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IUCH ABEL'S COLUMN. We place on sale tlils week 50 pieces of Black and colored Cashmeres at prices never before naiued In Ann Arbor. We propose to make it the most important Black Gooda Sale of the season. We awalt your coming. We have "up set" prices in our Slik department. We shall ofler this week a rery handsome Drees Silk at $1.40. We also wiah to convey the impression that our $1.60, 1.75, $2.00, $2 50 und f3.00 Black Sillcs are remarkably cheap. In our Embroidery Department a sale of considerable energy has developed with in the past three weeks. The size and Impoi tance of this sale can not be over eelimated. Special utteiition is called this week to our Table Linens at 40c, 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00. We feel sure that no prudent housekeeper can afford to overlook this opportunlly to secure sorue of the cheapest LtDeiis ever seen in this mnrket. One case assorted stylesof ttie old fashioned Indigo Blue Print nearly one yard wkle now on sale at a price that competes liberally with ra inferior quality sold in the city. We hare now on sale a full line of Miases Corsets. Iu quantlties of 5 doz. or more J. & ï". Coatt 8pool Cotton (the best in the world) om be bought at 55c, 6 per cent. off for cash. No use sending out of town for it for yon can not buy It any cheaper. Our 50c Corset takes tlie "pa.stry" for qushty and eheapness. Not au inferior quality bilt the best quality of GlngfcftBM at 10 cents. Kor Spring aud SunnnerSkirta, Morgens ane jjooil. We have all shades. If you wish the best Crochet Quilt made t $1.25 do not linger, come and get one at once, as we can not sell them at that ?riee much longcr. . Reuieinber we advertise just wlut we mean, uothing more, nothing lesg. BACH & ABEL. THE PÜREST AND BEST Roaedy Ever Made.- It Ig Conipounded ] froni Hops, Malt, Buchu, Maudrake and Damleliou. The oldest, best, most renowned and 'aluable medicine in the world, and in adlition It contalns all the best and most effective curative properties of all other emedie, belng the great liver regulator, )lood purifier, and life and health resrorng agent on earth. It gires new life and vigor to the aed and infirin. To clergymen, lawyers, litrary men, ladies, and all whom sedentary imployments cause irregularities of the Blood, Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who require an appetizer, tonic, and mild Umulant, it is invaluable, being highly :artive, tonio and stimulating, without being intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or synipm are, or what the disease or ailmcnt s, ue Hop Bitters. Don 't wait uutil you re eick, but if you only feel bad or mlsrable use the bitters at once. It may ftTe your life. liundreds have been saved by so doing, at a moderate cost. Ask your ruggist or physician. Do not suffer yourelf or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. If you have lameness in the loins. with requent pains and aches ; numbness of tie thigh ; scanty. painful and frequent iscUarffes of urine, rllled with pus, and which will turn red by standing; a voracioos appetite and unquenchable thirst ; i arh and dry skin ; clammy tongue, often ' arkly fiirred; swollen and inflamed gums; droplcal swellin of the limbs; frequent attuckg of hiccough ; inability to void the ' urine, and great fatigue in attempting it ' you are uflVring froni some form of ' ney or Urinary Complaint, such as ' BaionT" Disease oí the kidneys, stone ' or liilianimation of the bladder, gravel ' and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and retentlon of the urice, and i Hop Bitters is the onlv remedy that wil) permanently cure you. Remember Hop Bitters is novile, drugged, di-unken uostrum, but the purestand best medicine ever mude, and no person or famlly should be without it. Don 't risk any ot the highly lauded stuft' with testimoniáis of great cures, but ask your neighbor, drujrgist, pastor or phygkians what Hop Bitters lias and can do for you and test it. J". BERRY, The Practica] TAILOR AND CUTTER Of tki late Brm of WINANS BERRY, has locatea hti place of bnslness at NÜMBER 7 HÜR0N STREET, With a fine line of ( SI II IX;s AND TROÜSEIIINGS, kni wou ld aay to hln old H Henil nuil new ones tba If ther want a Oood Fit and a Nobhy Pit at Kcason iWe Prl. eall ou hlm und they wlll bc ure t tetm Pu llase.'ü!fi.Hlll!!i.5iS5 I ? WW ¦¦3'. .tampa for io..K. -J i I lili ¦¦ llpckloC. Jlii.llolliu.pi. I im-1178 i OAVIS SWING GNURNS. s %. . M jt Best and Choarent. No j rm IV1 JA i"-ile flxture. Alwcy &k'tèSmA. riifht siile nn. Nn das tSftitëW'fiBi Fer cover f-) inir off lc lB J i tlmr rre ui ou the flpor ?L-Jík37 fizeim'.'c l'hn-'e íie f PwJTjT'X Nesbiil lï ,. : r r i M % V Prinrer. E.n Jf M W chum au l printer wur frj ¦ks. riinted. One f ch ttt JW n i ivtii'lr ) ilr hr i ii ïïi li - vri f Dn aKCUtH. Sfiuï lor C ¦ L' ctilar. ArrntH wnntcd. 4 1101 Hlje of IiuiiUtnnnt for fnnn r fi'UCC f T. KAU.H MACH1NK CO., Bellow iall " 1130-1142