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HALL'S Is Recornmended by Phys'lciansl We manufacture ondicllitwltha positivo euarantee that It will cure any case,""1' wowill forfeit thoaboYOmiouut ifitai'sin a single nstance. lti.i unliko any othrr Catarrh remedy, M ttutaken internally, actlng.upon the b OOd lf yu ar troubl-dwuh this tlidrtssiij ; disease, ask yourDruggist for it, and ACCEPT ÍO IMITATIO OE SDBSTITUTE. If be bas notgot it, send to us and we will forwaid imnicdiately. Price, 75 cenls per boute. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. 1[:H-1183 For sale by Eberbach & Son KANDALL'S NMV PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABISHMEJiT Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposlte East Grana Circus Park. Red uoed Rato to Clnb of 10 or Over 1 883. AL WA Y 8 1883. FIRST IX THE MARKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago whc employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. lVI5rclint Tailors, No. 19 S. Main St. P. S.-FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty. ÍJET TUK BEST Fire Insurance -iuiity huid for the protection of tha policj holden. CHRISTIAN MACK KepresoniB tlie folio wiDg first-class oompani ¦, of which one, the Jitna, bas alono pald 6o;000,000 öre loases in Bixty years: JCctna, of nartford f 7,400 000 00 FrankllD, I'hlladetpbta 3,S00,0ÜU 00 Ocrmao American. N. Y 2,800 000 00 l.ondon Aasurance Corporation 1S.8UOÍOO0 00 NuUoiial, llartford 1,200,000 00 North Ooriuan, UambnrR 2,000,000 00 l'hccnli, Brookljn 2,800,000 00 Underwrite ra AKency: N, Y 4,t00,00) 00 Los UbarHlly adjusted and promptly paid. folicies isBucd at the lowest rates of premium. JÍ7S-1 5 CH1CISTIAX MAOK. JrNSEY & SEABOLrS BAKERY, aEOCERY AND FLOUR Sc FEED STORE. W keop conetmntlr on hllld, CREA1), CRACKEBS, CAKES, ETC, rORWHOLBSALH A-ND RKTA1LTRADK . We shall also keep a sapply of WIKT 4 DKUBBVS BEST WIIITB WHBAT FLOUR, DELHI TIXJUR, RYB FLOUR BUCKWHBAT FI.OUR, CORN MEA1., FEED, 4c, 4o. At wtaolesalo and reuil. A Rencral atock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIOIMS oonatantlr on hand, whlcb win beaolil on aa reaaon able terma aa at any otner bouae In tne city. Caah pald for Butler, Knra. aad Country Produce renerallj. WOoods dellrered to any part of the oity wllhout extra charge. TT. RIWaBT A 9BABOI.T Ferdon Lumber Yard JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Manufacturer and Dealer in SAGINAW GAKG-SAWED LIMBER, Lath and Shingles. W InTlte all to RWe ua a cali, and examine our atock before purchaslnf elaewhere ALSO AQENT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., And sells üre brick. JAMES TOL11ERT, PROP i. J. KBECH. Bupt. feb. IJ, '79 iURAÑOE aud Real Estáte Agency of J.Q. A.SESSIONS lwllings Sohl or Reuted. Mr. Sesíluns lina dono uu extouslve lnsuramee bustaessmthl, city for fourteen years, and SM pollci In uie followlng old and rellablo Kiro lusnronce coiupaulua. Phojnlx Ins, Co. HarUoro Conn., Asruuforniaïn,uraüë.cö::-ëu;;;.::::: mm Manufuoturir's Insuranco Co , Boutoo aB10tlt 1.00,000 Rates low as any othcr Insurance Co. fT iAJ8se3 Uuerully udjuBted and prompUy pald. QLT ?1 SlTevU uvu' thoCourteo.B, auu Arber, Mloh 10B0 1041


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