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c HAS BEEN PROVED i The SUREST CURE for f KIDNEY DISEASES. L LaCll6S.toyour.ox..uoha.pta-l andweatoeses,sadney-WortluMurpaasl. bSXstïrroW depoaHa.anddull draln ÍS nains all apeodüy ylold to it ouraUve power. _ jj. QLD BY AI.L PBPOOIBT8. Prjce. I baya 7,wvifi Kiudey-Wort with vtry greca succes in a score or more obstinate cases of Kidney and Liver Trouhles.also for female wcaknesses.-Philip C. Ballou, M. D., Monkton, Vt. "My wife has been much beneflled from the use of Kldney-Wort. She had kidney and othercomplalnts," writes Rev.A. B. Coleman, Fnyetteville.Tenn. Pis a su re cure i for all dieaes of the Kidneyn and LIVER t 1 It hu speciilo aotlon ou thi most imporUnt 2 ! orran enabltnc It to throw off torpidlty and % inaoüon, otímulatin thehealthy ooreUonof 1 tho BUe, and by keapinff tho bowol In froe j f condiüon, offecttag ÍM regular diaoharge. J -M-fc ¦___.¦-- Ir youaresufferingfroni 1 IVlSiaria. malana.havethoohius, 5 are billoos, dypeptio, or constipatód, Kldney2 Wort wül suroly relieve and quiekly euro. I In the Spring to oloazno the System, every 3 one should talce a thorough courae of it. % il SOLDBY DRUCCISTS. Prjce!. "I am a living advocate of the vlrtues of Kidney-Wort. I suffored untold agony from liver disorder. It cured me."- Jno. D. Nevins, Sprfngfleld, Ohio. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE ÜF j COKSTIPATION. - Ko ot her dlsease is bo pre valen t in thla 0 try ma Constipation, and no remody hita ever 9 oquallod the oclebrated Eldney-Wort os a c E cure. Whatever tho cause, ho we ver obstinate (8 B tiio oasa. thiaromtKly will overeóme it. iCO DIÉ Pfi ïins dlstrossioff L m I ttÖB piolnt Is vory apt to be 5 comiilioatedwlthooiiatipatloa. Kldncy-Wort +j strengtliena the weakaned parto and quickly m ü cures all Vnd of Files even whca physicians b and medicinen have bcfore failed. rj {72 you have elther of theue troables p PR'CE $l." USE PrKE'8ts 8ell "Conti tipat Ion, in all its fonns, ylelds to Kidney-AVort. In female dlseases il in very mcces8fuL"-Tr. Thilip C. Uallou, Monkton, Vt. Apr. 20-82. e TH E C RE AT C U R E O I TOB. 5 i -RH EU MA Tl SM- I „ As it in for all the painful diaeases of the ¦g E KIONEY8.LIVER AND BOWELS. = (0 It oleanses the iyetem of the acrid poí son 8 that canses the dre&dful aulferinff which s 9 only the victüns of Kheuznatísm can rcalixe _ THOUSANDS OF CASES J v of the worst forma of thl terrible disease O have been quickly relievocl, and in ahort timo S PERFECTLY CURED. ü rRICK, l. IIQUID OR DIÏ, SOtD BT DREGSISTS. 5 - Dry can be sent by malL WEIXg.BICHABDSOIT &Co..BqrlingtonVt. "I could flnd no remedy for luy kidney omplaintand rheumatism," writes Mr. A. k.. Burr, of Temple' Mili, Florida, '-until I oas cured by Kldney-Wort." Exposure, incilenttolumbering.caused Mr. Burr's disorders. FRED Hm O3:i A CO., FRESCO ARTISTS, Dealers in Fta WI1 Piper:, Lesthir Paper, 1IMCEUSTA, Paper Ceiling, Uecorations, Store Sliadeg. Decorative Picture Mouldings and Centres. Estimates given and designs subinitted forFreseolngand Paper Decorations. 255 Jefferson Ave., DKTROIT, Mioh. 1.133-1181 -os 7vtp raU j r.ovT.y et [-Í fHjLB ¦ ¦whirh for 18SC. crntalrs 1 KTTR IIKNDTÏRSON'S ¦ Hw." mikinir it a cr.riflcnsed'G.irfVninf Book, ïiaving I HdenH' t'or Irof:t. Mirle! free on application. I Peter Honderecn & Co., I35&37 Cortlandt St.r New York. 1127-11:17 AYER'S PILLS. A largo proportion of the dlseases whlch miw hmiian utfring result froiu duraugement of th tomaoli.bowelvandliver. Aykh's Catmartic Pills act direotly upon these orgaus, and are specially designed to cuie the dlsease eausd by their derangement, ineludliig t'omtipation, IndiKestion, Iygpepla, Readache, llyaentery, and a liost of othor ailments, ïor all of whlch they are a safe, sure, prompt, and plcasHDt remeJy. The extensive use of these Pillí hj eminent physiclan in regular praotice, shows unmistakably th estimation in which they are hld by the medical iirofessiou. These Pills are compounded of vegetable substanoe only, and are absolutely f ree f rom calomel or any other injurlous ingrediënt. A NnnVrrr from Headache ivrlteg : "Atkr's Pills are invalnable to me andaré m, -ooiMtant eompanion. I hare been 'a "evííj ufferw from Headache, and your Pxll-s aro tl only tuin 1 could look to for relief. One dos will qulokly move my bowel. and free my head s:si oir pv' -d ' "- Franklln.StV:-ohP,0fVaW;;u,e,f,.Br0-" tances as reoooimomiud by jou, and have nevar knmvn them to f all to aooom plisi, thé d?3irè d r" uit. V, oonntantly keep them on hand at our Meila, Texas, June 17, 1882 ATER'g Oathartic Pill correct irregular!. ' digestión, and by their prompt and thorough I e"on0o"ni?.Te t0 the who19 "L3i' ! PBEPARED BT Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowel!, Mass. i Sold by all Druggi8t8. , YOUNQ, ¦ A11 ïpcrienoe tho vaudarfnl band ' DLD.AND A WeöeotBof Ayer's Sarsaparilla. AfiFf) Children wlth Sore Eves Sor Var íi ui by au Drnggists ; , ,ix bottle for' . Estáte of WilIIam Noble. JJTATK OP MICHIGAN, Coucty of Wa.htenaw, Í v-lht9S0 h Mthe ProtarteCourt for theConnty of o BceaíPrt mnter f i?e e8tate of wllim Nobl-, d, .weeks preveo gSrpï Ö (PM O tuvpv i. . . ,, Jnde of Probate. vm. O. DOTY. Prohte Remeter. 1136-113! i