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A (JOOD OPPORTIJNITY TO Fit up Your Farlor Cheap ! For want of room we offer for the next few weeks our large stock of parlor goods at reduced prices. We have worked all winter with a full force and have now a vcry fine selection of complete suits, Sofas, Divans, Patent Rockers, Easy Chairs, etc , covered with Plush, Silk Tapestry, Spun Silk, Terry and Hair Cloth, after the latest style. Cali early and take advantage of our offer, as this reduction will last only íor a few weeks until we gain room for Spring Goods. Respectfully, KOCH & HALLER. 1134-1137 Endorseü by tbe Frenen Academy of Medicine for liillaninml Ion of the l rluar Orjj mm, caused by Indiscretlon or Kxposure. Hotel Dieu Hospita!, Paris, Treatmeut Poaitlvecureinoueto throedays. Local Treatment only requlred. No nauseous dones of Cupeb or Copalba. INKALLIBLK, HYOIKNIC, CURATIVB, PRKVENTivk Prlce II 50, includlng Bulb Nyrlng Sold by all Druggiab). or sent freo by mail eurely sealed, on recelpt of prlce. Descriptive TJH.JrJin aPP'loatlon. AMERICAN , AQENCY "" MEDICINE CO., Detroit, ! Mlch. and Wludsor, Ont. sold la Ann Arbor by C. E. Holmes, Oook Hotel Block. 1131-gi e o w Estáte of Calvin Wheeler. CTATEOFMIC'HIGAN,CountyofWiahtenw,es At a seeslon of the Probate Coort for the Coantj of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate office In th city ol Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tweltth da] ot' March, in the year one thoutand elyht hun dred and elghiy-three. Preeent, William D. Harrlman, Judge o( Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Calvin Wheeler deceased. On reading and flllng the petitiou, duly verifled, of James M. Hobart. praylng that aumlniitratiou of eaid enlate may be granted to some iniuble person. Tjereupon it ia ordered, that Monday, the ntnth day of April next, at tes o'clock tn the forenoon, bo asslgned for the hearing of aaid petition, and that the heir at lav of aaid deceased.and all oiher persons interestod in sald estat e are required to appear at a sension of aaid courLthen to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show caune ir any there be, why the praver of said petilioner shoald not be granted And it is lurther ordered, that said petltloner glve notice to the persons intereeted In sald esute of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing herepf, by causlng a copy of this order to h publianed in the Ann Arbor Courir,a newapaper ponted and clrculating In sald connty, three suectasW weeks previons to said dy of hearing. (A trae WILLUM D. HARR1MAN, WM. G. DQTY, Probate Regif' " Estáte of Joseph L. Bennett. gTATK OF MICHIGAN, Uonnty of Washtenaw, At a íeBslon of the Probate Court for the Countr 01 Washlenaw. holden at the Probate Office, It the &l fnnn,htreiroVehandtklhhD&f In the matter of the esute of Joseph L. Bennett deceased. Mary P. Bennett the adüiulstratrix of said eslate, comes into court and represents that Therenppnit is ordered, that Tuesday, the thlrd day of April neit. at ten o'elock In the foreioon be assigned for examlninr and allowing soe account, and that the heirs at'aw of ld de?eie5 and all other persons intereeted in said estáte are reonired to appear at asetslon of taid conrt, then ';t bolden at the Probate office, in the city of tí A.rbor. o ad coanty. and show cause ir an there be, why the said account should Lot bl al.owed And It is further ordered, that ld ad' niiuistratorgive notice to the persons luterested in .ad esute of the pendencyPol s.'d accoum and the hearing thereof, by causlng a copy of thi.' order to be pubfished in the Ann A rbor CourL? a newspaper prlnted and clrculated lu said cJimu' thsucceX. week. preu. , te , á "Coi WILLIAM D. HAKÍÜMAN, WM o nn-rv i_v . n Jude of Probate. WM. U. DOTY. Probate Reister. 11S3-88 Estáte oí Robert L. eeddes. gl-ATE OF MICHIGAN. Oounty of W„ht,.w, of'w.lS?"'1011 J Probate Court for'h Oonnty riirnT kholdeD 9 the Pre Office, in the ofVa íftXZ ornd'tenía In the matter ol the éstate of Robert L Geddea aeceased Theodore J.DeForest the adm nlrtrator of ald ehtete, comee into court and repi eaeniííhM -h8andmiuffiS?tOrenil(!r hli flnF SSÏ- Joon be aKSigued for examlninK aud allowln ,ZX mCd.ntl8,?d thttt ""= heir' st '"w WdSfeaÏÏ? iud all other ersons interestcd lu ld rsMtT7J SHSScSSSHl WILLIAM ü. HARRIMAN WM. Q. DOTY. Probate Regist ' $&%


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