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DARBYS PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. A Household Article for Universal Family Use. ¦HHHBfl For Searlet and I _ ,. BTvpholil fcuTi, B Eradicates Diphtheria, s.uVAT AT5TÁ Mvation, tricerated MAilAülA. SoreThroat.SinaU ¦¦¦¦¦¦l Pui, Measlos, umi all Contaeious Diseases. Persons wiitlng on lue Siclc should me it freely. Scarlet Fever haj ncver been lenown to spread whcre the Fluid wa usul Yellow Fever h been cured witfc it after black Tomit had taken placo. The worst cues of Diphtheria yield to it. 1 SMAIX-POX SOUS refreshed and Bed Sores PITTEÍG of Siuull ed by bathing wllh pox PKEVENTED Daibys Fluid. , AmemberofmyfemI in pur e Air made „ takeo wilh haraless and purified. gdl. j VMed thc For Sore Throat II U o Fluid,1'ül(, ient was sure cure. , not dcllrious, wu not Contaron pitled, nd was about Sí11?11" IlM: weeks, anl no others Chafings, eto. , d , w p ion securcdbyiuusc. ¦¦¦¦¦MH Snip ïever prevenied. ¦_,,,, , TopurifytheBreatb, ¦ DlBnth0Tia Cleanse tta Teeth, ¦ tr k can't be surpasied. T- ¦ I Catarrh Rlicved uid ¦ XTQVÖÏltOa. ¦ Erysipelai curcd. BanureUevodinsUntly. The physicians here 8ar prirtmed. mc Darbys Fluid very Dysenlory etu-ed. I ,uccciiM(y „ the tretWoundshealedrapidly. ment of Diphtheria. Scnrvy cured. a. Stollbmwbkck, Aa Antidote for Aiuduu - Greeniboro, Ala. er Vegetable PoUons, I Slinss, etc. Tetter dned up. I used the Fluid during ' Cholera prevtated. cur present afflictionvkh Ulcera purified and Scarlet Fever wUh , healed. oidcd advaniagc. It is I" cases of Una til t indispeo&abte to the ' should be uscJ about „om. _Wm. F. the corpse - it w ford, Eyrie, Ala. , prevent any unpleasmkj ant sinell. The eminent Pby. loU TTrrvl siclau.J. MARIÓN ¦ Scar lot ever ¦ sims, m. d., New I York, bit "I ui f!nVA I i convinced Pro". Darbys V IU BU. I proph ,act .K rlud lt a HkjPHHHHHSbPmpjéW ; valuabU disiniectant." Vanderbilt University, Nashvllle, Teun. 1 testifv to the most excellent qutüities of Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. As a disinfcctant and deterent it is both theoretically ajid practically superior to any preparation with which I ara aequainted.- N. T. LurroN, Prof. Chcmistry. Uarbys Fluid is Reoominended by Hon. Alexander H. Stbphkns, of Georgia Rev. Chas. F. Debms, D.D., Church of the Slrangtri, N. Y.; Í0S. LïContk, Columbia, Prof, .Universify, S.C. Lev. A. J. Battlh, Prof. , Mercer University Rev. Gio. F. Piskcc, Bishop M. E. Church. DfDISPEXSABLli TO KVEIIY HOME. Perfectly hannless. Used internally or cxternally fór Man or Be&st. The Fluid has been thoroughly tested, and wc have abuudant tvidence that it has dotve evcrythutg here daimed. For fuller Information get oí youi Druggist a pamphlct or send to the proprietur, J. H. ZEH.IX CO., Manufacturiflg Chemists, PHILADELPHU BUSINESÏCABDS. WILLI AM BIG6S, BUILDEK. BHOPi CORNER CHURCU AKD 0RLE1N S ST. Aon Arbor. W. H. JACKSON, DENTIST, FFICE: Over Bach & Abel's. Entrance by i irat Nacional iank. rmt WILLIAM HERZ Ilouso, 3ign, Ornumeiital and FRESCO PAINTER. :O: Paprüii, QlailüK, Ulldinjt, and Cftldmlnlnv and work of verj1 deurrlptinn done tn the bf at ityle. and wurninuM tu ffive latlifsctlon. SH0P,N0.4 VV KST WASHI?i(íTO ST. Add Arb.r. MlcdUran. i asif DEAN, GODFREY&loT PAHTTERS, ATSTD DECORATOnS, 16 A 160 GrUwoltlSt., Detroit. I '''¦¦ l'aiicr ilnwrinira. ¦ ' - Hl.-ïunt ( eilintt Deeoratinn. Klne Friezes in all Wldths. House SImdo and Holler!". A largc varlety nf room njouldlnü and hooks. FRESCO PA1MTI1TG. We mako a spcclalty oí Store Staades and we wlll furnish estlmates and samples of eolors on applica"on. Shadeg Httod to roll trom top or bottom of the wlndow on Statlonery or TravellnK rullere. Will 'urnlsh Opaque shadlng to the trade out to measure. - __ THE Al AICR4HI Savings Bank, ANti AltliOJe, MICa fiJ.J.V. Traosacts General liiiiiking l'.usincss. . CAPITAL, 850,000. SOlKu!!?S,miW "" ()ene' "nWlnir Lw of thl 0Muïun."nkhuldr" "r" '"dl'Wu.lly Ilable for UB h" 'l """""" eqa"1 U1 tno Ituok hld ' K&jzzr16 'und for si 00,000.00. iötereBt Ls'altowMl on til wti;.M "e d"""r "a "Pw.ird. ao'ra'ea ;a"nU"" Muu' y to Loan on unmberedro itat nri u.ber ooa wcn,qT. c OFPIC R8 L Hucuck. Csnir. [16 9M