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Swayne's Pilis- Comrortlngr to the SIck. Thousandsdie from negleet to properly treat impure blood, constipation, dyspepBia, malaria, apoplexy, liver, kidney, heart distases, dropsy, and rheuniatism. But to the debilitated burdened willi wien serious sieknes?, we coiifcicntiously rceommend "Swayne's Pilis," whicli cortaiii medicinal propcrties possessed by 110 otlier remedy. Sent by mail for 25 cents, boxof30pills; 5boxes. $1, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swayne&Son, Philadelpliia, Pa. Sold by Druggists A Iittle three-year old, after looking thoughtfully at the inside of a teakettle thicklycoated with lime, cried. ' O, the teakettle is all lathed and plastered! ' Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. It acts directly upon the blood and the mucous surfaces of the system. Prlce 75 cents. For sale by Eberbach & Son. The name ''Oratorio" aróse from the fact that the earliestsacred plays were performed in a room adjoining the churcli, called an oratory, or in Italian, " Oratorio." , Consumption Cured. An old phys'ician, retired from practice, having had placed in hls hands by an East India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested lts wonderful curative powers in thousands of cásea, has feltit his duty to make it known to hi8 suffering fellow. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in Germán, French or English, with full directions for, preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper; W A Noyes, 1 49 Powers' Block, Roctenter, JV.' r. e o w. 1113-1138 o n. Mother: " Now. Gerty, be a good gjrl and give Aunt Julia a kiss and say good niglit." Gerty : " No, no ! if I }%& she'll box my eare, like she did Mr. Wilson's last night." "Rough on Rats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. " " What doyou think I had betterpreach about ? " asked the new minister ; and the old deacon soratched his head and replied ; "Waal, if you preach abaout twenty minutes I think you'U tech our people jest right." That slight cjld you think so Iittle of may prove a torerunner of a complaint that may be fatal. Avoid this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, the best o known remedies for colds, coughs, ca tarrhs, bronchitis, incipient consumption and all other throat and lung diseases. At a recent marriage ceremony in one of the Providence churches, the contract ing parties were thirty minutes behlm time, and the organ pealed out, " Oh dear, what can the matter be?" "Buchupalba." Quick, complete cures all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases $1. Druggist. The celebrated William and Mary col lege is closed. Last year it had only one student, and he found the mental am physica! stmin of making it lively for the neighborhood too trying to be carried ou through a college course. Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts Brui8es, Sores, Ulcers, SaltRheum, Feve Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions. and posi tively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfactinn or money refund ed. P rice 25 cents per box. For sale b' Eberbach &Son. 1106-1159. A New Yorker has been lined $300 fo giving tobáceo to a giraffe in Centra Park. A man who sella whisky to chil dren in Chicago is only fined $5. Rheumatlsm Posïtively Cnred in the shortest time. Write for free 40 page pamphlet on Rheumatism. to R. K. Helphenstine, Druggist, Washington, D. C. "Dwo vos schoost enough, butdree was too blendty," remarked Hans, when his girl asked him to take her mother along with him to the dance. Nerer Give Up. It you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak constitution, headache, or any disease of a bilious nature, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapid improvement that will follow: you will be inspired with new life; strength and activity will return; pain and niisery will cease, and henceforth you will rejoice in the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by H. J. Brown & Co. The average boy, when sent on an errand, derelopes wouderf ui " staying qualities." ty Diamond Dyes are so perfect and so beautiful that it is a pleasure to use them. Equally good for dark or light colors. 10 cents. Alwaysgive thefacUofacase plain and straight to your lawyer. He can mix them up for you when tuey come before the jury.- N. O. Picayune. A Great Discorery. That is daily bringii.g joy to the homes of thousands by saving many of their dear ones from an early grave. Truly is Dr King'8 New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Tickling in the Throat, Pain In the Sideand Chest, or any diseascor the Throat and Lungs, a positive cure. Guaranteed. Trial boules free at II. J. Browu & Co. 's Drug Store. Larze size $1.00. A Jackson county milkman, while working the pump handle calis out " h'ist there ! so, boss ! so there now 1" It is a way he bas of easing his consciencs. - Modern Argo. Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Iinpotence, Sexual Debility. $1, Latin is a " dead language ''- especial ly when an inexperienced drug clerk fool's with it.- Norristown Herald. " How are we ever going to get through our spring and summer's work ? We are all run down, tired out before it begins." So say many a farmer's faniily. We answer, go to your druggist and pay live dollars lor six bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This isjust the medicine you need, and will pay compound interest on tha invest ment. Visitor (endeavoring to impart inform:ion to a young mind): "The Iittle bird in the cage belongs to the finch familv, and" - Three year old listener: " No, it don't. tt belongs to me." - " had Salt liheum for W years. Vqur mekage of Dr. Benson's Skin Gure entirey cured me." F. P. Lavelle, Merced, Cal druggists. Oscar Wilde now makes his appearance n London drawing rooms in an ope'nW'rk embroidered shirt showing black silk lining, a large yellow silk handkercliief tbrust in the breaBt of the coat, and a ïigh stock of the past ages. OA3=ïïr To all who are sufferine from the error and Indlscretlons of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac, I will send a recelpe that will cure you, FRBK OP CHARGE. This ereat remedy wa dlscovered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envtlope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Station D, New York City. I9-]y


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