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I THE DINGEE & CONARD COS BEAUTIFUIi KVKU HI.OUlttLNd ROSES 79" 10." 100 " ll:' POStPdtoaUpoiaU 111 P pilfl" n Handmne PRESENT of VUr Illlr hoiiPim.lvnluaWrKO-.HS ¦¦ "IlLt free wlth evry order, and are theonly concern makinir a HPECIAÏ, Ilnníiiru of Rase. Over O l.nrge lliiwrr lloucatUoue. Our Nrw;iil(lt't a complete Tritt t ¦- ott the Hoír, 70pp, elefanlly lltutratedsait F" t EL C. THE DINCEE A, CONARD CO. RoseGrowera, WestGrove,CheaccrC.P 1128-1144 GET YOÜR PROPERTY IXSL'KKI) BY C. H. MXX.X.S2T, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. Tue oldest agency in the city. Establishfd quarter ol a ceutnry ngn. Representii.g the lollowing flrst-claSB companiep: Home Ineurance Co., of N. Y $ 7,0V()00 Continental Insnram e Co.,of X. Y _.. 4,2117 a Niágara Insurauce Co., of N. Y 1.785 S6S 'ïirard Ineurance Co., of Phila 1 ,132,48 Oriënt lnnuraiici! Co., of Hartlord 1.419.JM! Commercial Union, of London 12,0UU,U00 Z3T Kates Low. Loases liberally adjusted auil promptly pald. SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseascs, Sores, I r Ij!, 1 t ¦ n ia , r.lnl t h.M . IUii;'Hi)riu, Tumors, Car blindes, lioilg, und Eruptions of (h skin, í the direct result of au impura state of tb blood. To cure these diseases the blood mnet bn jurifled, aud restored to a health) and natural conditiou. Ayer's Sa iisAi-AitiLLA has for OTer furty years been recognized by eminent medica, authorities as the most powerful blood purifler in existeuee. It frees the sjstem fvoiu ail foul humi i i-s, i-nriohi's aud streugtheus tlie blood, rcmovea all traces of mercurial trcatmeiit, and proves Itself a complete master of al] scrofulous dise.isc. A Kecent Cure of Scrofulous ttnres " Somo months ago I mu troubled with crofulous sores (ulcere) on my legs. The linilw wera badly swollen and inflAinod. and thc sores ilLs charged large quantitles of otTeusIve mntter. Every remedy I tried failed, nntil I Uíed A yf.k's S a usa r a ki i.i, a , of which I have now taken thre bottles, with the reeult that the sores are healed. nd my general health greatly iniproved. I feei very grateful for the good youf nieaiciue has done me. Yours respectfiílly, Ms8. Avx ü'Bhlax," 148 Sullivau St., N'ew York, June L'4, 1S2. tST' AU perRons Intorprted an Invlteri to rail on Mrs. O'Brian ; alio upon the Hvv. Y . P. Wilds of 78 Kast ." Itli Strpvt, w York City, whowill take pleanurr lu l.-tif luir to the iMiiuInful enicacy of Ayer) Surnaparllla, notonly in the rure of thls IkiI.t. nt In his own case and many others wjthin MU knowledge. The wcll-known rcriteron the Jloslmt Utmié, B. W. Ball, of üociester. A'. .,¦ rit es, ,lm.e T, Ut3: M Having suffored severely for Fome veart with. Eczema, and having failel to flnd relief from other reme4tie, I have made use, during the past three months. of Ayek's SaiisaI', which bas eíl'ectetl a rompUte cure. I consiuer it a uuigiúncent remidy lor all blood disease?." Ayer's Sarsaparilla stimulates and regnlate the actfon of the dijestive and ssimilative organs, renaws nud strensthens the vital forces, nnil peeilily curt-n nheumatiain. Neuralgia, Rheoinatir Goot. Catarrh, General Debility, and .".II diseasrs flrising from an impoverished or corrupteJ condition of the blood, and a weakoned vitality. It is incomparably thc cheapest blood medicine, Mi account of itsconcentratedftrength.audgreal power over disease. TREPARED TV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. lold by all DruggU; price $1, ix bottle for fi.


Ann Arbor Courier
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