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'fuTns áíc just too two. A brotüitR un-The cook b. Identical-Sailors und theatre-goei?. Tliey both go to see, j-Drcsses, cloaks, coats, stockingsand all tormenta can bc colored successfully with the Diamond Dyes. Fashionable colors ouly 10c. Enthusiastic Professor, of Pbysics, discussine the organic and inorganic kingdoms : " Now, if I should shut my eyes- so-and drop my head-so-and shonld not move, you would say I wns, a cloU . But I move, I le, I run ; then what do you cali me ? " Voice from the real: A clod-Uopper ! " Class is disunssed. riic-i aod Hii's. rlies, roachcs, snts, bed-biiirs, rat?,niiee, gophers, chipmuuks, cleared out by " Rotlffb on Kats. 15c. Á New York paper has an urticle, "IIow to öpend Sunday Af ternoon." A favorito way with some men isto lie ftbed, making up tor time lost Hattirday niglit. A Life Savliig I'resent. Mr. M. E. Ailisou, Hutchinson, Kan.: Síived hls life by a simple Trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Conaumption, wliich i-aused liim to procure h large bottle, that cbmpletely corad him, wheu Doctors, change of climnteand eveiything else had f'ailed. Ajthnu, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, severe Couglis, and all Throat and Ltuifldiseases, itis guaraiiteed tocure. Trial bottles tree at H. J. Brown & Co.'s drug store. Large ze, f 1.00. "De Shanghigh chicken 'minds me ob certain men dat Tse seed. He crows might y loud, an' brags aroun' 'moug de henu in young chickens; but wlien . game roosier comes around he's got business on de udder side ob de fence.'' $100 Reward Is offered for any case of Catarrh that cant be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken .internally. P rice 75 cents. SoldbyEberbach & Sou. Thé youtli who starled out to sovv bis wild oats caine home with nis coat ruil of tears. Iichiiiür Piles- Symptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture like pers piratfn, intense ïtching, increased by scratching, very distressing, particularly at nijfht, seems as if pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum; the private parts are sometimes affected. If allowed to continue serious results may follow. "Swayne's Olntmenf' is a pleasant, sure cure. Also for tetter, itcli. salt rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barbera' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty skin diseases. Sent by mail for 50 cents; 3 boxes for $1.2, (n stamps). Address, Dr. Swavne & Sou, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by Druggists. " Teil us how to save our forests f lom the axe, ? (Iemands a correspondent, "üon't ax." - "Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamoinile Pi) Is for the cu re of Neuralgia are a success."- Dr. G. P. Holman, Cbristianburg, Va. 50 ets, at druggists. rositive Cure for Piles. To the people of this County we would say we have been given the Agency of Dr. Marchisi's Italian Pile Oiutment - emphatically guaranteed to Cure or money refunded- Infernal, Esternal, Blind, Bleeding or Itctiing Piles. Price 50c. a box. No cure, No pay. For sale by Eberbacb & Son, Drugglsts. Vaughters, Wires, aud Hothers. We emphatically guarantee Dr. Maichi. si's Catholicon a Female Kemedy, to cure Fetnale üiseases.sucb as Ovarían troubles, Iiiflammation and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or bearing down feeling, Irregularities, Barrenness, Changeof Life, Leuconhcea, besides many weaknesses springing from the above, like Headache, Bloating, Spinal weakness, Sleeplessness, Nervoua debility, Palpita tion of the heart, etc. No cure, No Pay. For sale by druggists. Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Marchisi, Utica. N. Y., fo? pamphlet, f ree. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Druggists. Hucklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions. and positively cures piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfactiwn or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Sou. 1100-1159. HAS BEEN PROVED „ The SUREST CURE for ö I KIDNEY DISEASES. l " Doee a lamo baok or disordered urine M cate that you are a victim P THEN DO NOT ' C HE3ITATE; use Kidncy-Wort at ones, 5 gista recomraendit)andit wlllspeodlly k w coma tha diaease and restore hoalthy aotion. $ O I O H i ÍC For oomplaints peculiar fcdMIüöa toyour sex, such as patn -I and weafcaessoB , Wort Is uasurpasaed, as it wlll act promptly and saf ely . EitherSci. Incontinente, reten tion of orino, o N5 brick. dunt orropy deposita, and dull draggin C I O pains, all speedily yleld to it curativo power 2 P BOIiD BY AT.T, DBUCJOISTS. Prioo 1." A ell-kaow.clergymaut Rev. N. Cook, of Trempeléan, Wis., says: 4tI find Wort a ture cure for kidney and liver troubles.' j IS A SURE CURE I m for all disensos of the Kidneys and I 1 1 1 has Bpecino action on thia most important L J organ, enabltng it to throw off torpidity and % inaction, Btimulating the healthy secretion of f 3 the BUe, and by kecping the bowels in freo C 1 condition, cffoctinc its regular discharge. f ¦i 9LLi olovï'k you are nu Sering from f á Iwl Cl I Cl I I Cl ¦ malaria, have the chiU, I J are bilious, dyspeptic, orconstipated, ILidneyL Wort wlll surely relieve and qiiickly euro. k 1 In the Spring to cleanae the System, e very F j ono should take a thorough course of it. tl SQLD BY DRUCCISTS. Prtc6t. 'Last year I went to Europe," says Henry Ward, late Col. 69th Reg., N. G. B. N. Y., now living at 173 W. Slde Ave., J. C. Hlghts, N. J., "only to return wofsefroinchionlc llvercomplaint. Kidney-Wort, as a last reaort, has glven me better health than I've heretofore enjoyed for manv., many years.'1 He'b cured no'wand consequently happy. c FOR THE PERMANENT CURE OfL COKSTIPATION. r No othor dlaewe 1 prevatent in thl O „tr7" Conatiption, ond no temed; has evr qmiUed tilo oelebrated Badney-Wort u a ? t ouro. Whteverthooaue,howeTerohUDate O the cs. thi remodywlU overeóme it Z „ PILES Tma dtatriMBing L ¦ IEO1 Plaint U Tery apt to bo oomplloatedwithconiüpatton. Kldney -Wort J M Btrengthen the weakened parto and quickly L e cure all kinds of Pilos evon when physioiaa m and medicines have before fniled. % cyif you have either of these tronbles % qp-Rjc-g $"n use rj!.r,ugggt' s i ' 1 will recoinineud H everywhere," writes Jas. B. Moyer, Carrlage Mannfacturer.Myerstown, Pa., " because lt "- Wort- "cured my piles " sTHE CREAT CURF , i iSïr""1""""""1"""" ífíK!tíJifc: L KIDMEY8.LIVER AND BOWELS. ' o It olean.e. the .yatem of the aorid poison (0 that eau, tl dreadful sufferine which fe eniy th. victims of BheumaünfcaS rJaïï? ï 5 of a. THOU8AND8 OF CASES j S hL?tWOnlt,formi of rrible disease . o havo boen quiokly relieved, and in short time PERFECTLY CURED. e ' Dry eaa be snt br mail 2 MwX8.BICHABD80ya Co.. Burlington vt. A 'A mj p ¦ %fy Va 1 .% - 'Mr. Walter Cross, my customur, wus pros"trated with rheumatism lor two years; trled, in vain, all remedies; Kidney-Wort alone cured Mm. I have trled lt myself , and know that lt is good."- Portion of a letter from J L. Wlllett, Drugglst, Fllnt, Mlch.


Ann Arbor Courier
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