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All of the socialista on trial in Austria have been acquitted on the charge of high treason. A man haj been arrested in Moscow lu the act of orderlng clock work of a suspiclous character. Mount Etna shows signs of an eruptlon, aecompanied by an earthquake. A number of houses have already fallen causing a panlc in the vlciuity. The Rt. Hon. Sir George Jessell, ma6ter of the rolls, England, ie dead. He was the first Jew who ever held a seat on the judicial beuch of England. The pólice of London are very coniient they have a clue to the explosión in the overnment building a few days ago, and an rrest is expeeted shortly. In the case of Nugent and 12 other members of the Armagh assassinatiou eooiety ow on trial at Belfast, crown counsel have mdertaken to prove that the society was estabshed by a man named Burne, who canie from merica for the purpose, and after Burns' dearture Nugent became the director of the ociety. The injuries received by Queen Vicoria a few days ago by slipping upon the stairs ' tbe palace at Windsor, are more serioua than t tirst supposed. It is uow believed that she ill be couiined to her room for a long time. At the time of the accident the queen aud her tteudants thought notbing of it, and she proeeeded to earry out her iuteutton and take her rive. On returning, however, she was unable o leave her earriage and had to be carried to ïer room. Physicians were at once summoned, ho found the limb badly swollen aud inflam;d. It Is not believed by those having aecess o authentie information that the queen's inunes are absolutely dangerous in themselves )ut there Is universal fear that owing to the dvanced age of her majesty and the somewhat elicate condltion in which her health has been or some time some dangerous complications may arise. There is much anxiety feit by all asses, and the places where bulletins are dislayed are crowued. The czar receives threatening letters very day, saying that hls death is certain if he oes not pardon the imprisoned nihilists. The London Times says the new tarff law in the United States is the first step toard f ree trade; the prospeet6for whieh would, e clouded if the prosperity of America were' tieeked. The emigration from Switzerland to America i alarmlng. A number of districts re becoming depopulated, and one, Guttanen, is without a single inhabitant. The exous Is owing to bad harvests in Switzerland nd American competition. The Daily News of London, referring o the renewal of the rumor that Gladstoue inends to retire soon from the office of premier r from thp lunnf mmmona ooi. - -- ccasion for disquietude. The nation need not )e perplexed with the sudden change which, when it comes, cannot but offset the relations f the liberáis to the country. The change canot be indeflnitely, nor, coiintingbyyears, long eferred, and It is well to keep it in mind to be repared for it. Franco denios all knowledffe of any ttempt to blockade the ports of Madagescar. The trial of Joseph Brady for comjlicity in the Phcenix park murders, has been ixed'íor April 10. One hundred and forty-eight emirants left Connemara for the United States in ne day, receutly. Herbert Spencer, who was tendered lic reetorshlp of the uniyerslty of St. Andrew, eclines to serve on account of failing health. The eruption of Mt. Etna continúes o increase in violcnce. Already 12 flBSures are een in the mountain and one new cráter has pened. People are fleeing as rapidly a possi)le from their homes, and troops are doing all n their power to Bave property. The inhabitants of Carlova, Sopot and ialofer in Turkey, have risen against the imortation of foreign woolen thread, and several epots of such thread have been burned. The lilitia rcfused to 6uppres6 the outbreak and avalry were dispatched for that purpose. There is more trouble in South Amerca. Advices from Buenos Ayres under date f the 34th uit. report that a tlght occurred in 'atagonia between troops of tbe Argentine Rerablic and Chillan troops owing to the refusal f the former to quit Chilian territory. Severil men were killed aud a number wounded. 'he Argentine6 ilnally retlred across the fronier. The trial of Nugent and 12 other ïembers of the Armagb assassination society n a charge of conspiraey to murder, ended at Jelfast. Counsel for the crown in closing the ase on hls eidc sought to counect O'Donovan loBsa, John Devere, James Redpath and P. J. 3heridan with the conspiracy. Judge Lawson u charging the jury spoke strongly against the risoners. The jury rendered a verdict of juilty. A searching inquiry is to be made ino the assault upon Lady Dixie. Frnssia refuses to concede to the demand recently made by papal authority, relaive to education and the appoiutment of )riest8. An explosión occurred a few days ago u Rome near the ininist.ry of justice. 1 he emnants of a bottle which had been Ulied witb jowder were fouud. Three soldiers of the French army who were arrested on a charge of sociaüsm, lave been found guilty and seutenced to joln egiments in distant parts of Algeria. Because of fears of Fenian attacks on he naval station at Chatham, Eng., a boom has een constructed across the doek basin, and urloughs granted men have been 6topped. The Pall Mali Gazette's Dublin correspondent says that the person referred to as 'Number One" by James Carey in testimony at the heariDg of the assassination prisoners is nown to be in Mexico bevond the reach of the Euglish authorities. Queen Victoria is so far recovered from her recent injury as to be able to drive out. The London Daily Telegraph considt as preposterous the report that the English jovernment has sent a menacing note to V ash ngton in regard to the utterances and writinjjs of the Irish dvnamite party in America. It says the United States government's attitude of indiffereuce at the ravings of these men is the same as that which England has always adopted towards exiles taking reTuge in this country. The emperor of Gerniany is seriously ill. It is stated that when the Marquis o Lome returns to England he will be raised to the peerage A socialistic manifestó is being cir culated threughout Russia, urging people to avail themselves of the approaching fetes on the occasion of the eoronation of the czar, to pillage the houses of nobles and Jews. A treaty of commerce between Ger many and Mexico has been submitted to til bundersath. It secures the afety of the rt tail trade and freedom of property owned b Germaus in Mexico from forced Joans or wa charges. Mr. Parnell's visit to Paris had var iouB objects. He hlmself says that oue mai purpose was to ascertaln whether there was any danger of France entering into league wit the other Powcrs for the extradition of Nfh list and Fenians. He toak great pains to se cure publiclty in numeroU6 Freneh paperg fo eomplaints against the Land Act, though h had uething new to urge, detalling at the saui time groundless accusatlonn against the mini try and omitting no means to provoke Frene liustility to Englaud. N-AriONATj CAPITAL. Joseph G. Cooke, lesse of Willard's lotel in Washington, aud the most widely cnown hotel man in the country, is dead. The director of the miul hftfl decided lat an offleer of the mint cannot accept a vil office, and at the same time retain hls ace in the mint. Gen. Sherman created :i good deal of imusement the other day when ne was giving ¦estimony in tho star route case, surprising 'erybody by his Munt and direct answere. iherman commenced uy acknowledging that ie had endorsed the petitions of mail eontracors and would only like an opportunity to enorse more of them. The mail carriers on the .ar routes out west were the pioneers of civization. They had to encouuter all kinds of anger and practically held tkeir lives in their lands. "Those varmits of Sioux are worse han the grizzly," said the general." They ould shoot a man down like a dog. 1 think ' ie contractors are entitled to $50 a day." he General cited instances where three earers had been shot do,wu in a single day. At his point the counsel took up a petition that epresented that there were towns along a cerain route in New Mexico asklng for a mail ervice for the benefit of the business intereste nd asked if he did not knowthatno towns xisted there and therefore do business interest o aid. Gen. Sberman replied that there were ome 15,000 or 0,000 imu aloag thi6 route. He dn't know whether Ihey were gathercd into owns or not but he did not know that they ere guardiug 300,000 or 800,000 head of cattle md he supposed that representented a small usiness interest. The counsel for the dcfense ere in the best of humors during his testiony, and frankly acknowledged he has been ie best witness for that side since the trial commeuccd. Secretar? Teller says it will be imDssible to appoint a eonïmissiouer to effect an nicable adjustment of the trouble bttween he hostile Creeks, as no appropriations have leen made for that pir.-pose, and he does not écl called upon to ask philanthropic persons to o that WOrk at their own expense. The commissionerof the general land Uce has issued an order opening to 6ettlement ud entry under the homestead laws lands withrawn for but not needed in the final adjustent of a grant made to the state of Arkausas n aiü of the Little Koek and Fort Smith railay. The governor of Montana sent the ollowing dispateh to thepostofliee department o-day: The vieilants at Greenhorn, Mont., ïave removed the Democratie pogtmaster by langing. Government fuel must be scarce as ie was caught barn burning. The oflice is now icant. The sureties have been uotified to ake charge of the oflice. For the fiscal year ending April 30, 883, the special tax year, the number of manuacturers and dealers in smoking and inauuaetured tobáceo aud snuff, cirgar?, cheerooth nd eigarettes, as estimated at the internal evenue bureau, is 435,900; of these 420,000 are ealers aud 15,000 manufacturersof cigars, and )00 manufacturers of tobáceo aud símil. nu uoiuiiKiiiun ui iaiüc.-i A. alune as ollector of he internal revenue for the first istrict of Michigan, vice Trowbridge, su6peudd, bas beeu contirmed. Orders have been issued from the easury department to Hl( superintendent of ie lake districts of the life saving service diecting them to instruct the keepers of stations o enlist crews for ensuing active service which ill extend from the opeuiug to the close of avigation. A report was circulated in Washingou a few days ago to the effect that the British overnment had opened a correspondence ith the United States relative to the violent ireats and plots of Irish agitators uow in this ountry, and of O'Douovan Rossa in particuar, and that unless 6ome aetion was at once aken by this governiiient the amieable relaons existing between the United States and reat Britain would be seriously disturbed. ilinister West was asked for an explauatiou, ndsaid: You can state that the relations beween the two countries were never more eorial and a better understauding never existed. do not sec the slightest reason to appreheud jat their relations may be impaired. The postoffice department has ahofuly eceived and flled for exemination a largenumer of claims of postmasters who are entitled ,o iucreased 6alary uuder the provi6ious of the eadjiistment act kuown as the Spaulding bill, assed at the last session of eougress. An atorney representing a number of these postmasters is uow in Washington and has made an nformal argument in their behalf at the postflice department, maintaining that the increase f salaries provided for by the may properly )e paid out of the regular appropriation for alarles for the current liseal year. Ofiicers of ie postoffice department, however, assert that ie law providlng for the rcadju6tment of postmasters' salaries cannot be earried iuto effect -íthout a speciflc appropriation, and that to ay the amount of increase of salaries out of he regular appropriation blll would créate a arge deficieney. It is the intention of the dejartment to begin the work of readjusting saliries under the two cent postage law, as proided for in the ''Biugham bilí," as 6oon as posible. The Jeannette court of inquiry will e ealled again about April 1. The treasury department will take no "tion in regard to the question of exporting onded whisky into Canada in less quantities ban 100 gallons until the matter has been rought to its attention ofticially. It is undertood that the commissionerof internal revenue avors the proposition. In relation to the published statement that a deticiency of $15,000 had been discovered in the accounts of the soldiers' national home for the period while (en. Benj. F. Butler was president, the latter says he once received a certificate in full adjustment of his accounts aud he had not been uotified of any change since that. Whenever any demand is made upon him, if the claim is a just one, he will pay it, if not a just one he will allow it to be suedupon. Il e added that the home has a bond of $100,000 to make any defieiency good. In üglethorpe county, (a., Joe Jones killed his wife. He married her when shewas 11 years old, four years ago, then attempted to outrage his mother-in-law and fied. He returned last week, and on hls wife's refusing to live wiih him shot her. George W. Conkliug, aged 27, U. S. surveyor, of the surrey steamer Nevada, arrived at New York a few days ago and went to 341 West Twenty-third street, and shot dead Wm. H. Haver8tiek, aged 30, the seducer of Mrs. Uhler, wife of a New broker and sister of Conkling. Haverstick had lived with Mrs. Uhler about two years. Conkling gave hiniself up to the pólice. Gen. Dia, and party have arrived in Washington. A brilliant reception had been planned in his honor, but owing to the death of Postmaster-General Howe, all display was avoided. Jonathan G. Bigelow, of Washington counsel for Sergeant Ma6on while on trial before the court martial for shooting at Guiteau, has filed a suit against Mason, his wife Bettie, and the banking house of Kiggs & Co., for $3,500, alleged to be due him for counsel fees. Commissioner Raum concurs in a late decisión of a Pittsburg judge that, 'a duly qualified dealer in tobáceo who fu'.ly compiles with all the forms of law in making sales from an original factory paekage, eannot be legaily held responsible for the acts of any person,who may make purchases from him." Trouble seems to thicken around Brady of star route notoriety. The grand jury of the District of Columbia recently returned an indictmeut against Thomas J. Brady for corrupt official aetion in connection with the two Price routes,one against Wm. Pitt Kelloeg for unlawfully reeeiving money from Price in coneideration of eorruptly influencing the aetion of Brady in regard to l'rice's mail route, and one against Thomas f. Brady and Wm. Pitt Kellogg fer conspiracy in counectiou witu these same routes. The acting secretary of tho treasury has addrcssed a letter to the kecretary of state on the subject of the Canadian regulatione u regard to the importation of bonded whisky from the United States. He saya the commi.4sloner of iuternal revenue and himself are agreed that lnasmueh as the right of exporta,ion into Canada without payment of tax was nc guaranteed by law and not subieet to the cll'-cretion of the trcasury department, that iepartment would have no objeetiona to such modih'eations of the Canadian regulations as vould pernilt the importation into thelr dominion of whisky in packages of 30 gallons and apwards. The secretary of state has been rcjuested to communicate these views to the Janadian government. GENERAL ITEMS. Therc are Hable ta be some disgraceul scènes at the diamond mines at Braiuwood, 11., before the bodies of the unfortunate vicims are finally aid to rest. The coroners of Will and (iruñdy eounties are both anxious to ¦eap the reward of $1 1 per eorpse for holding he inquest, and eaeh insists that he is the )roper person to do the job. There la also said io be serious trouble iu the ranks of the relief :ommittee. A dispatch from Halifax, dated March 3d says : The t haw the past few days bas been ollowed by a severe rain storm. Rivers overlowed, bridgcs were swept away, low lands tiooded and ïnuch property destroyed. RailR'ay communieation ia interrupted. There is ,he greatest freshet on the Coruwallis river inown for years. The Windsor and Annapolis ailway is siibmcrged and badly washedfor twc miles. Half a mile of track at Wiswells is three ind a half f eet under water ; Muuro marsh, a mile and a half long, nearly as inuch. The railoal track in son:e places is lloating. All trains etween Windsor and Aunapolis are eancelled. Jxford and Cumberland eounties report the greatest freshet ever known. Three bridges across the ïiver Philip are carried away. Au lee jam eaused back water, flooding the bouses slx inches to three feet deep. Some families were removed in canoes and rafts. A number of small bridges are gone. Communicatiou is completely cut off In every directiou. The lamage done mille and bridges up the river mist be very great, as a large amouut of debris is floatiug down the river. A Truro telegram says the ice iu the Salmón river and LepJCï broke and a tremendous freshet followed. The Salmón river bridge is in danger of being swept away. The railway yard is llooded. The upper end of ward three, town of Truro, is submerged. It is 6till raining heavily aud the river is rising. Wiggins has gained the victory. Tlie storm that was to 6weep cverything from the face of the earth struck the town of Moose Jaw, 43 miles from Regina, Northwest Terri,ory, and was "the greatest storm of the ivn tury," just as Wigginssaid it would be. All that remains of John Howard Payue, the author of "Home, Sweet Home," aavu at last reaehed home. The steamer bringing the remaius reaehed New York ou the 33d inst. The remains were in state at the city hall in New York for several days, when they were taken to Washington aud t.rausferred to the direetors of Oak ifill cemetery, to bc held by them uutil June 9, the Ulst birthday of the T7ü.Teis BQmething pafiietic in this act of briuging to his home all that is left of a mau, whp, when he was homeless, wrote of the joys and pleasures of "Home, Sweet Home." The milk war in New York s assuming largor proportions, aud unless some of the methods of eouducting it are changed the trouble is likely to become serious soou. 'Spilling Committees," composed of rough-lookiug men said to be in the employ of the Milk Producers' Assoeiatiou, are at work in ürauge county aud clsewhere, and are using foree to keep the farmers from 6ending milk on to New York. This ought to be proniptlv stopjed by the couuty authorities. tverybody is anxious to see the farmers come out ahead of the middlemen in the tight, but the leading farmers who are actively eugaged in eonducting the campaign eannot afford to resort to tradesuuion methods to aeeomplish their ends. Tlio brakeman on the train wreeked at Tehiehipa, Cal., he lïrst of the year, who lias been on trial for criminal negligenee, has been acquitted. The union of the American Hebrevv eougregations bas issued an appeal for gifts to aid an institution which is educating Hebrew childrcu of the Urieut. The union now maintaiu6 'schools with a total of 7,121 pupils. A general cali has been issued for a graid convention to be held in Philadelphia, of the ..ational league of Ireland, the Irish land league of the United States aud Canada, and all sympathizers aud supporters of Ireland aml the Irish. The conveution meets April 6. Gen. Charles Cruft of Terra Haute. Iud., died of hcart disease on the 23d He was the lirst eolonel of the 3l6t Indiana voluuteers and fought during the entire war comniaudiug the first división of the fourth corps of the army of the Cumberland. He was past grand master of kuight templara of Indiana. The "Milk War" in New York has ended. A gas explosión at Pittsburg partly destroyed a small building oceupieu by the poor board and seriously Injured two poor wouien who were therein. Cavaliy, infantry and a party of Indian scouts are after the Creek Indians who have been marauding in Montana whi-u they should have conflned their marauds to Cauuda where they belong. A judge at Louisville does not desire to exclude intelligence from the jury box and so would uot allow the reading of a uewspaper whieh contained comments uion a case to exclude the reader from service as a juror. The governor of Missouri has approved the Downlng high license dram-6hop bill notwithstanding the strong pressure brought to bear by the opponents of the ineasurc. He prefers that the constitutional questious involvcd be 6ettled by the courts. At different points in Virginia and North Carolina, snow feil on the 3SEh of March to the depth of nearly two feet. Hon. Timothy O. Howe, postmastergencral, died in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on the 2tith inst, of pneumonía. Mr. Howe was boni at Livermore, Me., February 34, 1810, and afttr receiving au academie education, studied law and was admitted to the bar. Was a niember of the legislature of the state of Maine in 1W", in the latter part of which year he removed to Wisconsin, where he was eleeted judge of the circuit and eupreme courts. Was eleeted to the United States Senate as a Union Republican to succeed Charlea Durkee, and took bis seatinlSOl. Was re-elected to the Senate in 1867 and 187:3, during these IS years holding important committee positious, and beiug one of the most prominent audinlluential members of that body. His term of office expired Mareh Ü, 1879. In the famous triangular coutest, in wbichtheelectlonof his suceessor was iuvolved, and in which Judge Howe, E. W. Keyes and Matt Carpenter were participante, the coutest which Ünally cuded in election of Mr. Carpenter, will be recalled. Judge Howe theu retired to Green -Bay, where he had made his home since his remoTl to that state. He was not permitted, however, to remaiu loue iu retirement, and was tendered by President Garfield the appointment as member of the board of commissioners sent by the United States to represent this government in the international mouetary congress at Paris, his associates being ex-Senator ThurmaH of Ohlo, and Wüliam M. Evarts of New York. He remained abroad about six inonths, and soon after his return began to be prominently mentioned as a possible member of President Arthur's cabinet. In December, 1881, he was tendered the postma6ter geueralship, which he acceptcd, and to thu duties of which he has since devoted his atteution. He strongly favored therednetiou of po6tage made by the last congress, aud has been largely inRtrumental iu securing lmproved mau facilities throughout the country. He was a mo6t. faithful and eflicient oflicer, ever present at his post. He was held in universal respect and esteem tv his subordinates, and his death bas cast deep gloom. In Washington all the department offices were heavily drapert in mourning, &nd every mark of respect, paid to the dead statesman." The remains were iDterred at Green Bay, beside those of his wlfe, who didin lgSL


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