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i ne i-ope is displeased with the Most Rev. Thomas W. Croke, archbishop of Cashel, Ireland, for opening a subscription list for the relief of Parnel]. John Brown, the well-known personal attendant of Queen Victoria ie dead. Hls death' occurred at Windsor Castle. Tbc queen Is said to feel his death deeply. Judge Lawson has sentenced 12 of the mem berg of the Armagh assassination society, who were recently eonvietcd of eonspiring to murder, to terms of penal servitude varying from five to ten years. Mount Etna is again very active. Itumbliugs of the volcano are frequent, and there is every indicatiou of au earthquake. Germán artista have petilionud Uieir government to intercede with the United States jovernment for a reduetion of the tariff on worksofart. The outbreak of the inhabitants of Carlova, Turkey, and neighboring towns, who rebelled agaiust the importation of foreign woolen thread, is suppressed. There were 25 arreste. It is stateil that tlie British government contemplates adding a strictly poHtieal departruent to the detective pólice foree, in consequence of the operations of the Irish secret societies, whose raiuiiicatious have been diseovered to be most extensivc, and whose membership, it is fouud, embraces all classes )f society. A gentleman of high position now leposes and says he saw Lady Florence Pixie the wliole time stie stuod where the alleged outrage was cornmitted, and that he saw her walk away and that uo one accosted her. The inquiry by the pólice into the attack bas been futile, and the general opinión is that Dixie's word is not good for mucb. The enthronement of the archbühop of Cauterbury took place March 29. The tradi lional enthronement ceremonies were observed. Tliere was a dense crowd in the cathedral. The duke of Edinburgh, representatives of Oxford and Cambridge universities, a great eonconrse of clergymen and the bishop of Saskatehewan and bisliop of Long Island were preeent. A man who carried a box containing exploeives and infernal machines bas been arested at Liverpool. He had just arrived from jork. An Irish railway portcr supposed to be in of the man arrestcd with a box of !xplO8ivos and infernal macuines in his possesiion has been taken intoeustody by tle pólice. The explosivo material was nitro glyceriue. The infernal machines were most cunningly levised. Tlie pólice are certain that the prisouers are confederates. The passengcrs by the Cork boats have been earefully scruttuized for soBie ilays. March Sist 350 emigran ts left Belnmlett, couuty Mayo, Ireland, for America. More of Priuce Jeromc's manifestos ai-e coming to light, having been posted in couspicuous places throughout Bordeaux. They are seized by the pólice a6 soon as discovered. Advices from Tozer, Tunis, say that Di' Leeseps has arrived there. He says tüe cailorations make it plain that an inland sea in he deeert of Sahara is practicable and that it eau be accomplished by xising a hundred excavating machines equal in aggregate eapacity to the labor of 100,000 men. The London pólice are in receipt of a letter purportlne to euianate from Fentan Bouree8, tbreatening unlees the men eharged with the Vhamix park murders and now confined in Kilmainham jail awaiting trial are at once released, the central telegrapn oiilce in Loudon will be blown up. King Alfonso has conferred tho order of the golden fleece uoou Crown Frince Frederick William. This gives great satisfaction In Berlin, where the relations of Germany and Spain are considered of a friendly character, de6pitea difference with respect to the commercial policy of the respective nations. Louise Michel, the error of Frauce has at last been arrested. The arrest was made without any diffioulty. Shf was arrested while leavlng the house of a friend, and stated that she was waiting to give herself up rather than subjcet hor friends to any further amioyanee. The speciflc charge brought against her was that she had entered baker shops at the head of an armed band and pluudered them. The pólice of Liverpool aro in possession of informatlon whieh indieates that the arrests madehereandat St. Helen'sof inenbringIng Infernal machines f rom Ireland were timely, and preventcd outrages which had been planned, aud were to have been executed at once The destruction of public buildings, involvingjpossibly great loss of üfe, was part of the plot. An aualysis of the cheinlcals and explosives seized develops the fact that are composed of nitro-glyceriue mixed with sawdust chloride of potash and ï itrol, a comtiosition of a nature so inflamniable and explosive that the marvel is they did not cxplode in transit through the street6. An uneasy feeling prevails in Lorrame among8t the part of the population who retaiu and still quietly avow fealty to the Freucli government. This occasionally breaks out Tnto ..u..rnntml . . i. i I .1 ( I, ,1, Llill-ll 1q 1 1 II ¦ I ¦ -.J ¦ llllU The immediate cause of the excitement is an address just iasued by Deputy Antoine in which he aeknowledees tlie receipt of money colleeted by the patriotic league f or the benefit of 6Ufferers by recent inundations along the Rhine and appeals to the French government not to forget those uuhappy ehildren of France, who, although parted temporarily by foree of arnis, are awaiting the day of revenge. Parnell will visit Ireland beforc be comes to America. He is expceted in thls country the second week in April. St. Petersburg pólice iinearthed a band of nihillsts in an obscure house, and after a hard flght, in whieh three oflïeers were wounded, eight arresta were made, the nintli man escafjing arrest by suicide. It is currently reported in Hamburg and other cities of (eriiiany, that Bismarck intends to revive the Prussian state Council, by whieh all bilis propossd by the government must be passed before they are introduced into parliatnent. The nieasure is regarded as reactionary. Thirty-sovon barges loaded with coal broke loose in the Mouongahela the other day. Tuev ran against the 6teamer Abe llayes and sunk her, carried oit six of her barges sunk six barges f rom the steamer DiekFulton, whieh was also run into and damaged. The whole harbor fleet of steamers went after the ruuawavs, whieh are uow in the Ohio. The loss will'be heavy, as $ 50,000 worth of coal was ou board the various barges. Dennis Deasey, the man who wlien arrested at Liverpool on his arrlval from Cork carrved a box containing infernal machines and explosives, and Patrick Flanagan, the Irisli railway porter, who was arrested at St. Ilclcn'son Buspicion of being an accomplice of Dorsey, were arraigned in eourt, when the charge that they had explosives on the persou with felonous intent was preferred, agaius them It was put in evidence that a letter was faund upon Dennis Deasey commending to the other conspirator, I'atrick Flanagan, as a per sou who mlght be intrusted with any post o auto. At Flíinagan's lodgiug a variety of ex 1 osives were discovered, besides a revolver falsebeard, other eouipments ior dynainit work aud disguise. The most interesting evi denee given íuring the examination M t ha of expert scientific witnesses, whotestitied tha the cxplosive material in question was known as "lignine dynamite," an article that coul not by auy popsibility, be connected with com mercial or biisiness transactlons and whieh i ot made for any legitímate purpose. Ftoaga Interrupted the proceedings with the pointe ouestiou : "It is matei ial similar to wbaUhoo ?he house f eommons, is it not I" The prison era were remanded for a week. 1 A dispatch from Tuscon. A. ï., says The White mountaiu tribes are open in decla ing they will go on the war path this moon un ess something poslttve is accomplished. Ther is certain danger of au attempt by an organ ized body of citizens from C'Hfton, Globe, fombstone. San Carlos reservation people are waiting to give Gen. Crook an opportunity. rwenty-seven were killed in nine days. At Santa Fe, N. M., the Shakespeare guarda, under Capt. Black, are doing j;ood service. As soon as the Indians made an appearance on the lower Oilla, Black moved to Skin's pass above the canon, the route usually taken by tlie Indians in returning to Mexico. This, togethcr with the fact that regulars were moving put on the railroad, caused the Indians to cross the plains into the Burro mountatua. Black procured fresh horses and followed so closely that t!ie Indians were conipelled to abandon horees and plunder and take to the mountains south of the Eacifle road on foot. When last heard from Black was in hot, pursuit. It will be dilHcult for the mounted troops to follow into the mountains. This movement into New Mexico is not a raid, but an effort to get back to Mcxio by the least dilticult route. They killed Judge IcComas, wife, and three prospcctors receut¦ because they happeued to be in the route of eir escape. Black is rcported to have had a glit and lost several men. This lacks eonlrmatiou. Thompson's body of the 4th eavalry s still in pursuit. He will follow the hostiles nto Mexico, the recent treaty giviug tlicra a ght. Thrce constables from Bada, Ireland, re on their way to America iu search of susK'cted crimináis. The land league of Australia is sucessful bevond all expeetatiou, and the prosects of help for Irelaud from this islaml are rigliter than ever before. The revenne of Great Brilain for the ast financial year, ju6t closed, was .L89,004,000, nd the expenditures L81),08ö,000. This excess f expenditures over receipts was oceasionud y the proseeutiou of the war in Egypt, Tho marriage of Prinöe Louis Ferdiuid of Bavaria to the infanta Maria Della Paz as celchrated In the cliapel of the royal palace t Madrid with the usual state ccremony. The )atriarch of the ludics was present. The king nd queen of Spain were sponsors. A dispatch from Brussels, Belgium, ports that a sensatiou has been caused iu iuancial circles there over the diseovery that an Dainme, a prominent stockbroker, bas nibezzled the sum of 1,000,000 francs belongng to persons who deposited monoy with Mm. an Damme lias been arrested and lodged in rison. On account of tbc steady stream of etters eontaiuing tbreats of death and destrueon of buildings wbich continue to be received r prominent pereons and government func ouaries in "London, uot ouly are previous preautions against the executioii of the threats ot remitted, but new ones are also being desed and carricd out. This is particularly the aso in LoHdoii. Tlie gas works are eareïully ;uurded against surprises, and none but kuowp nd trusted ha'jds are allowed on the preuiiscs, An organizalion to be known as the ïuropean and Anglo-Iudian defense society is been formed at Calcutta for the purpose f watching over the intenst of Europeans nd Aniericans in India. The immediate eforts of the society, however, will be deyoted .o the preservation of the right now enjoyed y all Eucnpcans and British subjects to be .1 Ljy tliclt uu ii i, ii inil pjrrtVftTl Hll'i tÖ linrnu ie bifl whieh permits of trials of wliitcs hv ative judges In certaiu cases. . NATIONAL CjVI'ITAI, The Alabama claims court has renered a judgmeut in favor Wm. Small Jr., for 8, 18 with interest from May 19, 1861. On the day of the funeral of PostTiaster-Ueneral llowe, all of the departments ere elosed, and draped iu mouruing. The ervices at Kenosha, Wis., were characterized y dep sorrow, and an uuusual absence of osentatious display. The star route trial has been of more ïan usual interest of late. Mr. Dorsey as on the witness stand for several days, making a vigorous elïort to defend him6elf, nd trying to make the public believe that Is interest in bonds and contracta was only ie interest of a man for his f nends. A dispatch from San Carlos, Arizona, ated Maren 29, to ludían Commissioner Price, ays all is quiet en the reservation, bnt that a igilant watch is necessary. Preparations are being made already u Washington for the reunión of the Army of ie Potomac which will be held in that city on [ay 16 and 17. The coming reunión protnises ,o be of more than nsual interest. The President has received from a rm of Berlin bankers, 4,300 marku addittonal, inaking n all 8,800 marks trausmitted by that firm for the relief of nood sufferers in the west. The emperor and empress of Germany gave 8,000 marks of this amount. Therc is the best of authority for the statement that nocorrespondence whatever has passed between this government and the governmeut of (reat Britain with regard to a system of international pólice, or to reciprocal watch to be kept in cach country upou crimináis or eneniies of tlie other. The seeretary of state has authorized Mluister West to say to the Cauadian authoritles that tuis goverument has no objectiou to such change of the Canadian eustouis regulations as win admit of the importation of bonded whisky iuto Canada from the United States iu packages of less than 100 gallons. It uow remains for the Canadian parliameut to decide iuWhir Kimli ninilitii'iit.inn of Üieir reffulations WIH'LUCr bUCll mouiuclluuu ui U1C1I ii:guiunuiiD hall be made. The acting seeretary of the treasury has declded 'hat the rato of duty as between he old and the new tarift" is to be Uxed by the late of arrlval of the importing vessel at the xterior port of entry, and Iliat goode importd before the new act takea effect and shippcd ,o western ports undèi imniediate trausnorta,ion will be dutiable ander the present tariff, uuless they rcmaiii in a public store or bonded varehouse wheu the act goes into operaticm. E. O. Graves, superintendent of the national bank redemption división of the treasury departmeut, has been appointed assistant rêasurer of the United States. The Great Western insurance cornpany of New York through their attoruey has lied a petltion in the court of claims against he United States for the recovery of upwards of $50,000, the amount of their claim agaiust ,he Geueva award wlth interest. Comptroller Lawrence has rendered a decisión that the salary of Congressman )chiltree of Texas must be paid to himself, notwithstanding hisiudebteducss to theUuittd itates, on the ground6 that his oflice is a conetitutional one, acd that if his salary was withïeld lie would be deprived of means of support and his constituents of representation. Territorial delegates, however, are uot eonstitutional oflieers, and it is held that t.ieir iudebtednes8 to the governiiHüit eau be set olí against ;heir salaries. The probable reduction of the public debt in March is nearly $10,000,000. Lieut. Davenhoner, of Jeaunette exaedition f ame, has been granted leave of abeenct tor one year. President Arthur, aceompanied bj Secretar)' Chandler and other members of the cabinet, will take a trip to Florida and expect to be absent about two weeks. Secretary (Jhan dier goes for the purpose of inspecting the Pen sacóla navy yards. The cighteenth week of tho star route trial has begun. The decrease of the national debt dur ing March was $9,344,826.37. ' The issue of standard silver dollar from the United States mints for the week end ng March 31 was $159,1)99. An examination of the cash and se curities in the United States treasury is bein made, and progressing satisfactorily" Such a examination bas not been made before in te years, and is exelting considerable interes Thcre are 50 persons, includiug female count er, eagagtd in tuis work under the supervis ion of the governmeut committee. The coun so far has showu a deficit of flve cents in one bag of silver and au cxeess of 8lx cents in the accounts of the intevest teller. It is supposed this discrepancy will be explained as the count rrogresses. The cash is beingcounted twice, the flrst time by the committee and again by representativos of the treasurer. It wtll require two or three weeks to complete the examination. An irhportant decisión has been rendered by the suprerae court of the United States, revcrsing the jndgment of the Bupreme court of Missouri, and rsmanding the case for further proceediugs. The decisión was in the murder case of Chas. T. Kring against the state of Missouri, a brief 6jnopsis of which we appeud : Kring, the plaintiff in error, on January4, 1875, shot and killed awoman named Dora Brewster. At tbc March term of the St. Louis criminal court in the same year he wbs indictcd for murder in the flrst degree, tried and found guilty, and sentenced to be hanged. Upon aopeal the judgment of the criminal qourt was reversed and a new trial ordered. Two more trials followed, in both of which the jury failed to agree. Upon the fourth trial the prisoner made an agreemeut with the state's attorney to plead guilty of murder in the second degree, upon conditlon that bis sentence be imprisonment for a period uot longer than ten years. Under this plea he was sentenced to impri6onment or 25 years. He again appealed and the iudgment of the lower court was reversed by the6uprcme eourt and the cause a secoud time remanded. Upon hls next trial the prisoner refused to witlidraw bis plea of murder in the second dcree or to make another plea, whereupou the ourt ordered a plea of not guilty to be entered or him and be was again tried for murder in he llrst degree, fouud guilty, aud seutenced to cath. He appealed successively to the court f appoals auü to the supremo court of the tate. In both of these tribunals the judgment ind eutenee of the court below were altlrmed. enteuce was theu ordered to be executed Feljary 34, 1882, but before that time Judge Miler of toe United States supremo court granted writ of error, and the case was brought to the upreme court for review. Under the eonstituon and laws of Missouri in foree at the time ie offense was committed and the indictmeut 'ound, the prisoner could not be tried for niurer in the lirst degree after he has been conicted or pleaded guilty of murder in the secnd degree, but under the constitution of 1S75 s coustrued by the supreme court of Missouri, ne indicted for murder in the first degree ud eonvicted or senteuced on a plea of uilty of murder in the second degree, may be ain tried for murder in the flrst depree in case of appeal and reversal, t was contended in all the courts by the prisuer's counsel that a section of the state conitutioQ of 1875, adopted subsequent to ie fludine of the indictment, could no( be apied to the prisoner's case, that it chauged the unishment, that it was au "ex post facto" an-, and as such repugnant to the oonstitution ' the United States. Justice Miller, in a long nd earufully wrltten opinión, rendered the desion of this eourt which may be briefl y sumed up as follows : We are of opinión that uy law passed after the eommission of an of¦use, which in relation to that oflense or its onsequenees after the situation of a party to is disadvantage is an "ex post facto" law. No ne eau be criminally puuiihed in this coun¦ry except accordiDg to the law preecrioed or his Kovernment bv the Kovprciam -nioniy u&ofe ïnc Tmpultu ottense was comlitted and which existed as law at the time. 'he provisión of the constitution of Missouri hich denies to a plaintiff in error the benefi, hieh the previous law gave him of acquittal f a charge of murder in the first degree, on onvietion of murder in the second degree, it s to his case an "ex po6t facto" law wlthiu ie meaning of tbc constitution of the United tates aud for the error of the supreme court I Missouri in holding otherwlse its judgment s reversed and the case remanded to it witb irection to reverse the judgment of the crimnal court of St. Louis and for such further rooeedings as are not inconsistent with this pinlon. Chief Justiee Waite and Justiee rady, Gray and Matthews dissented. This deislou, rendered by a bare majority of one, nally relieves the prisoner from the sentence f death which bas been hangiug over him ior ie past seven years. CRIME. W. C. Woodward, who was arrosted b Nashville, Tenn., two or three days ago tiarged with gilding nickels and passing them or (5 gold pieces, was taken to East St. Louis u custody of United States Dcputy Marshal Tost, but as the train was 6tarted up the eastrn approach to the bridge he rushed out of the ar aud jumped from the platform. 8o far be las eluded the oflicers. He was handeuffed but ot shackled. Gea. W. ConfcHnjf, r- wno s''t Vilbur B. Havcrstick in New York, has been nííicted for nianslaughter in the flrst degree. Conkling surreudered at once, and has been dmitted to bail in the sum of $5,000. George W. Conkling, aged 27. U. S. urvyor, of the surrey steamer Nevada, arived at New York a few days ago aud went to S41 West Twenty-third street, and shot dead Vm. II. Haverstick, aged 30, the sedueer of irs. Uhler, wife of a New broker aud eister of Conkling. Haverstick bad lived with Mrs. Jhler about two years. Conkling gave hlniself p to the pólice. GENERAL ITEMS. The stock holdevs of tho permanent xhibition company at Philadelpbia have resolvd to wind up tbc affairs of the company. Duke?, the Pennsylvania sedueer aud murdcrer, whosc acquittal occasioned bo much xeitement, has been ousted froni his seat In he legislature of that state. Loid and Munn, the largest shippers u Moutreal of western produce to üreat Britlin, bave ansigued. Their Habilities are at eaet a quarter of a mlllion áollars. Au Ottawa special to the Globe says he tory party bave formally deelded to oppose every measiire looktug to the promotion of reciproeal trade wtth the United States. Eider Morgan, preaiding eider of tho rformon ehureh, left (Jhattanooga, Tenn., with 50 converts for Utah, irom all parts of the south. Niuety raissionaries eoutb claim 000 converts annually. Dr. Otto Wilhem Struve, director of he Imperial observator}' at Pulkowa, Kussia, ïas arrived to test the object glass completed at Cambridgeport ou the order of the Russian goverument. The glass is the largest evercon6tructed, being 30 iuches in diameter. The mayor and postmaster of Empire City,Kan.,issued au appeal for aid to nurse and care for the 50 persons who are down with small-pox. The city isquarantinedagainstby all surroüuding places and the discasc is safd to je on the increase. Much distress prevails and money, provisions aud mediciucs, particularly money to pay nurses, are needod badly. Despairing of overeoming tlie obstruetions in the Braidwood mine, which now make diflleult the search for the remaiuing boaies, a correspondent states that the ownerb are cousidering a proposition to close and aban don tbe mine ana erect over the eutrauee a monument to the memory of tbose entombcil The suggestlon is opposed by friends of the dead men. An earthquake shock was fel throughout California on the 31 of March. In southern California the shock was very severe An accident occurred on the Cincin nati Southern railroad whicli tbrew north bound passenger train irom the track. Sixt persons were more or less injured, bat BO live were lost. Tbe train was going about 40 mile an hour, when for some cause it left the trac nd rolled down the embaukment 50 feet. Tw sleeping cara were completely wrecked and on car burned. The cause of the accident was Broken rail. Nearly a dozen of the principal lead ers of the probibit ion movement In Missour including Dr. J. A. Brook, president of th state temperance associatiou; Senator B. Grat Brown, Rev. Dr. W. G. Elliott, chancello of Wasftington university in 8t. Louis, and ex üov. Ciias. P. Johnson, have been in consult! tiou regarding tlie action of the legiolature i refusing to submit a prohibition proposition to the people of the state, and to consider what is best to be done for the promotion of the cause They will issue an address. iu which they wil celare that they do not propose to organize a istinct party, but will try to shape the matter o that the next legislature shall bc composed f ïnembers so far committed to prohibition !iat they will vote to submit a constitntional imendment to the people on that subject. They ntend to make prohibition a direct issue at the ext election, and express a belief that they an carry the legislature. The Financo Minister of Canada bas nnounced the changes in the tariff list. The ree list will include books, bound, printed ver seven years or printed by any government r scientific associations, not for trade, manucripts, chronometers and compasses for ships. Jopper in sheets, iron and steel, old and serap ron beams, sheets or platee, andkneee for irou r composite ships, street railway bars or rails sh.plates and in 6heets for manufacture crews, tobáceo and snuff, a specific duty of wentv cents a pound ; turpentine, spirits, ten er cent. ; bells, except for churches, thirty per ent., now dutiable accordi-je to material ; clotü f other material tlian eotton or woolens is nade uniform at thirty per cent. ; vaseline and milar preparations of petroleum in bulk, flve ents in bottle, or eix cents per pound ; Woolen ïosiery, the same as woolen elothing ; dress and ostuine cloths under tweuty-live inehes wide nd wcighiug not less than three ounces per quare yard. twenty per cent. ; yarnsof wool or orsted, two-ply or more, different colors, comïned or mohair yarns, white or any color, imorted by manüfacturers, twenty per cent. ; gricultural implements and machines to pay specific and ad valorcm duty equal to thirtyve per cent., portable machines, spades, hoes nd forks, the same. Tennesseo is being rapidly cleared of ;amblers of every class Bince the enaetment of ie law ïuaking faro dealing a felony. Hiram Sibley & Co. of Rochester N. ., havepresented 30,000 paekeges of well-seeeted seeds (for garden and field,) to the sufrers in the tornado at (riunel!, Iowa. Travelers froni Arizona confirm a reort thí.t a society exista among the whites of ie lattcr locality to exterminate the male paches on the San Carlos reservation and all bund roving uorth of the froutier. C'on6ider)le feeling exists because Gen. Crook has not aken severer measures against the hostiles. Thomas Waldron, better known as Brother" Frank, president of St. Joseph's kollege at Búllalo, N. Y., who has been on trial n a charge of rape on a llttle gir), has been onvicted, and senteneed to impríeonment in uburn prison for a term of five years. The ise bas excited unUBual interest throughout Matholle eircles iu New York, as "Brother" rank lias alwayB held positions of trust and esponsibility. lliver coal minors at Pittsburg, have rock, numbering 2,500 beeause of the refusal f coal operators to allow them to place ciieek cighmen on the eoal tipples to weigh the coal as it passes over the screen. The operators say lat check weighmen may go ou the tipples if ie miners will accept the reduction of oneuarter cent. per bushei in the price of inining. 'he miners say they will not consent to tliis nd expect to biing the operators to terms bv rlkiut? Tlu'v '.lionTii, Vi"t +1" 't 'icsTijvu )cen symemalically defrauding them in weighng coal. The supremo court of Illinois, ie full bench assentlng have just led an opinión deelaring in 6Ubtance that the Pullman palace car company ad like corporations are common carriers, and lacing them in the same category witli raiload companies. This 6 contrary to a decisión 'iven by the same tribunal sonie years, and afrms the principie that the present state legisature bas endeavored to embody in a statute. A suit was brought by Luke Nevin against the ar company for refusing to permit him to ocupy a berth assigned him which he offered to )sy for. The courts decided that the )liintiff had no power to enforce aecommodarious from the car company and optiODal ou s part to f urnish the same. The court asserts hat running sleepers has become a busness of social neeessity and in this view ie law can impose obligattous on the eomjany the same as on railway men, ferry men ind innkeepers. Iu the.language of the opinión, When, therefore, a passenger who uuder the ules of the eompany is entitled to a berth at ie usual fare, and to whom no personal obection attaches, enters the sleeping ear at the iroper time, for the purpose of procurlng ac¦omniodations, and in an orderly and respectui mauner applies for a berth, offering or tenering the eustomary price tberefor, the eomlanyisbouud to furnish it, provided it has a ¦acant one at its dlsposal. For the breach of ny of these implied duties the court holds the ompany clearly liable." About five thousand bricklayers of Chicago are on a strike, beeaue e employers efuse to accede to their deniand for four dolars per day. Work on all the principal buildngs has been suspended. The employers have acceded to the demands of bricklayers in New Haven, Ct., for $3 75 a day, with the understanding that iu case the men wok only uine hours on Saturday they will lose one hour's pay. The men agreed, aud will work only nine hours ou Saturdays. The ofticers of the government steamer Llly, which arrived at Cairo after a trip down the Ohio distributiug relief to the sufferers by the late ilood, say one million dollars woulü not cover the loss sustained by the overflow betwern Louisville and Cairo. Hundreds of farms havu ten to flfteen inche6 of pure 6and deposited over their entire area, and' f enees, outhouses and other buildings, teside grain and other cropB, are swept away.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News