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Qatarrh_Qure Ís Recommended by Physlclansl :¦? 1 0O REWARDlfiggj We manufactura and ellitwlthaooiitlir guáranteO that It will curo anv case, and wowill forfei the atoeinSun, ii-ituifsin single Instance. Itia unhkO any otdw Catarrh remedy u ft' taken internally, actine uríAn tho blood. if ycm SVouul"?, tíiitrossing disease.ask. your Druist for it ilá ACCEPT NO IM1TATI0 OE I5ÜBSTITCTE If S bas not got it, send to us and wo will fornM Immsdiatoly. Priee, 75 CPnts per bou', i F. J. CHEWEY & CG., Toledo. Ohia H32-U88 For tale by Eberbach 4 Son NEjy PHOTÖGRAPHIC ESTABISHJIE1 Cor. Williams St. and Madison Ave.- Opposlte East Graud Circus Park. Rednogd Rat to ClnT ot 10 or OTer. 18S3. AL WA YiS 1883, FIRST THE HARKET! We are now offering Something New nearly every day in SPRING STYLES! The fashionable public will bear in mind we are the only House between Detroit and Chicago who employ men to make pants. Winans & Stafford. Mrchant Tailors, No. 19 S.Main St. P.S.---FULLandSEMIDRESS Suits a specialty. (iKT TUK BK8T Fire Insurance ¦5 -curlty held for the iirotection of thw poli ; holilersi CHRISTIAN MACK llepresents the foiluwlM? f:r t-cUss compaii-,of whicá onc, th 2;-ia, lias alone paid íóo.'OOO.üOO fire loeses in bixty jears: JCetn, of HartforJ % 7, (000 Frunklln, Phllde!phl S.3?,0OO M Qrnin American N. T 2.8MHM) M LondoD A8Urance Corporation I5,8X",0OO Oí .¦fatlonal, Hartford 1,200,000 MI North Germán, IlaubnrK 2.UOD.O0O Phoonlx, Brooklyn 2.8VO.O0O Ünderwrlten Agenoy, N. T 4,600,001 S Lobsbs liberally adjustíd and promptly pai. Poliches iasutd at the lowrat ratea of premian). 73-115 CHRISTIAX HACK. T !NSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GK0CEET AD FLOUR & FEED STORE. w keep eonetnt!r on hind. BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., rORWHOL.BSALB AND RSTALLTRAP. W( hall also kep a anppl; of wirr & dbubkis best wnKB wuíii FIX5UH, DELHI FLOUR, RTB FbOÜB BUCKWHEAT Fl-OÜR, COW UEAU FEKD, 4c, 4c Al whulaaale and ratalL A general stock of GUOCEKIES AI D PROVISIO eonatxntly on hand, whlch will be iold on u re;" able terms aa at any otber bouae In the cttrCash puní for Butter, Eíg, ana Uounirr Prodo" (eneraily. WQoods dellrered to anr part of th cltr ont extra chañe. TT. RIWSBT SABOLT Ferdon Lumber Yard JARIFS TOLBEKT, f'rp.Minafactarer and Dealer la SAGINAW 6AIG-SAWED LU1BEB, Lath and Shingles. W lnTite all to gire na a oll. an: w"1 ""' atock before purchaalng elaewhar ALUO AQ' NT TOB JACKSON SEWER PIPE f And sells f!re brick. JAMES TOLUKRT, PR!' ¦ .J. KBBCH, Supt. fob. II-'" R! 1(1 Real Estáte Agency of J.Q. A.SESSIONS Dwelllngs Sold or KeutedMr. ïeaslena ha done n jMmItk B8""!J bualneaa Im thla clty for fourteei " „JTupelielo la tho followiug oíd nd relluíle Y aurnitee eompanles. Phcentx Ina, Co. Hartf.M Coan., Am 1 CWiferala Inituruace 'o., aaaeu '" Maaafaetur r'a Insurnnce o , ííoatro Wt& iveM '' Rates low as any ollier Insiiranee Co. VT LAeM llberallr adjnated und f'aMt. omee oa Hwrun Stret, eppoelte Uie urt j Asa A#tr. Meb UH


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