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MRs. CHIPMAN SMITH, Has taken a store opposite Keck's Fuiniture store, where ladies can be supplied with Millinery Ooods. 1138-1141 A GENTS WANTED ! JA. To solieit orders for hardy grown Nursery Stock ia Michigan. Ourspecialtiea are cholee ornamental stock. To good men we can give Bteady employmeut and good salaries, with expenses piüd. Apply for terms. li. Ii. MAY A CO.. 1137-1140 Nurserymen.St. Paul, Minn. Xj. SUTEB, BOILER MAKER j Has opened a shop for Etoii's and umim soms, Of every description, Stationary, Portable. Threshlnu Machine Boilers.andovery variely of work Icqowu to tho titule. Estímate furuislied for New Boilers on short notlce. Shop Cor. M t IX & CATHAKOIF. Stlt., Opposite Coukikb office. 1137-1162 nrjr TDCCT RIRI Fï !v" FrnlsHel Aentv Lnu.X Lu I Dl DL.C.O -JUMMIluitratlon! B.lh trml.n. New TU.1 A (Ï-F.WTS WAXTEB 1080-1 140 THE PÜREST AND BEST Remcdy Ever Made.- It ís C'oiupouiidrd fïoni Hops, Malt, Bueku, M;mdrake and Dandelioti. The oldest, bost, most renowned and valuable medicine in the world, and in addition it contains all the best and mot-t efl'ective curative proporties of all other remedies, being the great liver regulator, blood pnrilier, and lire and liealth restoring arent on earth. It gives new Ufe and vigor to the ared and iiifirm. To clergymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all wbom sedentiiry employments cause irregularities of Uie Blood, Stomaoh, Bowels, or Kidneys, or who require an appetizer, tonic, and mild Btimulant, it is invaluable, being higtdy ourdtive, tonic and stimuJating, vvitiuHit being intoxicatiug. No matter what your feelings or symiptoms are, or wh;it the disease or aihneiit ia, use Hop Bitters. Dou't wait until you are sick, butifyou only feel bad or mberable use the bitters at once. It may -save your life. HundreOg have been saved by so doing, at a moderate cost. Ask yonr druggist or physician. Do not suffer yourself or let your f riends suffer, but use and urge them to use Hop Bitters. If you have lameness in the loins. with frequent pains and aehw; numbness f the thigh ; scanty, painful and frequent discharges of urine, tilled with pus, and which will turn red by standing; a voracious appetite and unqueuchable thirst ; liarsh and dry skin ; clainmy tongue, often darkly furred; swollen and intlamed gums; dropical swellinj; of the limos; frequent attacks of hiccough ; inability to void the urine, and great fatigue in attempting it you are suftering trom some fonn of Kidney or Urinary Complaint, such as Brioht's Disease of the kidneys, itone or intlammation of the bladder, gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, stranguary stricture and retention of the urine, and Hop Bitters is the only remedy that will permanently cure yon. Remember Hop Bitters is novile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the puiestand best medicine ever made, and no person. or family should be without it. Don't risk any of the highly laiulcdf stuff with testimoniáis of great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physicians wlmt Hop Bitters has and can do for you and test it.