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A CARD TWENTV-5ÍINE YE ARS. I coiiiincnccd tlic Blercantile i i - Twcnty-nine lears ago, and fccling that a chance i nccessary for mj Iiealth I ball retire liom retail lotliing Business, mi or about .1 nl lst, 1883. ín lome respect it i witu reluclance that I gooutof active business but I have decided after 1-m-íTn.l} thinking the matter over that it is the thing for me lo do. Tlif way I shall proceed is as follawi : ilrst, to givc my friends nnd patrons who have stood by me for so many years (during in stay in Ann A rito r,) a beneflt ly muking a great rcductlon on my entire stock, by telling for Ilie next sixty days at rctail. Then I will be ready lo receive propositions from anyonc for balaucc of stock, store room nnd good will of the concern. 11} stock consist of a large and wcll sclcctcd line of readymade Clolhiiig, Ilats, Caps, and Gents Furnishing Ooods, etc. Tcrms of sale will bc cash on iii siims of twenty dollars and undcr. All amounlsover twenly dollars, six inonths time will bc givcn on approvcd notes, I hope cspecially all iny old eiisiomcrs will avail thcmselve of this opporl unit) to buy goods chcap. Sale to commeuce April I8th, 18S3. J. T. JACOBS, the Clothier, 27 & 29 s. Main Si., Ann Arbor. Farmers, Mechanica nttend tlie great 3ost pale of Clothlog, Hats and Cips at Sheetiau & Co., every day tliis spring. Our spring stock of Clothiiifr, Hats and Caps must bü sold at cost. Come caily for bargalns, Sheeliun & Co. Every Uring at cost at Sheehan & Co. Found- A. pocket hook witli moncy ín it. Apply at the CotTRlEB ollice. G-rand Opera House! ONE NICHT ONLY. THÜRSDAY, APRIL 26, 1833. Miss Jeffreys-Lewis ! Supported by J. N. GOTTHOLD and a Strong ompan) , tn LA BELLE RUSSE, (THe Beautlful Russian.) This magnifleent Coinpany give the benefit performance to 0. A. SHA W, Mauager of ttie Detroit Opera House, Weduesday, April 35lht and appeur here the next uight. STRONC COMPANY! BEAITTIFUL PLAY! AlltiiNMO.N, 35, .".O, AND 75 CENTS. Roscrved Seats at Bllss ác Son'H. STRAYED ! A STEEL GRAY ROAD HOESE, Five years old, with a, white pot in foretiead and wart over right eye. He was last seen goiug north from Dexter, ou Pinckney road, Frlday eveulng April 13th. A sultable reward will be patd íor Information of his whereabouts, or his return to DR. BREAKEY, Aun Arbor. förTsali A TRACTOF106.448 ACRES Of Long Leafed Yellow Plne Timber Land, lying in the STATE OF ALABAMA, Forty miles from Mobile, throogh which the Mobile & Ohio R. R. runs, and the Escatawpa river, and two large reeks flow. listimated yteld of Merchantable Lamber, 1,061,000,000 feet. Tltle perfect. For terms, Address J. I. ADAIB, Ec:a: 35 :ai 36, 79 Ees:'s::s Sttett, CEICA30, ILLS. iplNETlCJVJEDICINij." K7fBR A!N &NERVE FOOtóB A cnre Ganranteed in all Cae For niil and V oiiiii;. Male and Feninl MAQNSI10 MEDICINE; i Br! aai Nsrro Tool; Unfaillag and Positivo Cure. Tone np the debiütated ByRiem, arresta all involuntary dischart;eB,remove mental gloora and deepondf ncy. and reB'oies wotderful power to the weakened orgünfl t& With p:ich order tor twelvtf packftee. accompanied with five dollars, we will Bend our Guárante to refiind the moD'.y il the tretitment does not effect a Pure. Ie is the Cheapest and Best Medicine iu the market. Fnll pa'ticulare In Pamphlet, which we mail free to any address. Sold hy all Drnegists, one packase 50 ceiit?; Six for $2.50, or sent hy mail on rrreirt of prlce, hy nddressins the HAÖÜETIC HEDICUIÍ CO.. Deiroit. Mieh Gaaranteea isnued iu Aun Arbor hy C. E. HOLMES, Cook Uotel Block. 1185-86 MOTH PROOF RED CEDAR CHESTS Furs, Woolen Goods, Flannels, Etc., stored in these chests, are never molested by MOTHS, ROACHES or ottaer INSECTS. Senrt for circular with Prlces, also one of our Illnstrated Catalogues and list of tried recipes gratis. COULSON & MOREHOUS, 115 Woolward Ave., Detroit. Weareselllnu a NOVELTY CL0THE3 WBINOK, warranted lirst-class at 4.OO. Expres prepaid, 3U ets. extra. llaO iMli"Uipi RlTcr Stwm Hleroior.) MarkTwaiiisJStóff IAIES.,dOETlEXB=r.-A!,.,. HASH PRIZES "1 I-"I CcamlssiOBi tm. K. I. ¦. TÏLEH &. CO., 56 (uncir St. West, Uelroit. 1138-1141


Ann Arbor Courier
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