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¦ mnjliMM HHI'WI r"" $io ïieward b oflfered for any ca.e of Cataré .Üití cnnt bach & Sou. 111,0.1e Waad peoplc ..ever writa lotjw to placw their State. When tlity want anything they " holler. Itohiug PUes-Symptoms and Cure. The symptoms are moisture likc persplitíoS; intense itching, in- by Kcratching, veiy distressing, partioul.iriy SWMM as if pln-worms were cawnngin and about the rectum; the private parts are on.etimes aff cted . . K Sllowedto continue senous resu lts ,may füllow. "Swayne's Olntmentf i a pleasanl sure cure Also for tetter, itc . sa It rkeum, scald heacl, erysipelas, biibers S, all soaly. erusty skin dUeases. Sent by mail for 50 cents ; J boxes for $1.25, (in stamps). Address Dr. Swavne & Son, PlilUdelphiu, l'a. Sold by Druggists. Daughters, Wives, and Mothers. We emphatically guaranteeDr. Marchisi'g Catholicon a Female Kemedy, to cure Feraale D8easos,such as Ovarían troubles, Inflammation and ulceration, Falling and Displacements or bearing down teel ing, Irregularities, Barrenness, Changeof J,ile, Leuconhoea, besides rnany weaknesses snriDKing from the above, like Headache, IJloatingVSpinul vveakness, Sleeplessiiess, Nervouf debility, Palpitation of the heart, pte No cure, No Pay. For sale by clrugglsts Prices $1.00 and $1,50 per Bottle. Send to Dr. J. B. Ma.chisi, Utica. N. 1 ., for pamphlet, free. Forsule by Eberbach & Son, Druggists. ___ Bncklen's Árnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Bhentn, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clillblains, Ooms, and all Skin Eruptious. and positively cures piles. It is guaranteed to ffive perfect satisfactian or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach & Soa. 1106-1159. Positlve Cure for Piles. To tbo people of this County we would say we have been x'wen the Agency of Dr. ilarclilsl'sltalian Pile Ointin ent- eniphatIcally guaranteed to Cure or money refunded- Inturual, Esternal, Blind, Bleeding or Itchlng Piles. Price 50c. a box. No eme, No pay. For sale by Eberbach & Sou, Druguists. KILL THE WOODCHUCKS t The town8hlp of Ann Arbor at the last township meeting voted ft tax of flfty dollars to bo called "The Woodchuck Fund " Ihe object belnir to extermínate the pest In the township. Theclerkwas instructed by vote lo pay 10 cents each for woodchuck scalps. The chucks must be killed lu the towusblp. Uring In the scalps boys and getyour money. 1 he Rcalps must be drled before belng presented. L. DAVI8, Township Clerk. Ann Arbor, April 20, 1883. PATENTS Obtained, and all ottaer baBiness in the U. S. Patent OiHce attended to for MODBRA1 E FEES. Our office is oppoeite the U. S. Patent Offlci, and we can obtain Patent in leeB time than thote re mote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL or DKAWING. We advise a? to paientability free of ch'irgc; and we make NO CHARUE UNLESS WE UBTAIN PATENT. We refer here, to the Postmaiter, the Suut. of Money OrdS Div., and to officials of the U. S. Patent Office. For circular, advice, terms. and relerencea to actual cliënt1 in yonr own State or connty, address C. A. WOW & CO., 1119 tl Opposite PatentOfflce, Washington, D.C. To the people of Washtenaw Co. It roi nu more to bc bu) than to si t down and bc idlc. Wc are nol gofng out of business, we are nol going to leave town, wc are not gofng to it down and do notliing nor will we allow our customer to buy oïd shop waru factcd goods vlicn we can glve them nice new spring styles in Clothing, IIat Sc, Caps, poitively at cost. Wc must bc bu-y. Look at our cost advcrtisement. CABINE! GREAMERY, i;'=a!-'L'"""rTfTí Iirst Premtnin lïiirSSSLÊ&ÈIÊhïS0&SÈ&' oís „Vlu-nitmii mui Kuti %-í wik F:iirK, 1882! 3 ' IvA17t kM11 '' tW Fcr conveniciicr mV'" ' ' 'y lií' bandürt'-, r. iiii ¦-¦' the u ,.'¦ ¦¦!¦ i "'i m unie !:'y :i. 1 th-rii- ;.' ¦"; r;j."5S Ot.bly, í:iu! C;.K-('t 'cliKdiiilií-, xctt,;TwjM, 8end vVi] for circuits i- - sl Datry Impleir.ent Go., j m B,-OH llllls, Vt. 1130-1142 g HAS BEEN PROVED c The 8UREST CURE for ï KIDNEY DESEASES. L Ioea a Isme baok or disordered urine Indi cata thAt you are a victün P THEN DO NOT "ö C HESITATE; nso Kldney-Wort at onoe, 5 8 gist recommexul it) and it will speedily r m oom tho diseaso and restore hoaltliy action. o C aIiaa Por complainta peculiar fcflUICÖi to your bqx, 8nch as pain J and woaknoeses, Wort Is unsurpasued K m it will aot promptly and safely. EithorSex. Incontinenco.rotention of urínO, o +j brlckdustorropy deposita, and dull dragging C O pains, all spoedily yield to ita curativo power 5 SOLD BT AT.T. DRTTGGISTS. Prioe Í1. 'My friends, E. C. Legard, this city, used to be drawn doublé from palatal K idney Disease. KidneyWort cured Aim.1'- Jas. M, Kinney. Druggist, AUegtiany City, Pa.. Aug 22-2. F IS A SURE CURE ! i for all diseases of the Kidneys and I j It haa Bpeciñc action on tbis most important L J oran, enabling it to Uirow off torpidity and k 1 inaction, nHrmilaMng tho healthy BCCrotion of f 1 the Bile, and by keoping tho bowela in free t 1 oondition, effecting ita regular discharge. f 2 RJIoloviCk If you are suiTering from f I IYIOIEiril maliria, have the chilla, ft l are bilioua, dyspepüe, or constipated, C i Wort will suroly relieve and quickly cure. Í 1 In the Spring to oleanso the System, overy F H one should take a thorough course ol' it. r 8OLrRUCOlSTSrlcetU "I'vegalned20 1bs. iu two montlis," wiites Mr. J. C. Power, of Trenton, 111., ( Dec. 2-8-2)," aud am a well man. I'd suffered wlth liver disorders slnce 1862. Kldney. Wort curedme." Slrong words frora a New York clergyman : "I vntesitaUngly recommend Kldney-Wort. It greatly benefltted me," says Bev. C. E. Kemble, of Mothawk, N. Y. cFOR THE PERMANENT CURE OF i COIVJST1PATION. I P J? "S1" (Uea"e ' Prevalent in this ffl try as Oonsüpaüon, and no remedv hoa ,m equaUed the oelebrated KldnïyTwort a. Í ? toure. Whatever the oause, however obstinate n B the case this romedy will overeóme it. ü PILES. ,&S5rs -ê I foompUoatedwitacon.tipaUon. Sdney-Wort J t, strengthen the weakoned parta and oulnklv m O cure, all kinds of Piles evenga phyícii t and medicine have before failcd. a - WIT yon have either of these tronblea L "''Jf J"-r"8s'8t Se "For 12years," wrltes I.ymau T. Abell, of Georgia Vt., "I found no relief from pllcs, ud111 I trled Kldney-Wort. 11 has cured me." 5JHE GREAT CURtW E KIDNEY8.LIVER AND BTeLS I Sí tw aa'M ths By"m of tho acrid ooi.on S 'I had liabitual omUtwum, paui in ihe back and rlieumatlsm," wrltes S J Scott Burlington, Vt ., Kldney-Wort has cured them all."