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Au Albor day has been fixeil by the Governor for April 20. Parties are at work painting the engine liouse. It greatly improves its appeurance. Thirty-live are to be coufirmed at 10 o"clock Suiulay morning, in Zion's church. Ia 1S33 the late Dr. Farrand was a Latín pupil of Martin Clark's, in this city. The brother of the late Williaiu Noble, living in Charlotte, (lic! not long survive hiin, as hcdied Wednesday. For Gough's lecture, which takes place next Tuesday night, reserved seats rtll be sold this morning at nine o'cloek, at iiliss t Son's. Ex-Governor Fulch goes into Detroit to-day to attend the Governor's levee given the Liglit Guards. All of the living ex-Governora will be present. A beautiful cross of calla lillies on a scarlet dais, surmounted by the iuitial letters of I. H. S. ia flowers, decorated the ]inlpit of the Presbyterian church last Sabbath. Several of the citizens in town have received the handsomely printed invltutions to the Governor's Levee which is given this evening in Detroit by the Light Guard, in honor of Governor Begole. Alonzo A. Gregory, Jr., who has been connected with tbe postoffice department in this city for the last seventeen months has resigned to accept a position dt 218 Woodward Avenue. Detroit. M. B. Kelley & Co. expect to open their new dry goods store next week. Tliey have secured the services of William Fisher, who for fifteen years was a faithful clcrk at Wines and "Wordeu's store. The Washtenaw Journal gave its German readers its first dish of news last week. Although we hardly tUink tliat two Germán papers can exist here we can congratúlate it upon lts neat appearance. ¦ m JNTews has reached here that Mr. C. R. Ckurcb, a resident of this place sonie ten years ago, died February 18 at his home In Walnut Grove, Texas, at the age ol G2 years, and of rheutnatism of the heart. The fine display of diaraonds at Watts' on Monday made a good many ladies envious as they looked upon the brilliants in crosses, crescents, brooches, ear rings and finger rings, varying in prices from $100, to l,200. ? In last week's issue of the Michigan School Moderator, published at Grand Rapios, is an interesting article entitled "Lessons in Zoölogy," by Prof. J. B. Steere. It gives much interesting data ibout birds. Our esteemed cotemporury, the Chelsea Iterald, advertises a man as a Ziumerus lecturer. This anatomical subject must have something to do with the funny boiip, because, you remember, that borders on the humerus. A wise nomination was made bv the Kepublicana of Ann Arbor townsíiip in putttog up Mr. F. B. Braun, for supervisor. He will make a fuithful and eflicient official, whowill look well after the interests of the township. Gough, after being sick last fall, cancelled all his cngagements, and the lecture hcre next week will be the first one this season. He comes hete directly from lus home, and after lectming a week in the west will return. The annual meeting of the Ladles' Limry Assodation will be held in the library rooms, Mon.lay afternoon, April !)th, at half-past two o'clock. A full attendance is refluested. M. V. D'OOOE, Secretary L. L. A.


Ann Arbor Courier
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