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HALL'S (JatarrhQure s Recommondod by Physlciansl SlOORSWAfeixgK1!! Wo manufacture and Bell itwitba positivo guarantee that It will cure any case, and wowiü forfeii tho aboyo amouiit liit rails in a single instance. It ís unliko any othir Catarrh rcmedy as it ia taken internally, actlne upon the Ülooej. 'f you aru troublod with thia listressing disease.ask yourDruggistforit.and ICCEPT NO IMITATIO OS SUBCTITUTE. If ÍXQ bas not got it, send to us and we wlll forward Price, 75 centa per buttle. F. J. CHENEY & CG., Toledo. Ohifj. 1132-1183 For sale by Eberbach & Son HANDALL'S NEW PHOTOGRAPHIC ESTABISR1U1T Cor. "Williams St. and Madison Ave. - Opposlte East Graua Circus Psirk. Red uoed Rato to Club of 10 or Over 1883. ALWAYS 1883. FIKST IN THE MAUET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. Mei'ehant Tailors, No. 19 S. Main St. P. S. FULL and SEMIDRESS Suits a specialty. GET TUE BEST Fire Insurance -$42,000,000 Swjurity held for the p'otection of tha policy hoMera. CHRISTIAN MACK aopresnts the followiue clase compaui1, of which one, the !iid, has alone pald í5o,'0Ü0,000 6re loases iu (sixty ears: .Ketn. of Hartford I 7,W000 00 Franklln, Ptüladolpht 3,300,000 00 Öerman American. N. X 2,800.000 00 London Assurance Corporation 15,800,000 00 National, Hartford 1,200,000 00 KortJi Germn, Uamburg 2,000,000 00 Phoentx. Brookljn 2.8'W,000 00 Dndexwrltcr Agency. N. T 4,BOO,oej 00 LoMes liberally ad]ustd and promptly paid. Pollciee issued at tha lowest ratta of premium. MTÏ-l:J5 CnJilSTIAX 3TACK. T INSEY & SEABOLrS BAKERY, aEOCERY AD FLOT7R Sc FEED STORE. W keep oomUntlr on hand, BREID, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOBWHOUtóALB AND EKTAILTBADB. we ihall also keep a snpplj of WIFT A DBOBBL'S BB9T WHITB WHKAT FLOUB, DELHI FLODR, KYK FLOUIt BUCKÏVHBAT FI-OUR, CORN UÏÏAL, l-KBP, 4c, 4c. At Wholesale and retall. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIÓN eonitantlr on hand, wnlch wlll be sold on as reaionable terms as at any other house In tbe city. Cah patd for Butter, Kegs, an Counlrr Prodi" generally. nrooods dellrered to anj part of tbe city w" out extra chane. TT. RLN8ET 9BA0i-T__ Ferdon Lumber Yard JAMES TOL.BERT, Prop., MaDuficttirer and leior in SAGINAW GJUIfl-SAWED LUIBER, Lath and Shingles. W inTite all u (tlve us a cali, ano exnmlne oor stock beTore purchaslni elsowhere ALSO AOKMT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CC, And sells fire brick. ' JAMES TOLItEKT, PROP l i Ji KSBCU. 8upt. feb. U. 't , ï Jí S URAÑCB and Real Estáte Agency of J.Q. A.SESSIONS Dwclllugs Solcl or Kentert. Mr. Soasloiis has done an cxtelislve Insuraie 1 buirtusss la thls city for fourteen years, and lisu' pollelcs In the followlng old nnd rollublo Fire in" snraaoe companles. Phoenlx Ins, Co. Hartfure Conu., Asml f iut $4,000,OW California Insurance Co.. itsseU 1. 000,000 Manufacturtr's Insuranco Co , Boston M uhU '(w 'u líales low as any other Insurance Co. W lxso llborally adj usted uud promptlr P'J OtHeo on Uurun Btreot, opposlte the Court Dottso, Abb AAer, Mie 1090 1W1


Ann Arbor Courier
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