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rpOLEDO, ANN AKBOK . T. K. E. Columbus Time. Through timo table in effect Januiry 27th, 188. GOING NoRTH. GOINQ BOUTH s s ï T" S L ê ¦ L o. STATIONS. - o. a M H M H h w a a S10PM 8 35AH T Toledo Ar 9 3SAMI5 4UPM 0 18 " 8 40 ' Manhattan Jet 9 32 " 6 83 ' 0 25" 8 47" li AlexIlJunc 9 23 " it Í3 7 0i-' 9 29" MonroeJot 8 41" 4 51" 7(6" 8 40 " Dundee 8 32 ' 4 43 ' 7 16 " U " AiaUla 8 20 ' 4 27 ' 7 40 " ID 08 " Mllan 8 06 ' 4 10 " 7 59 " 10 19 " Urania 7 62 " S 57 " 8 05 " 10 25 ¦ PlttsBol 7 42 " 8 47 " 8 20 " 10 85 " ArAnn Vro 7 30 " 3 3' 120" 12 S2PM Jackson M. C. 5 2 i " 9 50AM 1 07AM 2 15 ¦ Battle Creek 3 4 ¦ 7 68 " 11 56 " 2 66 " Kalomazoo 2 60 " 7 10 " 7 314 60j" Grand Rápida 10 40rM 6 20 " 6 00 " 10 35AM LvAnn Arbor Ar 3 35pm 7 23" 11 20" Araouth liyon hv 5 00" 12 02PM Howell DJjN 2 18" 120" I.ansinc ICO" 3 01 ' Ionla 1U5AM 5 04' lOdmore _ 9 10" 6 40 ' lil(t llaplds 7 2!l ". 4 45" Howard Ulty 9 25" 4 15A.M Petusiey o a i 105" 7 00" MackinawOlty 9 50PM Connectlons .- At Toledo withratlroadadiverglng; at Aleils with Canada Southern, 1. S. & il. 8., and 1'. i l'. M Wj'b; at Manhuttoo June, wlth WhealIng & l.ako Eiie H. II.; at Monroe Jot. with L. ö. & M. fci ; at Hundee wltü L 8. & M. 8.; at Milan with 'W St.L. & P.K'y; at Pittsücld wlthL. 8. & M. 8 ; at Ann Arbor with MlohJftan Cen R'y; at South Ljon with Detroit, l.nnMnií Northern R'y. H W. A8UL.Ey, Sup't. W. II. Bevkktt. Oen'l Pnss. Aeent. TTTORT WATNK & JAOKSON R. R. Detroit and Indianapolis Une. By Michigan Central Baílroad from Ann A rbor to Jackson. Traína leavo Ann Arbor as follow: Indlanapoll Kxpreas 8 40 a m Ft VVayne Accoinoüatlon 5 22 p m C'lnclnntt Expresa 11 17 p m All traína leare by Chicago time. Prooure tickets at Ann Arbor or Jackson. M. t) WOODKOKI). Oen'l Bup't. Üitkoiï,"m ackïnaTT &"jíÁTíQUKirrií iirkT" January, 15, 1883. Pioneer East and West Lino Through the Upper Península of Michigan. 240 Miles Shortor between all enstern and norlhwestcrn points vla letroit, nd 311 Miles Shorter vl Port Huron to Montreal and all pointa In Canada, etc. KA8T. aTA'flONS Wlif. 9 15 A. M. L Marquette A. 4 80 V M. 10 41 " Onota g 18 " 11 20 " Aa Trln j 45 " 12 10 P. M Muniiing 2 00 " 2 20 " Seney 12 15 " 3 00 " McMUlan II 15 A. M. 3 30 " DoUarrllle 10 50 3 65 " Nowberry 10 50 " 7 OC " A St. Ignace L 7 30 " VIA M. C, K. K. 7 10A.M BayCity 9 45 p. m. 8 57 " Lapeer Jnnct... 7 21 " 10 15 " PortHuron 4 15 7 68 " SaglnawClty.... 8 30 ¦ 10 25 " Lanslng 5 35 1145 " Jaekson 415 1125 " Detroit 5 CO " VIA G. E. 4 I. K. E. 1 09 P. M Grand Kaplds... 6 li " 2 67 " i Kalamwjo 2 25 " Oonnections are made ut 8T. IGNA3E tftth: The Mlohigan Central rallroad fr Detroit and all polrits In Michigan and in tbe east. soutla and southeast. Traína leve Macklnic City t :30 a m and 9:30 p. m. The Grand Kapida 4 Indiana R. R. fr Grand Hapids, Fort Wayne and the south aad est. I.,eaYIng Mackinac City ut 9:50 p. m. (Jonnectlons made at MARQUETTE wlth The Marquetto, Houghton &Ontonagon railroad for the Iron ana Copper dlstrlets. Through tickets on sais at Marquette and St. Ignceand at all polnts In the Northern Península. Also tickets to European ports by all principal linea at GeH'l Pass, s ger. t's office For Information as to passenger and frelghtrates apply to office of General Frelght and Passenger Agant TralDS dally except Sundaj. D. Mo'OOL, ÍRANK MILLIOAK, Gen'l Bup't. Oen'l Frt. APais. Ag't, Marquette, Mich. Marquette, Mlch. ÁTICUIGAN CHNTHAX. RAILROAd! ' Time Table, Nov. 12, 18S2. OOIKO WK8T. STATIONS. _. J S lë! _ v Ira ?a ?a Ss S A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M. P. II. P. U 4. M. Setroit.. L.T 7 00 9 85 6 55 4 05 8 00 9 50 4 OU G. T. Juno... 7 15 9 65 6 10 4 20 8 15 10 10 4 15 WjnJunc. 7 55 10 24 6 42 4 46 8 45' 10 40 4 44 Vpstlantl.... 8 23 10 48 7 05 6 04 9ÜS11I1Í 5 16 AnnArbor.. 8 45 1100 7 24 6 22 9 95 11 i; 5 in DextOT 9 08 ... 7 48 6 39 9 44 .... 6 36 Chelsea 9 25 . .. . 8 05 5 ii 10 00 . 5 60 Oras I,k. . 9 50 8 32 6 12 10 30 .... 6 13 M A. M. Jackson June 10 10 8 55 8 38 Jackíon 10 20 12 15 a 6 55 11 05 IJ 45 7 02 Albion 11 04 12 60 -' p 7 4Í 11 56 122 7 42 Mfirrball .... 11 60 1 30 á 5 8 08 12 20 1 43 8 C6 P.M. Uattle Creek. 12 19 1 65 8 41 IJ 47 2 02 8 32 A.M. Galenburg. . IJ 63 .... i M. 9 16 1 17 . 900 Kalamnzoo.. 113 2 30 4 60 9 36 135 2 45 9 18 Lawton 162 6 25 .... 3 13 9 5u Decamr. ... 2 07 6 42 .... 2 33 ....1006 Powaglae... 3 2Si 6 07 2 67 ... 10 27 Nile 2 55 4 04 6 50 3 27 4 15 10 52 Buchanan. . 3 08... . 702 342 u 05 ThreeOaks.. 3 38 7 27 .... 4 12 ... 1132 NewBuffalo. 3 63 4 52 7 40 4 35 1145 Mlch. City.... 4 23 6 18 8 08 ... 5 03 5 28 ]. H. jake 6 13 6 02 8 64 5 51 6 18 105 jPenslngton. . 6 10 6 60 9 45 6 40 7 10 2 00 Jhlcaeo..Ar 6 50 7 40 0 35 7 80 8 10 J 60 QOIXQBAST. STATIONS, j k . B !,!! sí . I . a ?Z Z ?Ë I 5 g A M. l M. P. M f. il, I PM. P.M. ChiOJgo...l,7 6 45 900 3 40 .... 5 15 9 10 3 30 Íen9lngton . 7 35 9 60 4 30 6 00 10 00 4 2u Lake 8 17 10 27 6 13 .... (i 51 10 40l Mlch. City... y 0J 11 13 6 00 ... 7 3S 11 33 ." 3ü New BuffHlo. 927U33 6 25 U6j ThreeOuks. . 9 42 6 40 Buchanan... 10 30 P. M. 7 0(1 12 a Nilei 10 25 12 18 7 37 .... 9 00 12 45 i 27 )oiraglac... 1153 8 0'j 1 lï eoatur 1118 8 33 137 Lawton 1136 8 53 148 P.M A.M Kalamnzoo.. 12 12 138 9 30 6 50 10 25 2 3 7 Ualesburrf... 12 33 .... O g 7 08 Uattle Creek 103 2 15 jg 7 38 1109 3 20 8 1 laraball ... 150 3 00 gg 8 0ÜU33 3 4ti IJ] Jibión 2 13 321 ? 8 il 11 Í.5 4 12 A.M. A.M ackson...Lv 3 05 4 05 7 05 9 30 12 40 5 00 9 28 irassLake.. 3 32 . . 7 28 9 5. ... 5 25 Chelsea 3 53 .... 7 50 10 07 ... 5 50 Ueiter 4 15 . s 03 10 la .... o 03 AnnArbor.. 4 37 5 07 8 25:0 31 2 0.: 25 10 2b i Ypsilanti.... 465 5 2:. 8 43 10 4? 2 20 6411041 WajnoJunc. 6 20 5 45 9 Os II OS 2 44 7 0.. ( G, T. June.. 6 Ou 6 15 9 46 1135 3 '.'O TíJIl I Detroit 6 15 6 30 10 00 1150 3 35 8 üll 11 4 Sunday excepted. TjaatiTdaTA HÜndïy ¦ tUally. exceptcd. O. W. KUOGLE8, H B. LKDVAItll Ö. i". & T. A.. Chican: Qm. A'up'i, Dtlroit c W. h'.H. Boylan&Co, PAINÏERS and Dealera in Frenen, American & Plate Glass. Sign Writing, Paper Hanging, Decorating, Frescoing, etc. W. TREMAÍN GENERAL Insurance Agency omci flvcr Casper Rinsey's Groeery Store, : COB. HPRON AND FOURTH ST, North British Insurance Comp' (OL London and Edinburg) Capital 18,000,000, Gold. Detroit Fire and Marine Ins. r. ' Cih AsseU 600,000 Springfleld Ins. Comp'y of Mas.. b C8hAMU.... f 1,800,03a ï, Uoward Ins. Co., of New Vork, p Cash Asuela.... 1,000,000. jj Igricultural Insnrance Comp'.v WATEBTOWN, . . NEW YOBK, CashAsieta ...taoaooo