess on this route. ShöuW it prove true it 6olves a very serioue problem iu reference to traffic between the uper andlower penínsulas of Michigan. Cottage building on Bay View camp grounds will give forward as soon as the scason permits, quite a number of houses being ontemplated. Mrs. Chas. Jacobs of Holly, died sudlenly in the postoffice at that place. While waltingfoi her mail, she began to grow nnmb and unable to stand, and called for help, and in a few minutes was dead, her right arm moanime becoming rtgid and blood ooziug from her moutli and nostrils. Herhusbaud is a conducor on the F. & P. M. röad. The wife of J. C. Baughart and Mrs. . Purvis of Rus township, Shiawassee Co., were run away with bv a span of four years-old colts The base of Mrs. Baughart's skull was ractured and a'gash cut over the left ear. She died sliortly after the accident, leaving a busband and two cbildren. Mrs. Purvis was unured, having jumpod from the carriage. Philip H. Nonsinger, of Watrousville, Tuscola Co., aged about 75 years, was found dead in his bed on the 2tith of March. He locatedat Watrousville twenty-five years ago and bas lived there continually to the time of his death. Mr. Nonsinger was without doubt the largest man in the Saginaw Vallcy. btandug seven feet in hight and weighing 400 póunds, requiring a casket seven feet md three feet wide. The consecration of Bishop Richter at Grand Hapids, April 26, will be the first event of the kind in the state, Bishop Borgess having been consecrated at Cincinnati. A new throne is being built for the occasion in the latter city, and will be set up at Grand Rapids two weeks before the event. The consecratory services will be about three hours long, and tickets of admission will be sold at $1 to $2 each. They may be obtained after April 8, and the proceeds will be devoted to charity. An elegant brick pontifical residence will be built on the lot ad - oining St. Andrew's church, to be begun about Lv 1 l-ntil it is finishod Bishop Richter will reside with Rev. Fr. McManus. A fire broke out iu the steam grist mili of D. Y. Anderson & Son, situated near the depot of Vicksburg. Alarm was promptlv givcn, and through the prompt assistance of the F re Department and citizens, a total destruction of the property was prevented. owever, the loss to the mili and contents by üre apd water is estimatedtobe between $2 000 and $3,000; coveredby insurauce in the Underw itrs, of New York, and 'nineular of Grand Rapids, it is generally belicved to be the work of ai. incendiad. During the xc Itement created by the fire, tfio money till in the drug and groei ry store of Robert Baker was robbeS of ÍT5 in cash. Tlie licslxlaturc. Senate, Mareh 21. -The petitions presented to-day were for tlie unlformity of freight ratee, for the submiesion of a prohibí tory amendment, md to place the uorthern asylurn under homeopathie control. The join reeolutlon proposing an amendmeut to the con stitutlon so as to prohiblt the trafflc in Hquor, was favorably reported, ordered prlnted and referred to the cominlttee of the whole. The following bilis were passed: Amending section 5 of act of 1846 to authorize the sale oí the Michigan Southern rallroad; to amend certain sections of act 143 of 1881, providing for the incorporation of Knights of tho the following were killed : To prevent trespasses upon railroads, had all after the enacting clause struck out by the eommittee of the whole; all after the enacting clause wan struck out f rom the bilí ameuding act relative to damages sustained by reason of defective hlghways, brldge8, etc. House.- Many bilis were reported from committces witu favorable rccommendation and were placed on the general order. One bilí, however, was reported adversely, and was laid on the table, to wit : Bill to amend section four of act 133 of the laws of 1877 relativo to thc incorporation and management of companies íor mining and smelting, etc. The bilí to reincorpórate Alpcna was reconsidered and it was referred to the eommittee on municipal corporations for further amcndinents. The question being on the adoption of the unanimous repert of the elections eommittee against the claim of Peter Mulvaney to the seat in the House nw held by Stephen I". Snyder of the flrst district of Calhoun county after debate the said report was adopted, ayes 53, noes 29. Bills were passed to amend sec. 6463, C. L., relative to proeeedings against garnishees and for other purposes; to amend sec. 5325, C. L., relative to justices' courte; to amend sec. 10 ef aci 343 of 1879, relative to remováis from office ; to organize a public library in West Bay City; to allow owners of lands on opposite aides of public bigbways to construct and maintain cattle passes under suoh blgbways. Ayes 77, soes none ; to amend section 'ïl of phapter 151, C. L., relative to wills of real and personal estáte, being eompiler's 6ection 4342; to tnms fer Benzie county from the 19th to the 2bth judicial circuit. The bill to lncrease the salaries of judges of the supreme court from í 1,imm) to Í5.000 per year, was defeated. The petitions submitted to-day were for the passage of the Case bill amending the liquor laws; in oppoeition to the holding of terms of thc Ingham circuit court at Lansing; both for and against prohibitory liquor legislation; both for and against the passage of a bill to amend the charter of Saranac ; for an appropriation of swamp lands to widen and deepen Thornapp!e river ; for and against the submission to the peoplc of a prohibitory constitutional amendment; for the homceopatliic medical control of the uew Northern asylum for the insane. Senate, March 22 -Petitions were preseuted against thc holdiugof Ingham Circuit Court sessions at Lausing ; for the passage of the Case liquor bilis; for and against a prohibitory liquor law; against the importation into Mielngan from other states and territories of convicted crimináis; for the improvement of the Thornapple rlver; for and against the submission of a prohibitory constitutional amendment ; for homeopathie medical control of the uew Northern asylum for the insane. A concurrent resolution providing for an adjournment oi the legislature from the iJÖth inst, to Wednesday, April 4, waa adopted. The cönsiderat ion of the Reilly-Jennison contest carne up as a special order and occupied the time of Senate until its adjonrnment. House. - Remonstrance wero re c e i v e d ngainst the passage of the Bolgcr bill to restrict the operatiou of the Detroit House of Correction. Petitious were received for a law pcrmitting a portion ef the military fund to be used for the expense of rifle practice ; for the amendment of the Liquor Tax law ; agaiust the passage of a prohibitory liauor law;against allowing terms of thc Ingham Circuit Court to be held at Lansing ; for the establishment of a Board of Poor Commissioners in Wayue County ; that the control of the Northern Asylum be given to the homeopathie school of medicine. The Committee on Municipal Corporations reported unsavorably upon the bill to authorize East Saginaw to raise money by tax or loan to exteud the city water works. The bill was iaid on the table. The remainder of the session was taken up in the discussion of the oontestcd eiection case of Judge Reilly against Judge Jennison. Senate, March 23. - The consideration of the Rcilly-Jennison eontested eiection case was re6umed at 9 a. m. The question being upon a resolutiou to meet the House in Joint convention to take order requiring WilMam Jennison to answer the petition of Cor nelius J. Reilly, and to order the hearing of the contest, the reeolutlon was lost, yeas 14, nays 18. Tho report favorlng the view that th.ere was no contest requiring the legislature to tako actton in the matter was adopted. Petitious were received for a uniform rate for railroad freights ; for the submission of a prohibitory amendment ; for a law requiring instructlon in schools upon the nature of the effects of alcohol on the human sy9tem ; remonetrating again6t the passage of a prohibitory amenó ment ; requesting that the medical control of the new northern asylum be given over to the homeopaths. The governor signified hls aprof al of the acts to detach Benzie from the 9th Judicial circuit and attach it to the 28th ircuit; amending section 21,chapter 154, CL., elative to wills and real and personal estáte; allowing persons owning land on both sides of ïighways to maiutain culverts and cattle passes under them. The Senate considered favorably a large number of bilis In committee of the whole and struck out all after the enacting lause of S. B. 96, to provide medical attendance to the poor of Michigan ; H. B. 56, to provide for the incorporation of investmeut assoeiations was indeflnitely postponed. House.- The resolutiou for f uil hearing and determination of the Reilly-Jennison case in joint legislativc convcntlon was lost : ayes 43, noef 50. Later, the reports on saiii case carne up for consideration and the whole subject was indeflnitely postponed. A resolution for the limitation of debate hereafter, both in House and committee of the whole, was tabled. Petitions were presented for and against the submission of prohibitory amendment and the passage of the Case liquor bill ; for establishment of uniform freight rates, against the proposed enlargement of the boundaries of Grand Rapids. The following bilis were reported unfavorably by divers committees and were lald upon thc table : H. B. 51, to authorlzo Saginaw county to buy and maintain certain bridges; H. B. 411 to regúlate breadth of wagon rims on lumber wagons; H. B. 316, to amend act 38, 8. L. 1875, relative to sleepicg, parlors and chair cars ; H. B. 52, to appropriate state swamp lands to improve Clio and Chef aning state road ; H. B 64, to remain certain lands ín St. Jo6eph Co. , II. B. 398 and 59, to reclaim certain lands in Berrien and Tuscola counties ; II. B. 636, to amend certain sects. of the Agricultural college act; the governor, by me6ssge, announced his signature and approval of following acts recenlly passed: To revise the charter of West Bay iiiy ; to organize Warner township in Antrim county and Humbolt township in Marquette county ; to authorlzo Menominee county to repair bridge across Menominee river ; to authorze Houghton supervisors to buy or build a bridge across Portago lake ; to organize McMlllan township in Chippewa county; to incorpórate Lakeside village in Muskegon county, Morley village in Mecosta county, and Palmer villase in Marquette county ; to reincorpórate thc village of Spring Lake; to amend the act incorporating the trustees of Elmwood cemetery. The Senate concurrent resolution for an adiournment of the legislature from Thursday, March 30, untU Wednesday, April 4, was concurred in. The following passed on third reading- H. J. R. 9, for issneof a land patent to üeorge Punchers, Ayes 82, noes none; H.B. 147 to incorpórate the vlllatre of Westphalia, Aves 73, noee none; H. B. 123, to incorpórate the city of Escanaba in Delta county. Ayes 81, noes none; H. B. 43, to puuish the wrongful conversión of money or property by warehousemen and forwarding or commission merchante. Aves 6 nos 3; a rcsolutlon was adopted that hereafter no indeflnite leave of absence shall begranted unless satinfaetorv reasons there, fore shall have been presented to the House. Senate, March 24.- A goodly number of bilis were passed by the Senate to-day, the following being the most important: To amend and revise the act to incorpórate the public schools of the township of Alpena; to incorpórate the city of Escunaba in the county 5í Dlta; to enable Garfield townshlp iu Newlygo county to builii a bridge over Muskegon -iver ; to incorpórate th village ot Westpbaíia : ;o incorpórate tbe vülage oL Casa City in Tusóla countj ; to amend seetion 1838, C. L. relative to support of poor persous ; relatlng to niuing corporations ; to incorpórate tbe viiiage )f Breedbville, Van Buren county; relating to xininis6ioner of railroads; to próvido for ?harging oíf the books of tbe auditor general' iffice certain land warrants ; to provide for the etirement of certain improvement warrants, iwamp land warrants aud treasury notes ; to luthorize the quarter-master general to depost arms and aeeourtrements, at the agricultural :ollege. After Ii6tening to the following peti;ions, the Senate adjourned: For and againsl. ;he enactmeut of a prohibitory liquor law and ;he submlssion of a probibitory constitutional imendment; for homeopathie ineiical control 3f the new northern asylum for the insane ; for íhe passage of bilí to incorpórate investment issociations ; for tbe better preservation of fish ind game; for certain amendments to the cluirxr oí Jaekson. House- Petitions were ITceived for the abolition of the contract system in tbe state prison ; Tor the establishment of co-operative associations; against the 6ubmission of a prohibitory imendment ; that the Northern asylum for the insane be glven to the medical charge oí the aomoepathiste ; tor amendment to the liquor aws ; that the children in the public schools be instrueted in the provisions of the criminal :ode and the principies of inorality. The comTiittee onelections reported upon the contested ïlection case of Edwards against 6tone, in faror of the sitting member, Mr. Stone. The bill imending sec. 9 of the tax law of 1S82 was adrersely reported upon and the bill was tabled. The bill to provide for brandiDg aud marking ive stock was passed on third reading Re}orts from the majority of the committec op iquor trajiiewepe received favoring the passage f the constitutioual amendment prohibitiug ,he traftic in liquor and ir. B. 95 anieuding act !59 of 1881, to regúlate the sale of liquor. Hinority reports were also received adverse to ,he measures. Both bilis were referred to the 'ommittee of the whole. Senate, Marcli 27.- Pctitions were ead for paesage of bilis to authorize mutual nsurance companies of other states to do busiïess in this state ; to authorize formation of tfanufacturers' mutual fire iusurance comjanies; and to suppress local boards of undervriters ; for passage of Case bilis to amend iquor.laws and against enactment of prohibiory law ; against the extensión of time for iompletion of Marquette, Iloughton and ünouagon railroad, and against any chango of ,he route of the Bame. The following bilis yere passcd on third reading : To amend ot city of Jackson ; for the eupport Qf insa.ue oldiers at the Michigan aylum lor the iuiiane; :or new infirmary building and other improvenents at said asylum ; for publication and dis .ribution of state agricultural and horticultura! eporte ;to amend the act relating to the old fire lepartment of the city oí Detroit. Immediate 'ftect; to pave Cooper street in front of Jacklon state prison grounds ; to speeify duties of ïealth oilicers ; to establish a board of park ommisbloners m Detroit, immeüiate elfect ; ;o prevent the sale and use of toy pistols ; to provide for adjustment of rights and liabilities n división of territory of cities and townships ; ;o amend section 2 of act 100, S. L. 1877 ; to naintain political purity ; to amend act incorjorating Plainwell village in Allegan county ; to idd new sectiou, numbered 5, to public instrucción act 164 of 1881 ; to amend section 5 of act 07, S. L. 1881, relativo to Detroit house or corection ; to amend act to incorpórate Bangor rillage in Van Buren county; to establish a joaid of poor commi6sioners in the city of De:roit. The bill to amend the laws relative to iiarriage, and the oue liniiting tbe powers of a i pi osecuting attorney were lost, the last nam;d, however, being rc-considered and laid on :he table. House - Petitions were presented for the passage of the Case bilis modifying the itringency of the liquor tax laws;' for the ïnactinent of a prohibitory amendmeut, and igainst the enactment of a prohibitory amendment; from the citizens of Óivosso desiring the passage of the bill to forbid the Detroit house af correction from receiving United States prisoners ; also from the citizens of Detroit for the same ; in favor oí the bill to authorize formation of manufacturers' mutual ílre insuranee companies and for the suppression of local boards of underwriters ; to prohibit the liunting of rabbits with ferrets. The following bilis passed on the third reading: Legalizing proceedings of Fair Haven school district, No. 5. Huron county ; amending secs. 1850-51 C. L. relative to the support of the poor; to provide for lire escapes from hotels ; oupplementary to act 353 of 1869 for the improvement of the uavigation of the Sagiuaw river; reincorporating North Braneh. The bill providing for the iueorporation of the Knights of Labor was voted upon and loit, afterwards reconsidered and laid on the table. AH after the enacting clause was struck out from the bill, amending act 259 of 1881, to regúlate the 6ale of spiriutous, malt, brewed and fermented liouors. The Prospect for tlie Prolilbitloulot. The Senate committees on constitutional amendmente and the liquor trafiic have agreed - only oue member of the former dissenting - upon a favorable report on Senate joint resolutiou 9, and said resolution has been placed on the general order for consideratio u in committee of the whole. This resolution iroposes the. submission to popular vote, at the election to be held on the rirst Tuesdayof November, 18S4, of the followiug amendment to the constitution of the state, to stand as section 40 of artlcle 4. namely ; Sec. 40. The manufacture, gift, or sale o spirituous, malt or vinous liquors in this state except formechanical, medicinal, or sacrament al purposes is prohibited, and no property rights in such spirituou6, maltor vinous liquors exist, except the right to manufacture or sell for mechanical, medicinal or sacramental purposes under such restrictions as may be provided by law At One Port of Entry. During February 1,440 immigrants entered at Port Huron for settlement in the United States, of whom 36 were from England and 1,404 f. om Canada. The custom house records at the same poiut give these statistics for February: Valuc of goods exported, $441,167; free g(Xds enterwi, 857,697 ; goods entered for lnamediate eonsumption, $62,433; duties on the same, $12,840 12; goods bonded to interior ports, $23,636; duties on the. same, $5,047 20 ; goods bonded to Mauitoba. $777,134; duties on the same, $355,929 79. Among the exports were: Pork, $121,550; wheat flour, $98,186; leaf tobáceo, $61,307; distilled spirits, $36,160; unmanufactured cotton goods, $33, 743; hogs, $29,592; manufactures of wool, $16,237.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News